Republican Health Care Bill Appears To Be Dead | All In | MSNBC

Republican Health Care Bill Appears To Be Dead | All In | MSNBC


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@highseasbanditry - 18.07.2017 05:12

It sure would be hard for Senators to sell the idea that they are throwing away the Medicaid expansion that gives comprehensive healthcare coverage to millions in exchange for opioid funding that provides help for a single healthcare problem for maybe a few hundred thousand. How does that make any sense at all?

@unitedwestand5205 - 18.07.2017 05:16

another Trump failure.

@destinyboard - 18.07.2017 05:22

Aw...foiled again. Better start preparing for Trumpcare 4.0, GOP.Then free your calendars for 5.0 and 6.0 as 4.0 is set to fail.

@johnjordan4310 - 18.07.2017 05:34

trump does not care he never came out of the white house to fight it because of all of his lies. trump care sucks anyway

@3xUNDISPUTED - 18.07.2017 05:37

McCain recovering in bed probably happy AF it didn't come down to him. 😂

@deekay2494 - 18.07.2017 05:48

The Republican healthcare bill is dead, along with with chances for Trump Jr and Jared Kushner to escape jail. Everything seems to be dying except for Obamacare.

Even the Predident's approval rating has flatlined at 36%

@darthplagueisthewise331 - 18.07.2017 05:49

$100 says Trump supporters will blame the democrats for the failure of this bill. They'll cry "conspiracy!!!" even though their lives were literally saved by this GOP bill failing.

Any takers?

@patrickmartin890 - 18.07.2017 05:53

Keep a eye on your senator. Trump will try to buy their vote to screw over Americans.

@TheSuzberry - 18.07.2017 06:02

The impetus is led by the governors conference where governors from all over the country expressed concern about this bill. Congress doesn't have to balance a budget but the states do. Trumpcare will strain or break many state budgets.

@dustindodds4827 - 18.07.2017 06:29

isn't healthcare for profit a conservative idea already?

@juniorharry5066 - 18.07.2017 06:34

R.I.P. TRUMPCARE 3.0. Lmao.
Another epic,colossus failure by Trumpy and the g.o.p. Lmao.
Trumpcare 4.0 ?. Lmao.

@islanddreams4805 - 18.07.2017 07:04

thank god the evil repubs have lost again. win for the people even for the trump supporters.

@frumargo - 18.07.2017 07:05

Tired of winning yet?

@noneofyourbeeswax01 - 18.07.2017 07:15

You know the Republicans won't even put the bill to a vote if they don't think they have the votes to carry it. Now you watch "The Great Deal-Maker" blame the Democrats, the Republicans, the "Fake Media" and everyone but himself for the failure of the GoP to pass healthcare reform when controlling both Houses and having a (nominally) Republican president.

@zEropoint68 - 18.07.2017 07:22

it's because hillary sold billions of illegal senate votes to muslim emails.

- 18.07.2017 07:27

The very still real legitimate President Obama he is getting the last laugh AGAIN !! And he so dignified and humble he's not saying a word ..

@justamusta - 18.07.2017 07:33

Trumpson Treason.

@vsboy2577 - 18.07.2017 07:36

TRUMP will crush opposition

@ZAGGNUT1 - 18.07.2017 07:40


republicans, even with all their lies, cant even play their hand when they hold all the cards!

@Boxingbrothers1974 - 18.07.2017 07:46

The president should push a single payer insurance for all.

@MrEmeryHall - 18.07.2017 08:07

lol are you tired of "winning" yet trump fans?

@KesselRunner606 - 18.07.2017 08:21

All this Winning. it's too much.

@wawazuzzy2064 - 18.07.2017 08:24

tipping point

@jhowson3748 - 18.07.2017 08:32

Repeal Obamacare. Let red states return to post-ACA, kicking millions of their own off health insurance. Provide blue states with necessary federal grants that help finance their own, state-based, single-payer systems.

