#colic #colic_baby #what_is_colic #colic_calm #what_is_colic_in_babies #colic_definition #colic_symptoms #colic_drops #signs_of_colic #how_to_soothe_colic_baby #symptoms_of_colic_in_babies #what_causes_colic_in_babies #when_does_colic_start #baby_colic_drops #colic_meaningКомментарии:
Very informative. Thank you so much. Managed to pick from other signs that my 3 weeks old son has colic
ОтветитьOur grandbaby has the green frothy stool. And Our lactation consultant does not know much about the fast letdown with foremilk. Is that something you can help with?
ОтветитьYou probably spend a lot of time with the two camera angles.
Don’t bother it’s not required and it breaks my eye contact with you. I’d prefer some B roll or nothing. Just saying!
I been giving zarbees probiotics pediatrician recommended I keep giving it and I haveny past 2months hes been super fussy... Hates swaddles and pacifiers...
ОтветитьBe weary of projectile vomiting, as it can be a sign of a serious condition. My bouncing first born (9.6 lbs. at birth) started doing that at seven weeks of age. He would breasfeed as usual but vomited everything within minutes, every single time I tried to feed him. The problem went on for three days as husband didn’t see anything wrong and his mother insisted that “babies do that”. My son was not feeding properly, was screaming in hunger and that was very wrong. I had to demand to be taken to the nearest hospital (we were staying with my in-laws in upstate NY, while in transit between duty stations and I wasn’t familiar with the area; no GPS either, this was Jan. 1993). As soon as we arrived to the ER, my baby was taken in and within hours had an emergency operation to address his Pyloric Stenosis (the valve at the top of the stomach was not developing, was close tight and didn’t allow milk to go through, thus starving the baby). There was never another episode of projectile vomiting after that.
ОтветитьAbout ‘colic’, my second born used to fall asleep at the breast and cried incessantly between feedings, day and night. She was born with a healthy weight of 7.7 lbs. but stopped thriving after the second month. I had successfully breastfed my first child and didn’t understand what was wrong. The pediatrician suggested giving her formula, but that didn’t solve the problem and the baby kept crying desperately as if with colic. Then my mother, who was visiting from Spain and had been a nurse midwife, prepared a much thicker formula (with the consistency of purée), widened the hole in the bottle teet and fed it to my daughter. The baby had no problem nursing this way and that was the end of the crying and the beginning of night-long sleep. Not all babies are the same, mine was hungry and needed something that really satisfied her.
ОтветитьI'm 58 and I think I have colic.
ОтветитьIs it three hours of continuous crying or altogether three hours throughout the day??
ОтветитьMy baby has been crying every time I feed him during the day. At night he not that fussy? I’m so confused and I’m worried about my little guy he’s only 3 weeks old.
ОтветитьMy baby is like streaching while producing a sound of being tired ad he is 2month he cry slot help me out pain of stomach
ОтветитьHi my 9month old colic none stop crying take less then five min naps I do formula n breastfeeding n he also sick 😷 today with stuffy nose and I have no support so I do a lot crying so please give me updated on this...
ОтветитьNot helpful surely if u do a video peana details sio io upuzi same things no new info
ОтветитьMy second baby cried with colic all day everyday til she was between 3 to 4 months old
ОтветитьMy babies head was out side of me during delivery and she was screaming turned out to have colic
ОтветитьPlease isn't there a particular medication or remedy for this colic?
ОтветитьThe medical system knows it’s cus we are giving babies cows milk duh