V Rising  - The Best Chaos Lifesteal Build for PVE

V Rising - The Best Chaos Lifesteal Build for PVE


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@seojun_g4310 - 26.05.2024 21:05

bro how to use mind control on draculin?

@TrójnogiPirat - 26.05.2024 21:08

Personally I'm using mix of illusion and chaos magic. For the main dmg spell I'm using Chaos Volley. It got nice single target dmg, so I relly like using it in boss fights. Second spell I'm using is Spectral Wolf with last bounce coming back to you and healing you. The heal is nice, increasing survability and overall it is nice spell vs group of enemy, but also nice healing source in boss fights. I'm also using Veil Of Illusion to stack phantasm faster along side the Spectral Wolf. As an ultimate I'm using Raging Tempest. The dmg of that skill is crazy and also you're untargetable during it, so timing it properly gives you nice dodge posibility. For EQ, I'm uisng Reaper and blue verison of that talisman, both with increased spell critical hit chance and overall I have 46% for that, so basically every second spell is a crit. I'm also wondering how exactly Chaos Barrage work? Overall dmg of 4 shots is 200% magic dmg or is this 200% magic dmg for each shot, that sums up to 800% dmg of 4 shots?

@BhajanAddict - 26.05.2024 21:45

how is it only 375 shards to purchase a legendary?

@matthewmartinez3550 - 26.05.2024 22:06

My build is a summoner/ranger build. Corrupted Skull with the twin projectiles for up to 4 skeletons, Death Knight with the skeleton mage, Chaos Dash for mobility or lightning dash for attack speed, and Skeleton Army or Spectral Guardian for the ultimate (eventually gunning for Fallen Angel). Armor focuses on attack speed, and for weapons, I go Longbow and Pistols. I use Rogue Blood for the high mobility and crit.

Skeletons can scale to become glass cannons. At the very least, they keep the bosses (mostly) distracted while you shoot them from afar. Longbow is best (especially with the speed buffs making charge time a lot better), while pistols are more for critical health. Lightning dash is better for normal units or if you are better at dodging than I am, since the speed buff is really noticeable. Skeleton Army is very risky, since 9/10 times bosses will just nuke them with a big AoE that you have to avoid, but Spectral Guardian isn't always that great since you are more focused on weapon damage than spell power.

For the weapons, I'd suggest going for an epic longbow as opposed to the Legendary. If you have the T1 blood passive, I'd highly recommend a blood roll longbow to turn any adds into quick heals. Pistols would be best with the legendary, but if you only have an epic, cold is a great panic button for the Fan the Hammer ability.

@Traylon - 26.05.2024 22:06

Why are we trying to optimize pve exactly? If you're not playing brutal, literally anything will do, even...dare I say aftershock. If you can say this works for pvp just as well, then that's really nice

@vodyanich - 26.05.2024 23:24

How to deal with dracula if you need some defense spells during 2nd and 3rd phases. What your recommendation will be if you want to build a mage build and want to deal with dracula.

@dezbo462 - 26.05.2024 23:52

PvE ?

@ToteVirusanti - 27.05.2024 00:17

My build for non-boss pve is illusion magic: I take espectral wolfs and mosquito, illusion dash and golem.
For gems i take the ones those spawn a healing wisp, shield me or increases the bounces/damage.
For weapons i usually play with crossbow, guns, slashers and swords.
You want to spawn to non-stop all skills as you can thanks to phantasm perk plus schoolar blood and malice gear.
For bosses i usually switch to storm or blood magic since illusion school has a hard time vs big targets

@dukecunning7046 - 27.05.2024 02:27

Very informative! Appreciate it! Thanks!

@chappllgr - 27.05.2024 03:37

Solid guide. I've been playing some chaos spell combos during 1.0 and the tree feels really nice on scholar.

Aftershock is surprisingly alright now and also a very fun pair with either of these spells

@DARKOBYSS - 27.05.2024 07:06

favorite incursion combo is bone explosion with void. Ult can be anything you prefer that puts out a good amount of damage, i run the winged horror soul shard, but if i wasnt playing on a friendly server id probably run raging tempest for more AoE. ive cleared the bosses for those in seconds just firing my voids, into bone explosion then ulting in. Cherry on top is you get skeletons

@TroyHarrisTechTV - 27.05.2024 08:45

Void with arcane explosion for grifts then I go void with death knight for boss fights. I think for most of the leveling you can go full minion on boss fights and take out stuff way higher level than you.

@vegitagt - 27.05.2024 09:19

Is it just me or is Turbulent Velocity passive bugged? It won't proc for me. Nice build btw.

@hroxyz1 - 27.05.2024 11:52

You should be on a weapon with 3 spell lines (Crit Chance, Crit Damage and Spell CD) rather than staying h24 on your GS if you wanna fully commit on a PvE scholar glasscanon build.

@zzaori - 27.05.2024 14:50

Okay but, the tour in that amazing castle?

@Alyasiry87 - 27.05.2024 15:38

The Castle looks dope. Can you make a video about it? Mine looks like a home shelter for hobos!

