Toby is so handsome. I love lifestock guardians. My girl is a gp/hound mix. One time I was laying next to her and she went on guard full alert. I have never seen such majestic power these animals Have Nothing was going to move her unless she wanted to be moved.
ОтветитьGreat Video ❤
ОтветитьThe dog seems to be nearly identical to the Pyrenees I have ...... best guardian dog, best friend to humans and worst nightmare for Wolves, coyotes and such. They are kind, caring, loyal and loving .... mostly ... but, if his areas is breached ... there is another side to Guardian Dogs .... regardless of which of the five breeds doing this job at a high level. Great video. GBjj
ОтветитьToby is a gorgeous Livestock Guardian Dog!! Luv the Great Pyrenees!! So tactical yet loving!
ОтветитьIt's so cute watching Pablo and Toby but Toby should have CAT food dude. Come on man you can't seriously think dogfood is good for him. He eats it because he doesn't want to starve but get him some cat food. Give me your address and I'll send you some from CHEWY
ОтветитьPumpkin is good for dogs definitely not spiced like for pie just plain.
ОтветитьGREAT video!!!
GREAT Toby dog!!
I have a "Dollar" and a "Dime".
God bless 'em...
Thank you for sharing your farm, Toby, Pablo and all your quackers. Beautiful farm!!!
ОтветитьWeeeezing theeeee juuuooice
ОтветитьI watched one random farm guard dog video now I am binging lol.
ОтветитьI loved it!
ОтветитьThank you so much. I really enjoyed this video.
Ответитьwhat twat that ownd goldshaw farm
ОтветитьThis is so cute im melting ❤
ОтветитьI just want to give toby a hug he is so good at his job ❤❤❤
ОтветитьWhat a beautiful dog.
ОтветитьLove watching Toby! Should he get more variety for chow? Like meat, veggies, etc ?
ОтветитьPumpkin is sooo healthy for keeping internal parasites N chk +++ I add Black Walnut hulls 4 heartworm deterrent 🎉
Ответить that an actual clip from that Hamilton play?
Im really late on this video, but I Loved it, and Im happy to see you're still posting new videos so you have a happy new subscriber 🥰❤️
I hope Toby and Pablo are both still happy and doing great! ❤
Gotta love all the Smashing Pumpkins references🎃🎸🎵
ОтветитьCould you give Toby more space to roam ?
Ответитьgood poopster.
ОтветитьI LOVED this video. Toby is totally gorgeous!
ОтветитьWhy don’t you have 2 dogs? Is companionship a deterrent to their attentiveness to danger?
ОтветитьMy mom had two great pair of nieces, and when my son was two or three, CJ would let him ride on his back. They’re so laid-back but they’re so lovable.
ОтветитьToby+Pablo.what a combo!
ОтветитьHe's alone guarding😢😢😢..hope you get even 1 additional guardian dog...
Ответитьtoby day" hoi i am a floofy boi" toby night" leave or ill tear you to shreads"
ОтветитьHe reminds me of my Great Pyrenees, lovely dogs and excellent guardians and ppl dogs.
I think Toby needs another guardian dog as back up!! Dogs are by nature pack animals, and it's a very lonely dog that is a solitary dog....
ОтветитьYour footage looks great. What type camera do you use? Also Toby and Pablo eating and playing together was so cute!
ОтветитьI love Pyrenees. More dog videos!!
ОтветитьAnyone know why the ducks/chickens have to go inside at night, but the geese can stay out?
Also, I love how DUTY BOUND the doggo is at night-time. He's amazing.
we enjoyed Toby's life very much, thank you
Ответитьyep, my dog needed a cat also, lol!. Is this a thing?? Armenian GAMPR, and a calico kitten
ОтветитьI actually did sneak up on my 145lb dog today. She didnt like it very much, but I think she was a bit embarrassed, Dogs have emotions.
ОтветитьToulouse geese? Lookin good!
Ответитьis he a kuvasz?
ОтветитьI have one. Perfect description.
ОтветитьThis really fascinates me and I don't know why!!!! I love to watch these huge, brave, smart dogs in action❤
ОтветитьYour dog doesn’t eat cheap junk dog food. You should feed holistic raw food. Commercial cheap dog is designed dog to be sick and old quickly. Please search HOLISTIC RAW DOG FOOD RECIPES or you can purchase it.
ОтветитьThis fascinating! Beautiful Dog. He definitely knows what he’s doing! I’m a city girl now. 75 years old now near my kids.But this rests my heart. Thank you.😊
ОтветитьWould you be able to get a GoPro and on Toby
ОтветитьI had never even heard of a Maremma until this video. Always assumed my Great Pyrenees was just a runt of the litter. Apparently i have a Maremma Sheepdog.
We're not on a farm, but he is great at "guarding" against delivery drivers. 😆
I love your dog he is so big and white now I am going to buy that type of breed that is the coolest dog in the world in the name of Jesus Christ we pray amen❤
ОтветитьI owned Maremma's to protect my sheep, goats and chickens and even the barn cats. Great dogs but very protective. Ben ended up killing a ground hog and after I buried it he dug it up and killed it again.😂
I no longer have my farm and miss is with all my heart. Your farm looks similar to my farm also and it brings tears too my eyes because it was the most peaceful and contented ive ever felt.😢
I have a deaf Great Pyr rescue named Toby whom I love with all my heart!
This was so awesome to see and so insightful!!! Thanks