


55 лет назад

324 Просмотров







Hello everyone, we are sisters Hua Fitness Square Dance Group.

👉Welcome to subscribe❤️:https://is.gd/OmKExS

I will share different kinds of fitness square dances here every day to you who also love dance, covering aerobic fitness, fat loss plasticity, fat burning, detoxification and beauty, improving shoulders and necks, saying goodbye to sub-health, and improving immunity. More fitness square dance lovers can appreciate and learn their favorite dance! Both exercise and feel good. Thank you for your attention.

Functional advantages
The purpose of aerobics exercise is to increase lung capacity, promote the oxygen metabolism of red blood cells in the body, and comprehensively improve the physical endurance of the trainer, while reducing body fat content.
The advantage is that it can exercise the heart and lungs, so that the cardiovascular system can more effectively and quickly transmit oxygen to every part of the body. Aerobics is more interesting than other sports. The movements are simple, easy to learn, and the rhythm of the music is clear. It has a strong pleasurable body and mind and enhances the effectiveness of physical health. It allows you to burn your fat happily in a fairly relaxed state.
The movements are simple and easy to learn, and can exercise the neck, shoulders, waist, abdomen, legs and other parts, so it is deeply loved by the public.

At the beginning, you should take steps to move around so that your body and lower limbs have enough time to adapt. Don't do it too long at first, take 10 minutes.
Beginners should take two or three times a week, every other day. Then you can increase the number of times until you feel the right amount.

Thank you for your love to us, and we will try our best to share more high-quality aerobics for you!See you tomorrow!


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