A Positive Covid Test & Media Training Day  Season 15, Episode 7 Recap  #DCCMakingTheTeam | CMT

A Positive Covid Test & Media Training Day Season 15, Episode 7 Recap #DCCMakingTheTeam | CMT

CMT's Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders

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@annaconigliaro2907 - 04.05.2021 04:45

Brennan's persistent is amazing! Even though she got cut she is a role model to me.

@taraterella7303 - 08.05.2021 05:08

how do you cheer so good

@annmiller8777 - 19.05.2021 16:15

Gotta love people who spread the covid n not care for the others

@awill3992 - 23.05.2021 22:45

I don't think there was a positive test results. They've made so many desperate attempts to make this season dramatic and this just seems like another attempt.

@anna-cw9mo - 26.05.2021 07:42

im sorry if im being rude but if she using covid 19 as an excuse then leave and not tryout. like i get that covid affected her body, but if she knew she wouldn't do very well then dont tryout. i wouldn't want to put that much on me.

@maritvermeulen2121 - 03.06.2021 15:16

What’s the différence between the Girls with pink and Blue tops?

@matthewf5668 - 27.06.2021 15:56

They gave Brennan an easy out.... they said they would hold her spot for the following year. I wish she had taken it.

@sethbender2863 - 28.06.2021 06:07

Brennan just isn’t good. Of course she took the covid route

@noviceprice2731 - 05.07.2021 00:33

I feel for her I contacted SARS I LOST 3/4 of my lungs, so I only have a quarter of my lungs that work, I understand how she feels. I am now disabled.

@siarogers5725 - 16.07.2021 14:39

I felt Brennen was just trying to exaggerate the Covid thing as an excuse.
The way she was not ready to accept she is getting outdanced was just so awkward

@mrsamaziin - 30.07.2021 19:24

That Covid story was her way out . I don't think that was her plan . Lol.

@amandagrace7300 - 25.08.2021 03:02

How could they have a positive test if they literally haven’t been around anybody but those people? They’ve obviously been continuously tested the whole time they were there. Just a little confusing

@lorrainebuzbee2073 - 13.09.2021 20:21

Me wanting to try out but I have a thigh tattoo that obviously can’t be covered by the dang uniform ahhhhhhhhh

@aldckisses1396 - 12.11.2021 00:43

When they had one rookie go with a lot of vet i felt that the rookies were awesome this season

@rightyrightable - 25.11.2021 22:08

How does the internet work? What????

@sjp6341 - 30.11.2021 10:15

The test is absolutely meaningless and CDC dumps it 12/31/21.

@hughes613 - 23.12.2021 23:18

Cassie handled that like a champ. Talk about humility

@ana.medina - 08.03.2022 05:09

i loved hannah and it’s so shady that they cut her bc she wasn’t pleased with how they were handling covid protocols and didn’t feel safe, glad she’s happier on her new team and still performing

@fanfam - 22.03.2022 17:44

As a men.

@katel7309 - 16.04.2022 02:24

you can get covid without getting a temp, some people have mild symptoms

@the_key_x - 27.04.2022 01:01

What I’ve noticed a lot in these call-ins into the office is that a lot of girls give excuses as to why they were not on form but then as soon as the judges point out that the excuse they gave is endangering them from proceeding, the girls say “no, (said excuse) is not an issue.” ??

@nailslacquer - 14.05.2022 01:38

I've seen Judy nodding out several times in these newer clips. Either her makeup is too thick and dark for her small eyes or she is heavily medicated. I've heard the producers place her on that small chair. Perhaps it's to keep her awake? There's no reason not to get her a chair unless there's a hidden reason they don't give her a chair lol.

@svc6253 - 16.05.2022 11:43

Who out there is mentally ill that cheered for the Dallas Cowboys during the 70s? What is her name

@paradisedreaming6363 - 26.05.2022 21:52

How can they not know who it is that tested positive? They are the coaches, the leaders of the squad, who are all co-mingling all over the place….

@kkdoc7864 - 13.06.2022 01:59

I hope we don’t have to see a trans trying out for a woman’s position in the DCC organization.

@Skatejock21 - 14.06.2022 04:19

I feel like Kellie was generous and saying they can pause her position and wait for next year. I feel like if I was in her position and I was offered a second chance like that. I would probably take it. If they dont take away the opportunity and they understand its a health problem that was a pandemic.

@vaskylark - 16.08.2022 05:39

I can't watch whole thing, so what time stamp is COVID result at?

@deana268 - 01.09.2022 20:32

I had covid twice and never had a temp.

@HippyMiMi - 03.09.2022 22:31

So who was it that got the virus?

@Doublemg12 - 17.11.2022 19:21

I had Covid-19 2 years ago.
Didn't have a fever. Highest my temp got was 99.1.
Was positive for 4 days before I found out that I had it

@suzannebenz8928 - 04.12.2022 00:13

I became Covid Positive, felt so sick, extremely fatigued for days and NEVER had a fever!

@penelope144 - 19.12.2022 12:55

Does the young woman on the far left in the background life-size poster have a horizontal tummy scar? I’m not dissing her but they are so picky about how they look, it’s hard to imagine a scarred belly could “make the team”.

@loisisaacson2040 - 12.01.2023 23:54

Just love Kelly and Judy. They are sooo professional 😊

@maybaby13x - 27.01.2023 00:12

Brennan should’ve taken the lifeline at this point because her whole body needs to recover

@kellyanderson7624 - 06.03.2023 23:13

Very FEW people with Covid have fevers. Most people don't.

@dianneperry2903 - 02.06.2023 06:05

Who had COVID?

@kawikajones9436 - 06.09.2023 10:46

Too funny that you see Kelli at the end of this video wearing a face diaper that has zero ability to even slow down a virus. This mask was made to prevent bacterial infections. This has zero protection against a virus which is a micro element.

@chloebrown9205 - 12.10.2023 14:01

Wow Brennana didn't even actually shed a tear she knew she was about to be cut and gave the biggest sob story to make sure she didn't get cut LOL

@kris-tkris-t3271 - 23.05.2024 18:15

So glad we don’t have to see Brinnen, Lillie, and Meredith. Betcha ur kicking urself now for not taking that offered break!!!!! Dumb move, but it wouldn’t have helped.

@Sarah61348 - 12.06.2024 01:17

The face muzels, so disappointed in everyone.

@KristineElizabethKraycer - 12.07.2024 04:04

Ok so who had the positive covid test? Did they say?

@GorgieClarissa - 15.07.2024 22:30

kat's reaction to ''how's the internet work'' - I LOVE HER!

@julielynn86 - 19.07.2024 17:49

I love how Kelli and Judy care for their girls. I love that. ❤

@pamelaleonard-drhorton-exp1276 - 22.08.2024 06:18

I think Brennan used Covid for sympathy, and they DID show empathy. So when they offered her an out , she should have taken it. And they warned her that she was being out danced. When she was cut , her true attitude came out, and that was so disappointing to see her react like she did. Now she has burnt that bridge by her sour attitude 😢

@rckkeller9437 - 12.09.2024 18:30

Brennan is absolutely beautiful and one of my favorites this entire time…

@jessybrown3008 - 29.11.2024 01:09

What is it with Judy and the stools ?? In the old office I got it more bc it was small but like it’s been 15 seasons now.. get this woman a chair 😂

@Eddie-hn5hp - 06.01.2025 12:34

They treated covid as a absolute joke!!! Luckily all of them didn't get it!!! Oh yeah this so called essential job ...
