how to get rid of orange yellow hair - get rid of yellow hair in 5 minutes!

how to get rid of orange yellow hair - get rid of yellow hair in 5 minutes!

Hayat Karnib

3 года назад

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@Helenmaree11 - 08.07.2024 06:58

This is all shit

@МаринаЯнчева-ж3у - 09.07.2024 11:09

They literally changed the color filter of the camera...

@angelikaburkert569 - 11.07.2024 17:32


@ke11ey1 - 20.07.2024 22:25

Not a chance! They cut to an entirely different mannequin head with a towel on it

@kimberlyholguin2701 - 28.07.2024 10:44

So fake lol wish it was that simple! She used a filter you can tell on the mannequins “skin”

@cheery-hex - 29.07.2024 21:42

lol I absolutely love the starting color!

@Sharetheinfoin23 - 02.08.2024 22:57

I like the before 🎉

@JC-jb1mn - 03.08.2024 15:14

All you did was put on a "purple shampoo " but which product did you use "professional hair stylist?" Why do we over complicate things, I don't understanding 🤔

@LarryCordel - 05.08.2024 22:12

Their using blue or purple toner not shampoo no wonder its not working for yall!

@bebeysmael1. - 06.08.2024 02:11


@renwar71 - 11.08.2024 13:30

No no no this is fake ..that purple shampoo isn’t strong enough for this dramatic change in tone

@LuisStan01 - 14.08.2024 17:18

Liar... I have use it and its not working like that... 😅😅😅

@LLexieLux - 21.08.2024 21:42

I use this and it does work, but only if I put it on my hair when it’s dry and leave it on for 15-20 min. My hair goes from very yellow brassy to a nice ash blonde. And depending on what level blonde you are, the darker the blonde, the darker ash muted tone you will get. I then rinse my hair well and use a hair mask since these type of shampoo’s always tend to be very drying to you hair… It does absolutely nothing to my hair if I use it as a regular shampoo. This is my experience with this product.

@Nailupwithtee - 24.08.2024 00:13

Rubbish it does not work

@lana4life997 - 31.08.2024 23:49

the video has a filter on it, look at the person's skin color

@alicemazzucco2345 - 02.09.2024 03:18

So I fked up bad, iv been highlighting my hair since I was 13 never had issue, well till now, so my cousins did these ugly redish brown highlight in my hair over 7 too 8 months ago. Told her wanted blond but when u have someone who thinks that if they do it and don't say nothing it be ok, ya so not ok. So I tried to highlight my hair friday, like I always have done since I was 13 and it so did not turn put the way supposed to, it's brassy don't look blond at all more like brassy brownish orange something color. I just need to figure out how to get the brass and orange out PLEASE ANYONE, OR I have to dye it dark. I have brown hair with light highlights anyway. The last hairdresser I saw said that the lightness could be from having blond highlights that long or my hair cuz got thin really thin from falling out due to illness. But I can't go put like this. Please anyone, and if not how long do I wait if I do dye it dark color😊😊😊

@ylecaranoiloc9098 - 03.09.2024 00:57

My hair is that orange and doesn’t pick up dark blue shampoo

@FarieSag - 04.09.2024 14:34

I just want regular blonde not a ashy blonde look,

@weydahadou7288 - 04.09.2024 15:08

Das macht die haare auch lila

@jesseld.abordo518 - 06.09.2024 07:20


@Abstract-Art81 - 13.09.2024 18:04


@Pamela-q8s - 14.09.2024 11:01

In my orqnge bleqch dreams gaha

@ccthechamp9333 - 24.09.2024 22:56

Mannequin’s skin tone changed too apparently

@cath797 - 26.09.2024 22:49

You wish! I have lighter orange hair than that and have tried every single blue or purple shampoo & left it on for 20 + minutes, and none has stayed toned once rinced!!

@Nicole-rf5vs - 28.09.2024 16:07

Fanola for some reason is great for this unlike some other brands it just works have replaced toners many times with this and if it does not work the first time give it a day or 2 and do it again …. Needs to be this brand tho

@NicolaMole-x6o - 02.10.2024 20:29

It's fake hair,that's why

Ответить - 18.10.2024 01:40

The longer you leave toner on, the more toned it becomes. It takes time; at least 15-20 minutes is necessary to get this level of toning!

@konstantinapapaioannou4306 - 20.10.2024 12:01

You should have put some green in the formula not just purple.

@Tomcohencoudar - 22.10.2024 23:34

you shouldn't post fake things ... What's the point? People are going to try and be very disappointed. It's a waste of money, time, hair health and joy. Please be more mindful.

@well.826 - 02.11.2024 11:26

The mannequins have two different skin colors babe.. fake video

@HeartAndSoulENT21 - 04.11.2024 06:53

I have the exact same shampoo and it does not do that

@elvirawolfel22 - 17.11.2024 19:27

Also ich hatte schwarze Haare. Wurden blondiert. Dann waren sie gelb. Dann violett schampoo drauf. Super dann waren sie orange auf einmal. Dann blau schampoo drauf und keine Veränderung mehr. Immer noch orange gewesen. Was ist passiert???? Wurde dann wieder blondiert. Und wieder gelbstich. Diesmal kein violett oder blau benutzt. Mittelblond drauf aber immer noch gelb und leicht orange.

@GamzeHpkg - 17.11.2024 21:36

En voyant ça , je l’ai acheté , Ça n’a pas marché sur moi .. 🤡
Je vais mélanger bleu et violet sur différentes parties on verra bien …

@tatjanalutter6941 - 22.11.2024 02:30

Dafür hat die jetzt n grünstich

@juliefritz8636 - 25.11.2024 08:34

This was orange. Not yellow. This is amazing but that shampoo was purple. Not blue. So how did it cancel the orange ?

@gildasantos6151 - 03.12.2024 18:12

Como eu gostaria de descolorir o meu cabelo sem precisar usar descolorante

@jesantillanr - 08.12.2024 19:50

Pero si mis ojos lo están viendo

@yoselincarrillo9876 - 08.01.2025 18:32

But when the shampoo comes all off your hair ends the same as the beginning

@melani7033 - 10.01.2025 21:49

Fake video

@wendy8561 - 12.01.2025 02:55

This does not work on the orange hair

@juliefritz8636 - 12.01.2025 04:27

This is orange. You need the blue fanola shampoo. This is the wrong product. Snd i dont believe this at all

@JaninesChannel1 - 14.01.2025 00:23

tolles video sehr motivierend :) darf ich fragen wie der soundtrack im hintergrund heißt ? LG

@C_R_Rabbitry - 16.01.2025 16:44

Look at the tone change in the persons arm and the mannequins head. They went from summer to winter in a split second lol

@ladyyang8040 - 20.01.2025 16:01


@michellehopkins8863 - 04.02.2025 04:08

Where does the human hair come from?

@pkc3168 - 08.02.2025 01:40

Fake. Disliked and reported.

@naomihoover4265 - 09.02.2025 05:41

I like the color it was. Red is a very pretty color.

@robiness5344 - 24.02.2025 03:35

Purple shampoo did nothing for my brassy hair

@Doritbardola - 02.03.2025 19:11

It ruins your hair it’s got some kind of peroxide or something in it, I’ve been blonde most of my life.

@NewIphone-q5y - 06.03.2025 16:45

The first part of the video has a filter.. look how tanned the womans arms are and the hairdryer is also more vibrant. The 2nd part has a pale filter on 😂
