Can You Hear the Difference Between Cheap and Expensive Pianos?

Can You Hear the Difference Between Cheap and Expensive Pianos?


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@thewolfdoctor761 - 06.12.2024 03:03

I know nothing about music or pianos, so ....
#1 had an old-fashioned sound to me, but I liked it. #3,4,5 seemed much better than #2, which sounded dull to me.

@EarlLedden - 06.12.2024 23:32

Look at the woodwork on that $600 piano, by far the best value for the buck, musicality included.

@МартаКешет - 09.12.2024 16:45

Хотелось бы услышать разницу звучания регистров верхних.

@jimlynch9390 - 10.12.2024 23:24


@russelldummett1273 - 13.12.2024 03:01

As grandad (Albert wright) who carpented the Qeens plain,always used to say,The cheapest is the dearest in the long run, money means nothing to me,yet I have expensive tastes,my farther called him self a lord,apparently the government took the family castle estate years ago,as there was no will,funney how life goes,regards russ

@TENMINUET74 - 13.12.2024 21:57

The C7X is my aural.

@joecarnahan6321 - 15.12.2024 17:38

I wish he would not turn and look away from piano, he’s freaked.

@jaysreview1 - 19.12.2024 05:25

At first, I didn’t hear much difference but after going through the whole video going back and listening to the first piano compared to the last piano, it hurts my ears. The first one sounds so bad. Yikes.

@voodu23 - 19.12.2024 14:26

Ah eu acho a diferença do instrumento irrelevante, coloque um músico muito bom em um instrumento barato, e coloque um músico muito ruim em um instrumento muito bom, você vai entender, que há diferenças mas muitas vezes é o fazer e não o ter!! Lógico que um músico muito bom em um instrumento muito bom forma um conjunto surpreendente!!

@user-onyoutube868 - 23.12.2024 22:40

There is a tinny resonance from the cheap piano.

@Jenniersagues - 25.12.2024 00:05

I had literally an orgasm with the sound of the last piano 😮😊😅

@striref - 25.12.2024 04:52

I like the first

@diamondblacksea6188 - 26.12.2024 05:27

とても面白い動画を有難うございました😊Thank you so much!✨️✨️

@poggon - 30.12.2024 04:45

I can notice the difference, they all sounded good even the $600 one, the most expensive sounded amazing, the third one I preferred less than the second one, as I wasn't a massive fan of the resonance on that one. Otherwise cheapest to most expensive sounded incrementally more pure in tone with crisp notes. I think I'd rather have the house in Florida tho!

@alexandrepeter5502 - 02.01.2025 23:27

Cara me arrepiou te ouvindo tocar, meu sonho é que meus filhos aprendam tocar instrumentos de verdades e tocar músicas de verdades, lindo parabéns!

@Canal_do_irmão_Kaique - 04.01.2025 16:10


@StarKillerDark1 - 06.01.2025 10:23

Timbres são completamente diferentes

@АлександроДубчек - 09.01.2025 09:08

What is this song name😢

@aliciachristopher6506 - 13.01.2025 11:59

I think it's the piano player who makes a piano sound good.

@N911GT2 - 14.01.2025 00:05

The seccond one sounds the best imho

@Baylinho - 14.01.2025 19:06

A maioria dos comentários e gringo

@e2R-pz8xv - 15.01.2025 11:01

The difference in sound between a $50K and a $350K instrument is noticeable, but not sevenfold (unlike the cost)

@PatrickBateman191 - 17.01.2025 21:40

Yes I can tell the difference, but it’s not super obvious to me especially between the last 2 or 3

@NnnnnnnnnnnnneT - 17.01.2025 22:18

Наверное, разница в глубине звука, количестве обертонов. Думаю, что на записи это сложнее услышать, чем в живую

@SchmittiMalAnders - 18.01.2025 16:49

In what world can you get a Beetle for 500 dollars 😅

@mavicmaverick-pnw - 20.01.2025 23:20

I can definitely tell a difference, especially between the upright and the baby grands. The grand pianos have much better resonance and less fighting between the strings that comprise a single note.

@isabellacretier5798 - 20.01.2025 23:50

Certo che il suono netto del secondo è diverso

@Mikeyavelli - 21.01.2025 07:20

Who needs a house anyway 🫣

@ceverova - 22.01.2025 18:47

Предпоследнее мне больше всего понравилось - крутое, то которое за 363000 $ у него басы с характером..

@andreyv6169 - 27.01.2025 19:12

I liked the sound of Yamaha C7X the most

@christianschmidt3573 - 01.02.2025 04:20

I'm convinced that we'd have heard much bigger differences if you had played more piano / pianissimo. I (as a beginner admittetly) assume that even a 4735 years old piano can sound brilliant if played forte / fortissimo as you did. I'm searching for a good buy for a while now and so far my findings are: if it's a great companys product but old, it sounds dull. If it's a middle tier brand but rather new, it sounds brilliant, understandable, lively. What do you think about this equation?

@2GUYZFISHING - 03.02.2025 17:14

The first piano sounds like it needs to be tuned.

@ElenasBarre - 03.02.2025 20:26

Great video. ♥️👏🔥 I can definitely hear the difference. 😂 The more expensive piano sounds more reserved. I love how it sounds honestly. 😊🙏 I personally prefer a piano with that sound. Look for the sound quality and get a second hand instrument if you can. 😉

@LiamWang-nt3xg - 14.02.2025 15:50

I’m more worried with Vancouvers obsession with expensive Fazoioli’s

@tommy9342 - 15.02.2025 17:51

I think with inflation the 15000$ piano would be worth what you can buy with about 150 000$

@freded8431 - 16.02.2025 04:19

I have an electronic piano that plays like a there.

@CapybaraCrusader01 - 16.02.2025 04:45

Amazing video but I got mad seeing how much car prices went up in 7 years.

@CantaraPalavra - 16.02.2025 17:54

Quanto maior o piano mais os sons se misturam e me incomoda MUITO os ouvidos, parece uma coisa só, um ruído abafado. Enfim prefiro os primeiros com a caixa menor. Consegui reparar todas as diferencas dos sons de cada piano. O som muda de acordo com o tamanho e formato da "cabeça" do piano (acabei de inventar isso haha). Prefiro os sons mais separados, mais agudos, com ruído porém são mais limpos, mais abertos.

@fpchauvette9664 - 19.02.2025 16:36


@pedrovanzo3795 - 19.02.2025 22:19

Eu gostaria de saber qual é o gravador usado para capturar o som, alguém sabe?

@raiscl - 23.02.2025 10:54

Mas poha bixo.... podia ter afinado melhor o de 600 tbm pra não ficar soando um honktonk

@JZCRAZY - 23.02.2025 23:42

Can definitely tell a difference! You started out playing what sounded like a cheap piano in an old 1800's saloon. Then the final one sounded like a beautiful Rolls-Royce. Very rich pleasing sound.

@antoniobandardi8027 - 27.02.2025 16:16

Qualità prezzo prenderei quello da 15000 anche se l ultimo da 363000 è un altra categoria rispetto agli altri

@곽태순-z4z - 28.02.2025 06:13


@christopherdonlick9119 - 01.03.2025 19:15

The yamaha sounds nice, but it doesn't sound hundreds of thousands of dollars nicer. Thats just a gimmick for the wealthy, they'll pay it even though they dont need to.

@peacelover8245 - 03.03.2025 04:35

The less expensive pianos sound more harsh and « tingy », shorter and less roomy.
