The Altered Tech Beast | Jonathan Cahn Shorts

The Altered Tech Beast | Jonathan Cahn Shorts

Jonathan Cahn Shorts

5 месяцев назад

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@PaulMcUmber - 21.09.2024 19:12

It's funny but not, that shena means altered as anti is altered (anti christ ) and the second beast causes a statue ( idol)to talk and makes everyone bow down to it or die , I have been shown the understanding yrs ago and I believe Johnathan has the Understanding most likely even before me to the Jew first and he is being subtle planting the seed for it to grow ! There is a lot to this message !!! End time things ! BLESSINGS and PRAISES to God (YHVH) YAHOVAH The Father creator of heaven and earth , BLESSINGS and PRAISES to the only begotten son of God YAHSHUA the MESSIAH ,our LORD AND KING the co CREATOR of things on EARTH ! ( THE HEAD OF DAYS AND SPIRITS) !!! GOD said let there be light and Christ was born and then his birthday gift was to create with his Father and the holy Spirit what is in heaven and on earth ! BLESSINGS and PRAISES to the HOLY SPIRIT for giving us the HOLY GIFTS Especially UNDERSTANDING of the TRUTH which is REVEALED in the end time ! Blessings to those who come to the understanding! SHALOM !
