HO Scale Product Spotlight New Releases From Atlas Railroad Company

HO Scale Product Spotlight New Releases From Atlas Railroad Company

TSG Multimedia

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@mitchrozelle269 - 31.08.2018 19:53

Not for my layout. BUT WOW! Very nice set of cars and loco.

@nicklorusso1024 - 31.08.2018 20:08

Like you concrete layout

@dnhman - 31.08.2018 23:00

darn pricey

@chadmartin2170 - 01.09.2018 00:10

You are one savvy salesman! Atlas has never let me down. This product is a whole new level to pleasing their fans!(customers).

@dave3156 - 01.09.2018 01:16

What Mitch said--very nicely done. Surprised for the $$$ that it doesn't already have DCC installed. Nice job John!!!

@JoeG-firehousewhiskey - 01.09.2018 01:50

Those are some very nice cars, thanks for reviewing HO cars!

@nickbarman4145 - 01.09.2018 03:30

Great video!

@wolfgang548 - 02.09.2018 00:52

I live 1/2 a block away from one of New Jersey Transit's stations and see the multi-level cars everyday and ride on them frequently. I first saw them in 2008 and for 10 years in service they're so smooth it feels like they're gliding on air. They are very well built.

@sparky107107 - 02.09.2018 04:37

i really have to move closer to you. lol. and when I visit bring a knapsack full of snacks. when I leave the knapsack might still be full.. lol.
nice look at the new atlas cars. so nice with the doors open on a box car.
you sound so excited. love it.
transit set, that has to be a first, in any scale, great detail, lighting. dark shot.. that is something different.

@BlackWolfessUSCM - 02.09.2018 04:58

Oh I am so excited or these, I have a vendor at my local trian show who sells the premim stuff at half price, so my entire HO Scale colelction has been half the cost, but most of my collection is atlas masterline and their qulity blows even athearn genesis out of the water imo

@mgr_video_productions - 06.09.2018 08:33

Awesome video and rolling stock John! I'm enjoying these product spotlight videos.

@CodysTrainz - 18.01.2022 17:16

I think you should do a review of the Well-Cars by walthers, Kato, and Athearn, as well as containers by all 3.
