If one day people get in their thick heads that governments don't need their taxes whatsoever to finance their spending, Swedes are going to go berserk (but at least they get public services most of the world can only dream of).
ОтветитьSwedes are beautiful, but stupid... now i know why they call it Stockholm syndrome... because stockholm is in sweden
ОтветитьI suddenly realise where the Stockholm Syndrome comes from.
ОтветитьProbably because unlike in the United States, their money actually goes towards making the country better instead of lining the pockets of old, rich, fat people!! No, don’t get me wrong. I love United States but I hate the people in the government now.
ОтветитьIt's not about the taxes, it's what you get from it. I would be pleased to pay more in taxes, but at the moment I do believe that the tax money isn't used efficient enough. You have to find that spot, and that's where the focus should be. Don't be obsessed with the numbers, be obsessed with the value.
ОтветитьUnfortunately, even though the taxes are still high, the social welfare, health care, housing, educational institutions, as well as other services that are supported by the tax money, are overwhelmed and overburdened due to the open-door policy, which resulted in an enormous burden to the Swedish system and society by those from outside Europe who were allowed to enter and live in the country but had never paid taxes. Aside from the enormous burden, a number of them display their gratitude to the host country/society by increasing the criminalities (shootings (even using hand grenades), sexual assaults, etc.). Sweden is no longer the safe country it used to be and the situation is just getting worse. Probably the only way to save Sweden from collapsing and prevent the Swedes from becoming a minority (caused by difference in birth rates between the refugees and the Swedes) in their own country is to apply mass deportation - possibly somewhat similar to what Holland, Austria, Germany, and the United States plan to do.
Ответить"It's great to pay taxes." Says the parasite from outside Sweden and Europe in the beginning of this propaganda video from SVT:s sister channel BBC!?
ОтветитьIf the government is not corrupted and spends the tax money efficiently. High taxes are amazing in that situation.
ОтветитьIf the goverment is not corrupted and spends the money effectivley. High taxes are amazing.
Ответитьi personally would rather want lower taxes and save up funds for myself in case i lose my job. most people dont even benefit from it, we are basically feeding people who dont have jobs instead of their families helping them. if a dude has no job, why cant his family help him? why should i or others pay for him?
ОтветитьI was very interested to find out Sweden has school vouchers. I hear a lot of hate against the concept from liberals here in the United States but apparently Sweden, the country they love to use as an example of doing things the right way use school vouchers.
ОтветитьIn Sweden the government publishes this info about you (through private companies that legally get access to the info):
date of birth, full name
address, if apartment what floor etc. (also, where they’ve previously lived and when they last moved)
their income, how much they pay in taxes (also incomes of corporations are available, and if you happen to own a company or are in the board of directors, it’ll be shown on your “doxx” page)
whether they have been to court (even if they were not convicted)
what cars they own
who they live with (includes a helpful hyperlink to their doxx pages as well)
whether they’re married or not. if married it tells you who they’re married to.
pets they own, it even tells you what breed their dog is
if they don’t pay their debts and get a “betalningsanmärkning” you can see that too
phone number (sometimes included)
That is why you get all these people with "fake" opinions about loving to pay taxes etc. Swedish people are so politically correct when yout talk to them because they know they can be targeted by the government if they hold the "wrong" opinions. They will never get a job if they got tried for "hate" speech for example. But mostly it is because they will be socially ostracized by their peers.
It all boils down to this: are Swedes genetically more prone to enjoy paying taxes, or have Swedes been exposed to some fairly hefty indoctrination 🤔
ОтветитьIn my thirty years living in America, I’ve found that it’s almost entirely pointless trying to explain America and its blind capitalism isn’t necessarily the ultimate.
ОтветитьAlot is not mentioned in this that we also get and one of them is the swedish employment agency, who,
if you have some kind of diagnose like adhd or bipolar or something else, like physical that
makes you harder to hire on the market is the government pays the business the full salary to make you more attractive to the market for a extended period of time
and when the business realise you, altough have some constrainments are a good person who want to work they eventually hire you on their dime.
I'm sorry their standard of living is not that of 40% of Americans and most Americans have healthcare, infrastructure with disposable income and/or savings. That said, good for them because their standard of living is better than 90% of world population.
ОтветитьLove sweden / swed
ОтветитьWhat this video dont talk about is the huge ineffectivness in Sweden. I doctor in general have 7 patient / day in Germany. In Sweden that number is 2.
A patient must wait 2-3 days to get to see a doctor in Germany. In Sweden that number is 3-4 months.
In Sweden a large number of old people die every year standing in line waiting to see the doctor. That stastictic is hidden buy the Swedish goverment because such a person statistically has died because of cancer, pneumonia etc. Not because this person not got treatment within a reasonable time.
So the socialdemocrats in Sweden manage to trick you we like taxes? 😂
ОтветитьI am a Swede. I am 84 yers old. I worked and lived abroad for more than 25 years. I am able to compare different countries safety net and I am NOT impressed by the Swedish way...
