Thanks both, Xu Xin could easily quit ping pong and start comedy
ОтветитьNo wonder i am watching this again.
ОтветитьNext time can you tell him to use 100% of his skill because i think that he only used 10% and 20% of his skill😮😮
Please do the rematch with Xu xin but with no mercy please❤❤
amazing vid. did not expect it to be this fun
ОтветитьUltra Pro Plus Sensitive Player of all time
Ответитьyour editing style is so annoying, its like a 3.4 year old is editing it.
Ответитьsnake man vs show man
Ответитьis xu xin retired ? when ?
ОтветитьAdam: Snake
Xu Xin: Returns with Snake
Ive seen how xu xin played. This isnt even him during warm up
ОтветитьGreat Game, So many trick
Ответитьbad video and xu xin bad lol
Ответитьchina bad
ОтветитьXu Xin - мой герой! Поражаюсь его непревзойденной игрой!!!
ОтветитьSo nice seeing adam supporting the semi-pro's. Very commendable from him.
Ответитьif i was new to your channel i would’ve thought that xin was the semi pro and that you were the world n.1 by looking at the thumbnail😂
ОтветитьI dont watch other sport like badminton and tennis, but I dont think there's another commentator like Adam in any sport. His love and emotion for this sport is unreal. Luckily we have him in table tennis.
ОтветитьЭто прекрасно)
Ответитьxu xin joga demais, sou fã desse cara
ОтветитьXu Xin playing at 1% xDDDDD
ОтветитьLove the slight shit-talking in the latter part of the match, it was good fun.
I know basically nothing about table tennis, but I suspect Adam is better than semi-pro standard. He's got the shots. Underestimate him at your peril
Xu xin is funnyman
ОтветитьExcelente, muy dibertido de ver 😃👏👏👏👌
ОтветитьSometimes the Chinese players seem so inscrutable... It's great to see them dicking around having fun.
ОтветитьSimply put Xu Xin is a great host.
ОтветитьHer savaş bir kıvılcımla her canilik bir hareket ile başlar otoritenin gerektirdiği düzende bunu yerine getirir yeterki bunu yapanlara karşı göz dağı verilmesin
ОтветитьIs anyone noticing this guys absurd fashion choice ?!
ОтветитьSuch a champ!
Ответитьso when did he eat the microphone??
ОтветитьAlmost looks like Xu was controlling when Adam should get a point.
ОтветитьXu xin is Genrous and Adam is a kind soul
ОтветитьHe did not eat the microphone.
ОтветитьAdam your Chinese it's really good, I'm also a table tennis player, chole
Ответитьdude lost 32 straight points against Timo Boll but was able to beat Xuperman 😳...
Are you gay or smthing like that.?
Ответитьen este juego, Adam jugo un poco mas serio
ОтветитьNow he must eat that microphone
ОтветитьIt`s funny!
ОтветитьBlasphemy! And I voted for him! He needs to disavow this or he will lose his base.
ОтветитьI just wanted to see Xu Xin eating the mic😭😭😭
ОтветитьThis could be the best December EVER!!!! Sss'scribe to make sure you don't misssss a sssingle thing! 😁