Blue states can have their social-democracy. Red states can have their social-Darwinism.

@PandaPowerable - 18.07.2017 09:47

Is there another nuclear option they can use?....maybe just need 45 votes or 40 instead of 50?

@Jatischar - 18.07.2017 10:52

Praise Be! Disaster averted for a time, again.

@aquietdarkness - 18.07.2017 12:22

so... zero legislations passed. still. glad i didn't miss anything exciting

@rosieposia1167 - 18.07.2017 12:27

Obama health care sucks.........$1100/month for single person????? WTF $4,000-6,000 a month for a family? i guess all these comments on this site are people on welfare, because if you own a small business just barely making ends meet your SCREWED IN AMERICA. LEARN THE FACTS PEOPLE

@rosieposia1167 - 18.07.2017 12:28

The only people that are winning are the health insurance companies they make big BUCKS PROFIT from Obama Care so they Can afford to give 13+ million illegal immigrants Health coverage

@mrblack8715 - 18.07.2017 13:27

This must be ALL the Winning he talked about.... I hate to see what failure looks like with winning like this..

@rebel3442 - 18.07.2017 14:10

If you take away the ACA and your 60yr old parents are priced out of health insurance, if they have a major health problem, many will choose to not go get help if they know that they are going to lose everything they worked for their whole lives, they would rather stay in their homes and just die. It could be equally as deviating if your parents are over 65 and are on Medicare and the provision in the ACA to close the doughnut hole in Medicare Plan D drug coverage disappears and they can no longer afford the prescription drugs that they depend on to stay alive. There is absolutely no ethical thought being put into the plan to Repeal & Replace. It is like putting the final death nail into The American Dream that people have worked for and invested in their entire lives.

@brianrapp2883 - 18.07.2017 16:36

1976. 28. JULY. BDAY. BRIAN. RAPP. JJ. MOON. 1734. OCEANFROUNT. DEL. MAR. GO. FOR. IT. SURF. KID. + 16. MARTA. HERSH. 2017. #1. NBC. BABE. KATY. TUR. SAYS. TRUMCARE. NOT. NECTER. MEAN. !!!!!!!!!! canyonlocalfilmscom.

@RashaanB310 - 18.07.2017 18:05

All of this winning. Mr. President it's too much. We can't take it.

@BatTech - 18.07.2017 19:14

Trump the deal maker!

@allardfreichmann3733 - 18.07.2017 20:04

Don't be sure until the work is done.

@Yves_Ka - 18.07.2017 20:07

The problem was they the GOP wanted it to become Republican Health Care instead of stating from day one (before the presidential campaign) that they want to achieve a bi-partisan result that would become American Health Care*. They wanted to *own it , they never will now - they can own their failure at the expense of the Americans people.

@vcoonrod - 18.07.2017 21:18

Cannot afford obamacare. Over a thousand a month. ☹️

@Michael-yl2iq - 19.07.2017 05:24

I am overjoyed that the GOP health care plan failed. It is just as bad as Obama's health care plan. They both deserve to be thrown in away.

@nightscriber8338 - 19.07.2017 07:59

Trumpers must be tierd of winning

@emiliomurillo20 - 19.07.2017 19:15

the big lunch the rump is doing with the senators right now will only say i have a couple of billion dollars to spread around, change the vote

@arasmith1 - 22.07.2017 16:23

did anyone else hear Chris Hayes say, "just blow me," there at the end?

@Unklebillybob - 02.08.2017 22:54

Remember the following Senate Republican who voted against the "Repeal
of Obamacare" 1) Lamar Alexander - Tenn, 2) Shelley Moore Capito -
WV, 3) Susan Collins - Maine, 4) Dean Heller - Nevada, 5) John
McCain - Az, 6) Lisa Murkowski - Alaska and 7) Rob Portman - Ohio.
Had it not been for these US Senators, we would all be able to get our
own Health Insurance without Govment Interference!