ОтветитьThese swedes are true christians unlike those fake Americans christians
ОтветитьPeople in Sweden have been fooled by the Social Democratic Party (SAP). Mona Sahlin, former leader for SAP once said that “paying taxes is cool” . She and many of her party colleagues have been caught red handed doing the opposite, using common means for their own benefit.
The people you interview on the street are not politically interested. Show them pictures of politicians and they don’t know their names. Ask them what different parties stand for and they give you canned, stereotypical arguments that SAP have feed them through state TV for decades. SAP cares about the old and sick, the poor, school, equal rights etc. The Sweden Democrats have nazi roots, their voters are racists, fascists, etc.
Yes, Swedes have high tolerance for taxes, but that tolerance is coming to an end, if all we get is more islamists, violence and chaos.
All swedes are not happy of paying high taxes, many of them have also left the country.
ОтветитьThey like to lose their money wow
They are forced to.
Everybody pays and everybody gets. Its about solidarity and welfare. Highly educated population benefits the whole society for example.
ОтветитьThis is so erroneous and deceitful, it’s almost psychotic with the pretentious attitude.
ОтветитьThis is a lot of bogus! We do NOT love paying our taxes, that is what the political left (very often represented by culture workers, sociologists and journalists) would like us to believe. Yes, taxes do pay for a lot of beneficial things but there is also some appalling examples of waste of tax payer's money. These are omitted in the video.
Taxes have been lowered over the last two decades. The result has been more tax revenue as people then are more motivated to work, rich people who previously fled the high taxes return to Sweden etc. The left has complained strongly every time about lowering taxes and then, after a while accepted it - at least the biggest party, the social democrats. The post-communists howl every time. No one is saying that you can lower taxes forever of course, but there is a lot to do and say about efficiency in the public sector.
No we don’t.
ОтветитьStop saying Sweden has the highest taxes in the world, simply because it is not true. We don't even have the highest taxes in Europe.
Do some fact research before you post this crap.
Oh BBC....always pushing a Socialist-Utopian agenda.
ОтветитьNo one likes the high taxes😂
ОтветитьShould interview someone who is contrary to the system. It would strengthen the piece
ОтветитьWhen government becomes a substitute for God...
"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is a government big enough to take away everything that you have." Thomas Jefferson
US citizens (with the lowest taxes amongst rich countries): tax is theft! Let’s abolish all forms of taxations, or at least not tax the ultra wealthy, this will bring a utopia!
ОтветитьBullshit, we dont like it! especially when community services has degraded during decades. we pay tax because we will be put in jail if we dont.
ОтветитьWow, the socialist rag BBC finds every single one of people the stupid people in Sweden. All of them in one video. The ones not shown are not this stupid. You know the rest of them.
ОтветитьAs a Swedish person having spent almost all of my life in Stockholm, I will say that this is a little misleading, at the end of the day we still have some of the highest taxes in the world, and we still have some corrupt politicians, especially in the left wing of the government. So of course people are mad at the taxes, especially all of the higher earners who have to pay 60% of their money to a tax system which pays for things like hotels and social security for pedophiles, just look up the story of Elias Afel. This is just BBC lying again for the sake of their political ideology, and to maximize profits from the people agreeing with their political stance. Our system might be better than Britain’s, but as with almost every other country it is far from perfect.
ОтветитьShared prosperity?👍🏾
ОтветитьPeople who understand that tax is not money lost but money for everybody. ❤
ОтветитьPure BS. Propaganda
ОтветитьIf my country had high tax rates like Sweden our Politicians will become USD Trillionaires
ОтветитьSweden has voted against high taxes the last thirty years. Immigrants are proud of high taxes. So "swedes" are obviously not proud of it. That is a stereotype just as British are proud of Pakistanian religion.
Because of parliamentary cooperation to gain majority the left have hijacked every tax cut. Swedes do not trust authorities. Only immigrants trust the government in sweden.
Brainwashed people, thats all i can think of
ОтветитьMaybe I sound like an ignorant American but if you have children why is a single man like me paying for your kids to have daycare?! Pay for it yourself! Same thing with healthcare. If you smoke and have cancer as a result you pay for your own dumb decisions, not the rest of us.
ОтветитьUSaid told corrupted BBC to do his🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
ОтветитьA Swede with a Scottish accent, you gotta love it. On another note, I don't blame Americans that hate their corrupted tax system that pisses away billions of dollars on maintaining a massive war machine and benefits mainly the richest portion of the population. The population has been groomed to believe that a nation set up with a very strong social foundation is a bad thing. The remnants of damaging Cold War era nonsense propaganda continue to make their mark.
ОтветитьAmericans couldn't handle this since everyone wants to be rich and on top.
ОтветитьNop we dont. The crazy activists in politics are punish us to death with their taxes.