Bogner Alchemist with tap tempo footswitch mod tone demo

Bogner Alchemist with tap tempo footswitch mod tone demo


12 лет назад

1,417 Просмотров

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@nylonsteel - 04.03.2013 12:35

Hi,How much work was involved in modding the amp for the tap tempo footswitch input ?

@nylonsteel - 24.06.2013 22:48

yes,have the amp ,was interested in getting the tap tempo on the footswitch itself.

@rockinfreakappotomus - 29.06.2013 06:29

Um...not sure what that other dude is talking about, but as you know you'll have to mod your amp to get footswitch tap tempo control. The mod is easy and only took about 30 - 45 min to do. I considered adding the switch itself to the existing footswitch, but in the end decided to just keep it separate. I think you'd have room in there if you really wanted . If you wanted you could probably even mod it to use a 5 pin cable like some mesas use & only have to run 1 cable from amp to footswitch.

@PaulJBaccash - 17.07.2013 18:35

Great mod! Did you or could you post a video showing how you did the tap tempo mod? That would be awesome!

@timothyjay2012 - 09.11.2017 07:53

Damn dude that amp sounds Awesome!!!!
