How we can cultivate intentional compliments | Jake Carnes | TEDxUGA

How we can cultivate intentional compliments | Jake Carnes | TEDxUGA

TEDx Talks

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@janesan2562 - 23.09.2018 18:39

can you translate

@DavidGelmanE - 07.04.2019 02:56

I disagree. Try using this "Measured compliment" method when you get married. You will see.

@kylecb - 17.09.2019 02:07

I'm trying to get better at complimenting...this is great! Err...*tries to be specific*...I loved the real world examples and conversational tone!

@xximmortal_wolfxx1330 - 14.10.2019 05:02

I’m inschool

@Kingarthurjohn - 17.02.2020 05:18

Is he really tall or just skinny?

@frankelleynunez - 14.03.2020 19:36

There is true power in complementing intentionally, some of us don’t do it because we believe the other person doesn’t “deserve” it at times, but what we fail to realize is that we give in to the negative energy and something so simple as a compliment or acknowledgement of something someone values/ speaks about, can switch the tone of the conversation, and change the nature of the environment we experience.

@mrhunterf2869 - 29.05.2020 00:43

This is literally the best TED talk I've ever heard in my life it is absolutely perfect.

@Flash4ML - 10.01.2021 03:56

Every once in a while this guy gives off strong Vsauce vibes, like every couple sentences there’s a little flash of Vsauce lol

@EmilyGloeggler7984 - 01.06.2021 00:14

One CAN however refuse an unwarranted and untrue compliment, even if it was given with appreciation, sincerity, thanks, or kindness. In such a case, in the spirit of honesty, humility, love, and kindness - one can gently and kindly correct them. That is not due to low-self-esteem. If
they learn their error, that will be the betterment of both. If they don't, then its unfortunately on them. Confidence is overrated, but
honesty and humility to accept constructive correction is infinitely better.

@86penfold - 13.10.2021 12:17

Often times 🙄

@realexony - 30.11.2021 06:09

Love it!

@lalle8926 - 11.02.2022 03:51

Comment #23 from 23 year old Jack Parsons

@tiktalix3820 - 16.04.2022 09:29

This talk is superb!

@billmcculley9502 - 03.06.2022 19:43

Great presentation 👏 👌

@givergiver8640 - 27.06.2022 23:10

I really appreciate this person talk and speech

@Pajama_Plants - 29.06.2022 16:50

Over the past year I have found myself with more and more friendships then I ever had before, these relationships are not as I thought because many people thought I was mean to begin with. I am going to put some of that on being autistic, I didn’t realize how I was being perceived. But now, I want to change and say what I am thinking. I want to vocalize how my friends that know me and keep me going make me feel. I just need to tell the truth with intention. Thanks for the Ted talk, I will use this information in my daily life.

@orange-one - 21.09.2022 05:24

one of the most informative Ted talk i've seen I am sure to implement this in my life

@Waffle4K - 08.07.2023 09:55

I'm glad how you explain something that isn't really talked about. Unlike many people who just compliment to get something out of someone, you really emphasize on how to spread positivity and genuinely reinforce good behaviours/traits of wonderful people. Thank you for the inspiring tedtalk.

@sniitzel - 17.08.2023 16:18

I often look at my boyfriend and I'm so happy that I often vocalize how beautiful I think he is. It's never a lie, always honest and always only when the thought comes to mind, but I probably overcomplimented him, because he said I should tone it down a bit

@ЛогиноваСветлана-н3р - 16.09.2023 12:47

Going to use it with my students.

@OceanPierce-Shimomura - 25.09.2023 22:32

I like my life it is have fun with my friends also lots of people are thank you for sharing information to me.
Icon only imagine my dream.

@fireclaw7369 - 26.10.2023 08:56

one thing that recently happened that my manager told me as an employee ive had alot of people that said im so diligent your so fast your a good employee but this time my manager told i was a very CONSISTENT worker not that i was the best but because when i came in she expects the same efficiency and effectiveness as the day before and after that some good employees lose after working at a place for a while and that stuck with me for a while now and i try and make sure that everyday is even as good or better then the last day i worked

@sapholjirattiticharoen5839 - 16.02.2024 05:33

intentional compliment

honest phase, do on purpose
thoughtful precise compliment
why they is awsome
why they inspire

what compliment stick with you

meaningful internalize

@tamtrinh174 - 20.05.2024 16:35

yes, we cultivated compliments, and now it's everywhere, and it's freaking annoying

@Niggiesquadron - 09.07.2024 05:11

I wonder if Troy Hawke watched this