@Thmyris - 27.05.2024 17:27

good build

@HWRogue - 27.05.2024 19:40

Why where your weapons only 375 shards per to gamble? Mine are 1500...

@somerandomdude4365 - 27.05.2024 21:27

Why are the purple weapons only 375 shards? In me an my friends game it's 1500. Can you lower the cost somehow?

@Ballzachhs - 28.05.2024 02:10

How are your prices so low for buying the weapons, im paying 1500 for each of mine

@purcelash1 - 28.05.2024 05:55

You should do one for every spell School tbh

@Fantodoshalo456 - 30.05.2024 00:06

Loved the Castle, any tutorial or any advice for building something that beautiful and functional?

@itsjustme8947 - 30.05.2024 02:34

Pure Unholy works VERY well for me!

@courtenaylewis8307 - 30.05.2024 18:22

is playing with the mouse and keyboard better then the controller.

@JohnClarkW - 31.05.2024 19:42

Chaos Volley has always been a solid pick, even going back to the start of early access.

@DestoRest - 31.05.2024 20:23

Condemn is just too useful of a debuff not to have somehow.

@Tomil4444 - 02.06.2024 04:04

i like this build i know IS A CHAOS BUILD but i like to take sanguine coil for more heal :D

@ocirus8055 - 06.06.2024 01:22

I got Apocalypse after playing through the game with greatsword but didn't really like how it worked with my goto spells (Blood Rage and Corrupted Skull). This was just the change I was looking for. Works great. Thanks.

@MrTurboFour - 08.06.2024 01:26

Quick question, are you hosting your own server? If so, how did you change the vendor cost of the traders? I noticed that you have yours set to 375 purchase cost and the default I think is 1500 for the purple weapons.

@gman8154 - 12.06.2024 22:35

Would you recommend this for a complete beginner not only to the game but from the start of the game?

@Voncasey223 - 13.06.2024 21:44

What did you do for the gap between armor and act 4? Struggling hard on brutal

@MrShaosi - 14.06.2024 09:14

so what about the soulshards from shardbearers?

@Arleneim - 18.06.2024 23:49

I've been quite happy with my static build but i had my eyes on the chaos/ignite type of build for a while. This one seems genuinely interesting. Thanks for sharing it.

@666MrFrantic - 20.06.2024 19:48

375 for this weapon not 1500?

@brianhigh649 - 05.07.2024 02:05

I know weapons are mostly personal preference… that being said, compared to hammer and a few others, Great sword skill set is trash…

@MrTarikBedevi - 05.07.2024 21:59

Brilliant video

@leostasik - 09.07.2024 15:29

does 50 percent chance cooldown reduction works on ult?

@po-prostapoziomica5559 - 10.07.2024 16:37

what about endbringers?

@kevincaruthers5412 - 30.07.2024 20:43

Chaos Volley
Veil of Chaos
Void (Ice Nova while leveling)
Chaos Barrage
Note: There is a lot more useful information in this video. I highly recommend watching it all.
This is just a footnote for myself, for when I review this build.

@kevincaruthers5412 - 30.07.2024 21:44

NOTE: Chaos points
Tier 1:
Errrol the Stonebreaker
Lidia the Chaos Argher
Clive the Firestarter
Tier 2:
Jade the Vampire Hunter
Morian the Stormwing Matriarch
Azariel the Sunbringer
Tier 3:
Quincey the Bandit King
Angram the Purifier
Hope this is helpful!

@Prestegist08 - 14.09.2024 19:56

nice dude

@longlivejah7821 - 25.09.2024 01:40

Great build and it is what I started using once I had access to Maleficent Scholar set and that Necklace, BUT I have to say, the legendary reaper seems just better in all situations. Great stats for spells, which is our main thing here and free access to Condemn, which if you're playing solo or your friends are not on it, is a HUGE boost.

@thirdworldrider6991 - 09.10.2024 03:10

i cant fight properly with the great sword. I like the SPIN from the normal sword for extra get out of dodge... and hitting with great sword E/Q requires aim.... in a messy fight with graphics all over i cant see and im not that twitch fast anyhow....the great sword is too much concentration for me :(

@thesmarterb0t - 13.10.2024 05:59

I am running blood fointain for heal and debuff reset and Death knight so the mobs dont primarily attack me and I can just shoot from behind with my guns (using same ultimate and same armor set. Only difference beiing I run the green ring). Worked good so Far

@sometallkorean - 14.10.2024 22:56

i know it's been 4 months and i might be blind but as a new player I was just wondering what blood type is good for this since I still haven't researched that.

@thelightsociety1 - 10.11.2024 07:53

Do you have a video build against Tristan the vampireslayer?

@SteveAkaDarktimes - 02.12.2024 23:57

A build centered around inflicting the best Status effect in the game:

@Simpson900 - 06.01.2025 01:46

Where is a good spot to find a 100% scholar blood humans for prisoners?

@gregtkdxd5370 - 28.02.2025 14:05

Ball lightning and void are the most unfair damage combo that i ever seen
U guys need to try
