Absolute Beginner's Guide to Panasonic Lumix FZ80/82 Camera: Intro

Absolute Beginner's Guide to Panasonic Lumix FZ80/82 Camera: Intro

Graham Houghton

2 года назад

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@hishamelbatawi3014 - 07.02.2023 13:56

Even though I own FZ300 but all your videos on other cameras are so helpful in making me a better photographer 🌹🌹🌹🌹

@Rabbitunderground - 07.02.2023 14:01

Must be hard to 'dumb down' your extensive knowledge for us. LOL I guess imagine you're talking to a 9-year old. :))

@PeterWendel - 07.02.2023 14:02

I just can't get such beautiful and sharp shots with my Lumix FZ 83. Very well explained! VG Peter

@killpop8255 - 07.02.2023 14:12

Can you recommend a superzoom bridge that can auto focus through glass? I have this camera and often even even if I've cleaned the glass it will somehow focus on the glass. I'm normally wanting to focus a long way through the glass like 20 to 500m away. Video with manual tracking. Is it the type of AF causing this or will this happen all the time whatever AF system?

@killpop8255 - 07.02.2023 15:26

I did look at 4K detail vs 1080 thinking about what you and other people do but with this camera the 4K seemed off in detail. Quite a lot worse than 1080.

@joshhedley - 07.02.2023 19:09

I recently bought the FZ80 for bird photography and this has been very helpful as a beginner photographer. Thanks!

@judgesteve6798 - 07.02.2023 21:10

As you know Graham I use the FZ300. Nonetheless I'll be following this series for general hints! Thanks for doing these!!! Steve

@OldIronVideo - 07.02.2023 23:21

Been using my fz80 sence July and I LOVE it your videos have helped a lot

@robhemsley9181 - 08.02.2023 02:52

Great video - I have only got into photography in the last 3-4 weeks but with my new fz300 I have been taking lots of good photos . I mostly take pictures of birds and having been through all your tutorials,bought your book ( highly recommended) I am already knowing a lot more than some of my birding friends who are not serious birding photographers. However for the fz300 I would love to see a video on how you can use the camera to best take pictures of birds - that would be a MUST WATCH ! for me ! I can’t tell you how much value I’ve got from your exceptional teaching - you really are good at it - best Rob

@tatish4k - 08.02.2023 19:07

hello, thanks for the review. im gonna purchase fz80. intenting to use for wildlife and zoom for amateur level, because i'd like watching birds and zoom. and also take adequate quality photos. hope it will be good enough, at least better than modern smartphones

@BobLee333 - 12.02.2023 03:01


@mariejohnston617 - 26.02.2023 23:59

Looking forward to the rest of this beginner series! The other videos on this camera were helpful but over my head. Looking forward to tips using the fully automatic mode before trying the Program mode. At times it won't focus close-up when iIam in IA or IA+.

@andrewlong9628 - 04.03.2023 11:23

Thanks graham, really looking forward to this series

@smbishop63 - 05.03.2023 23:19

Thank you for this new series. I have been through all of your other videos and have your e-book. However, there is always something new to learn. I realized that I did not have the correct SD card for 4K video. Have been doing a lot of timelapse photography with my DJI Pocket 2. I now want to spend more time with timelapse on the FZ80 and see if I can improve the quality.

@draltar - 13.03.2023 12:56

Thank you for this. I have an FZ83 and it's forcing me to actually start learning how to handle manual settings, since the constant grainy photos on auto-mode (to avoid) is driving me nuts :D

@Pelikan91 - 19.04.2023 23:46

more than Great video !!!!

@lindablakeman2413 - 17.07.2023 20:08

I'd like to get the eye cup that you mentioned. Can you give me any specific info that would keep me from getting one that won't fit my FZ80?

@cupcakestv1497 - 05.10.2023 15:37

Thank you so much for making this video. I am taking a photography course, and I have had so much difficulty trying to find the settings on this camera.

@starmatt3222 - 23.11.2023 23:19

Hey Graham! Im your new subbie here. Im gonna go thru your Lumix fz80 tutorials...this is awesome, you made it in details its parts and functions! 👍

@benben77777 - 29.01.2024 01:27

U quack too much dude

@JohnLambourn-y5y - 16.04.2024 13:09

On and on and on and said nothing...this guy is amusing himself.

@angelabarling3465 - 04.05.2024 15:41

Hello. I have watched the introductory video thank you but how do I access the other episodes please? Its all new to me.

@lisavv6006 - 05.10.2024 17:53

I have a 128gb memory card. What is this about risk losing all your pics? Does anyone know how to prevent this?

@meganrutherford7855 - 14.01.2025 06:34

I have been very lost with this camera - thank you so much - even this first video has helped with lots of questions!

@franciscopena4915 - 27.02.2025 03:46

Gracias por el vídeo. Compré esta cámara y el zoom se queda pegado con mucha frecuencia. No la recomiendo.

@maggiechawro1824 - 04.03.2025 17:28

Thank you Graham. I bought my Fz82d to use on a safari holiday. I’ve been feeling very overwhelmed and had a lot of poor practice sessions, but now I’m feeling more optimistic having found your beginner videos! Back to the drawing board and time to get more practice before our safari holiday 👍 thanks again
