Karma? Thats hardly karma... spanish president wont even apologize to this day
ОтветитьIt should be mentioned that it it wasn't just the Spanish, but the indigenous tribes that hated the Aztecs that toppled the empire. Important thing to include
ОтветитьJust discovered your channel lol so fucking good! If you had of been a high school teacher the kids would’ve remembered a thing or two about history!
ОтветитьQuechua is the second official language of Peru.
ОтветитьThere’s something deeply funny about the Olmecs being called the “first fancy civilization” 😂idk why. They were definitely fancy. It just makes me laugh nonetheless.
ОтветитьThe three empires have shaped Latin America in some way.
ОтветитьBut the music is AoM not AoE2..
ОтветитьThe age of mythology background music takes me way back
ОтветитьBeing Aztec and Native American this is very informative. I didn't get to learn about my Dad's culture but since I look Azteca it always made me curious to know who my dad was. thank you!
ОтветитьThe background music is from the game age of mythology .. brings back nostalgia
ОтветитьWhat’s the debate? The aztecs were sacrificing counquered kingdoms. I think the Spanish were in the right!
ОтветитьAztecs took all the light because Mexico is more popular than other countries, and incas are way different.
ОтветитьChrist is king ✝️☦️
Ответить"Sacrificed says what?"
``What? Oh—nO WAI-``
ОтветитьDel Las Casas was right❤
ОтветитьIslam: we are a religion of peace
Christianity: yeah right, no. We are the religion of peace
Christianity in the new world:
The Mayans did Trade with the Phoenicians around 1100BC -700BC , the Mayan Pyrimids were built around 1000bc the 1st Mayan Major Cities were created around 750BC ( a normal phoenician practice when they reach new land , create an outpost, build a port in favorable already port like area, mostly similar to their own coast, another example you can find in ancient ports in Australia utterly similar to Tyre for example , they then welcome everyone there and since they are mostly or all men they usually intermarriage with local women and their offsprings will rule the new land ,except for very few , the royalty who would only marry phoenician women , who accompany them and rule the outpsot) However for the Mayans , around 700BC they were treated by the arrival of the King of Tyre with his armada , they looked scary however those bearded men were very friendly ! ofcourse they knew some of them from before, heck they are relatives! the King of Tyre escaped the city and didnt get help from anyone in the old world, so he had to go to a far forgotten place and ended up going to the Mayans!
700BC , Mayans started to write! check their alphabat ppl! see the similarities???
The C for example = looks like a mouth and teeth , its Sin in phoenician meaning tooth
THE T = its circle with kinda Cross= in phoenician its circler with a Cross the Tet = T
Their God Changed around that time!!
KNOWLEDGE in astronomy and the calendar ....
Chaahk Mool the red on (Mayan Diety)
Moloch = before used to be named Chack Molock (Phoenician Diety)
Teotihuacan mostly def. looked influenced by thePhoenicians ... So yes a Trade city for sure
ОтветитьHayes Junctions
ОтветитьThe Mexicans and the Aztec were the same people. The Mexica was divided from the Aztec. The mexica was the one let the Spanish in the Aztec did not accept the espain they went to war against the Spain
ОтветитьMy great grandmother just passed away at the age of 93
Her first language was Mayan and she taught my grandmother and her siblings the Language. From Yucatán Mexico
Crazy how he mentioned the invasion of the Spanish and religion as my grandmother is a believer but knows about the Mayan religion & its gods
Darion Corners
ОтветитьNative Americans (i.e. North American Indians).
I find it interesting that modern Americans of European descent somehow believe those of native Indian descent have some inherent ancestral right to what we call the northern and southern American continents.
Europeans did not land in the Garden of Eden amid rainbows and butterflies, with the native Indians all dancing among the flowers and singing some prior-day equivalent of Kum ba yah.
Before European colonization, these areas were inhabited by thousands of differing, and extremely savage, warring tribes, with unceasingly fluctuating tribal borders. Many of these tribes pillaged, raped, and conquered each other regularly. Tribal genocide was rampant, and many native groups actively employed cannibalism, torture, and human sacrifice, while further believing these actions to be acceptable practices.
They were also locked into a Stone and Copper Age level of technology, with no written languages, or even a common tongue. From a historical and archeological perspective, they demonstrated no signs of progressing beyond this (in large part due to their constant warfare, and elimination of any males of a conquered tribe).
For the most part, these natives lived in hunter-gatherer societies with a day-to-day subsistence mindset. They held little if any thought to long-term survival and were more than satisfied to abide by what they believed to be the whims of their totems and animal gods. In essence, they were savages existing behind a thin veneer of pseudo-civility. They lived by the code of “strength makes right”, and little more.
Now, with this stated, I would submit to you that Europeans therefore had just as much right to these lands as any other contesting, warlike, or conquering tribe.
The winners indeed write history, however, it is also true that any more advanced culture and technology will always surpass weaker cultures that refuse to adopt and proliferate newer advanced methodologies.
So, no, the Indians as we knew them, had zero inherent or ancestral rights to these lands, and in point of fact, were merely remnants of a plethora of failed cultures, that for whatever reason, refused to adapt, adopt, and progress.
In summary, Europeans did nothing wrong. We deserve to be here. Period.
FUN FACT - These 3 Empires were taken from the Spanish Empire but they only came back for more.
ОтветитьGOOD STUFF, merci.
ОтветитьVery interesting information that I wanted to show my kids in class until the mentioning of an inappropriate word (d*&k). Seriously?
Ответитьwanted to use this in class, but can't because of the language-can you clean it up?
ОтветитьLove the video! Just want to say Incans absolutely had wheels (they had toys with wheels and pottery wheels)!
ОтветитьAll three were cool civilisations but damn, living in Mayan or Aztec lands back then would have been scary. Human sacrifice like they did it Is grisly and definitely deserves the infamy and disgust it gets tbh.
ОтветитьWhen it comes to ancient writings I agree, don't burn them.
The Kinsey experiments can get burned.
I actually wonder if the Mayong ppl in india may be related to the mayans.
Mayong is the black magic captial of India.
The word maya means illusion to them.
So what's the story of the American Native Indians. How did the many tribes come to be. And how long where they in the States? When is the birth of them?
ОтветитьThe moment he said new world I clicked do not recommend.
ОтветитьHot take but despite it being a shame that these cultures were lost, unfortunately that's just the circle of civilisation and that's how it's been for all of human history.
At least we can cherish the rich cultures of the current new world that arised from the mixes of these different cultures
There is isn't much of a point in talking about this topic if you can only give it 10 minutes tbh
Ответитьfinally a video that actually explains how they lived instead of just “yeah they sacrificed humans and then the spaniards came and killed them”
Ответитьog age of mythology music on bg cant help but vibe to it
ОтветитьThe loud and proud bigotry on display in some of these comments is repulsive. Though the mental gymnastics required to be a colonialism apologist is almost impressive.
ОтветитьNot the part where he swears-
ОтветитьThe Aztecs were in the US before heading to Mexico. They had quite a thriving empire before ruthless Cortez slaughtered them. History does repeat itself. Just wish they would be honest about it.
Ответитьmy history teacher made us watch this in class 😭😭
Ответитьlol wiped them out? murrieta had that blood and he wiped out a lot of nasty pioneers that killed his family...the aztec blood runs through so many mexicans veins...only idiots think theyre gone just like dummies who think the mayans are extinct....nope! theyre still there too
Ответитьits not mex-ca its mesh- ica....
ОтветитьYou talk too fast. Take breaks between words and sentences.