GIMP is not a bad image editor. Not as good as Photoshop but its a very good free program.
ОтветитьMacBook Pros start at like $1300. Nowhere close to $3000. And yes, a $1300 MacBook Pro will do fine for Lightroom/Photoshop.
Ответитьfor the new ones that I would by they are over 3k.
Ответитьlightroom is bridge but all grown up...thats like comparing a go cart with a BMW.
ОтветитьYou can download all of Adobe's CS2 software for free right now on their website check it out!
ОтветитьNo you can't that was a it.
Ответитьya i spent $2500 on mine about a year and a half ago and that's with student discount!
ОтветитьAre you still shooting with nikon d3s or d4? The stuff Cannon is putting out these days is much better. 1dx is in a different league than d4! Would you consider jumping ship since there is a significant difference in performance?
Ответитьwhy would you say 1dx is batter?
ОтветитьI tried to send you a PM message but I would not let me do so. I need help with focus, I made a vid but I cant do a vid response. Can you help me please? Thanks
ОтветитьGreg, I want to thank you so much for choosing my photo (the infrared lake shot) as one of the top three. It was very exciting to see the email, scroll down and see my photo there. Then to see the your video with it included made my day. Your website is great, the forum is fun. I appreciate all that you teach. My learning never ends. Again thank you. Craig
ОтветитьLove the new intro
ОтветитьLast week I forgot to ask you what you think about DVD backup. Is it a solution as a secondary backup? I'm also thinking about using online services as a secondary backup, but the prices for now are way too high.
ОтветитьYour intro would be better if you were Air Guitaring the entire time! PLEASE DO IT
ОтветитьThis assignment sucks! My photo was not chosen :) Just kidding, I really loved taking participation in it and the chosen photos were really good, a lot to learn from them. Looking forward to new assignment, can you maybe put some your examples on the forum like last time?
Ответитьa 50mm is not the worst lens for have to be carefull with those statements, some might get confused...
ОтветитьI am downloading it as we speak. I will send you the link.
ОтветитьWell it wont' let me send you a message. But search for it and you will find the Adobe page complete with serial codes for all the CS2 software. For PC and MAC.
ОтветитьCongrats, nice photo !
ОтветитьHey Greg... I have to say I love that first image by Jon... hehe! Thanks heaps for choosing that one. It was taken in Western Australia, in fact right here is where I was standing looking East: -31.695633, 116.036785 (or -31° 41' 44.28", +116° 2' 12.43"). What pleases me is that I deliberately walked to this spot with this assignment in mind. Thanks again Greg! The other images were also fantastic - can't argue with your choices!
ОтветитьHey what you are using for your video ?? What camera sharp !! Nice informative info
ОтветитьNice shirt! Where can I get one made like that for my company? Great video, I'm enjoying the Monday videos
ОтветитьGreg, have you ever used Aperture 3? I'm thinkings about switching to Lightroom but I'm not really sure it's worth the upgrade since Aperture does pretty much everything I need right now! What would the advantages be?
ОтветитьIf you send me an email I can put you in touch with my supplier.
ОтветитьI haven't, but I suggest downloading the trial and see if you like it better.
ОтветитьNikon D3s, Nikkor 70-200 2.8 lens, Premiere 5 for editing.
ОтветитьNot the worst, but its still terrible. See my earlier video.
ОтветитьDude thats an awesome idea! TOTALLY going to do it!
ОтветитьI will add this question to next week's video, DVD takes way too long and isn't very efficient $money per GB.
ОтветитьYou can get Photoshop using a subscription now - $20 a month and it comes with Lightroom!
ОтветитьOr you can use GIMP for free - it's not as feature packed as Photoshop, but you can do a lot and work with layers for free.
ОтветитьI use and own both, 100% prefer the PC. Its faster, easier to use and Windows 7 has a much better UI/multitasking system for the user. I do know what I'm posting about...
ОтветитьWow typical fanboy stance. I've tried and use both, Windows is MUCH easier AND faster. Maybe you should read up on the article by Lifehacker comparing the two taskbars, Windows was the clear winner. Oh and workflow when working with Adobe programs is the exact same on both platforms, the applications are identical!
Ответитьfanboy tears are truly the best. Gotta love people that believe hype over facts. It is interesting that you note sports photographers, since about 90% of them are jpeg shooters that don't edit pics at all beyond cropping (even then, they don't bother doing that themselves). "Using any standard of comparison the PC. . is inferior both technically and user wise." This line is the funniest thing I've seen this year, thank you for that.
ОтветитьWhen people don't know how to use the dock on osX, Windows then looks to be easier. The problem is that a lot of windows users use osx the same way as they use windows. which of course, equals the experience. they won't see the difference in the power of drag and drop on osx which is vastly superior. I guess education is the only recourse.
ОтветитьLol, the guy needs to chill out, its a freaking computer for goodness sake. And yes MACs are way overpriced, same i7 CPU for double the price. I can build a Windows/Linux PC way cheaper.
ОтветитьGreg Air Guitaring ? can't wait to see that ! lol !
Ответитьhahaha how IGNORANT CAN YOU BE? If that is the case why does Adobe ship more copies of Photoshop for the pc than for the mac?
ОтветитьWhat do you reccommend for a beginner? I have a D5200 but only am using an ipad until I get a computer again down the road. Any good app recommendations? I have filterstorm pro but not sure it is the best option. Thanks! Love the videos. making this process much easier.
ОтветитьNeither is faster nor easier than the other. Speed depends on the specs of the computer itself plus the OS used. Easier? Well, that depends what you're more comfortable with and used to. You're both wrong.
Ответитьyou make it sound like it's a good deal. You're nuts.
ОтветитьHey this was posted on my birthday, but I found this video because it seems like I keep hearing that "Mac is the graphic design and photography standard." I am a heavy PC and Android user, I do believe you should have to may extra for the same hardware but different OS name "I can always run a virtual machine if that is the case" but I love PCs for the fact you can get all the best hardware for hundreds of dollar cheap but still I feel like there is peer pressure to get a Mac....=/
ОтветитьMac machines have a limit a PC dont and with the cost of the ultimate Mac mashine you can make a monster PC that will be capable to emulate a Mac in a Virtual machine xD
Ответитьwhy would you pay for photoshop torrents 4tw
Ответитьwhat you think off 17 Asus G75vw ds73 for photo editing
ОтветитьDoes your neck hurt while facing like that?
ОтветитьI clicked this video thinking you were Abraham from The Walking Dead