Signs of a Colic Baby & Ways to Soothe Naturally!

Signs of a Colic Baby & Ways to Soothe Naturally!

Mama Natural

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Okay, so let's start by understanding a colic baby. It is common for new parents to feel the frustration when dealing with their baby’s fussiness, I mean dealing with a crying baby is already hard enough. But the one thing that you need to keep in mind is that there is always a reason behind it and there are natural ways to soothe a colic baby.
Now, you probably have a colic baby if your baby:
cries for 3 hours a day,
for at least 3 days a week,
for 3 consecutive weeks.
Some of the common symptoms that you can look out for are:
Intense crying episodes (sometimes with predictable daily patterns)
Inconsolable crying episodes with no apparent trigger
Arching of back, clenching of fists, recoiling to touch, and other physical/posture changes
Moving on to what exactly causes colic in babies, that is yet to be determined by the medical community. But in some cases,
Some chock it up to a rite of passage that usually begins at a few weeks old to 3-4 months, sometimes longer.
Others blame it on an immature digestive tract, allergies, a developing brain/neurological system, or high-strung parents.
Some theorize that colic children are “introverts” and are easily overstimulated.
Whatever the cause may be, it is important to get your child checked with a pediatrician to rule or any potential issues and so an accurate diagnosis may be provided.

Now coming to the main part, there are some simple ways that you can soothe a colic baby naturally and reduce or eliminate colic symptoms.

1. Rule out baby reflux
The first thing that you might want to do is rule out baby reflux. This is because it has the same symptoms as baby colic and can be alleviated with natural remedies.

2. Check in with a lactation consultant
If you’re a breastfeeding mom, this is essential because anatomical issues may be causing your baby grief. Make sure to find a IBCLC-certified lactation consultant because your baby could have a bad latch, could be tongue-tied or even lip-tied.

3. Follow a clean nursing diet
Dairy is a huge culprit, as are other common allergens like wheat/gluten, eggs, shellfish, citrus, caffeine, and spicy foods. After eliminating these foods from your diet, give it a good 2-4 weeks to be sure they are cleared from your body and milk.

4. Try a different formula
If the baby is formula-fed, your infant may be reacting to something in the specific variety you’re using. Some moms find that changing formulas can make all the difference!

5. Be sure baby is well rested
It is important that your baby is getting enough sleep. Generally speaking, newborns need to be back to bed within 1-2 hours of waking.

6. Create closeness
When babies come out into open space to join the rest of humanity, it can be a jarring and uncomfortable transition.

7. Create some noise
When soothing a baby to sleep, you can also make ‘sshhing’ noises or hum loudly. This noise can often refocus their attention, comfort them, and reduce crying overall.

8. Let baby suck
So here's the thing, babies have a natural reflux to soothe themselves which causes them to place their hands, fingers, or fists into their mouth.

9. Get fresh air
This is because the sun, the wind, the birds chirping, the movement, all of these elements helped to shift the mood and comfort my babies.

10. Take warm baths
A warm bath with a peaceful environment helps soothe the baby's tummy, which might be the reason that the baby is colicky.

11. Create movement
So here's the thing, some babies like a bit of motion. In this case, swings and vibrating recliners/rockers can also be fantastic tools for parents of colicky children

12. Do bodywork
Certain baby exercises can do wonders for releasing trapped gas. You can try doing bicycle legs, bent legs, or put their bellies on your thighs for gentle pressure. You can also do gentle baby massage.

13. Use digestive support
Some practitioners believe colic is related to baby’s immature digestion. The trapped gas, sluggish digestive tract, and acid reflux can lead to colic symptoms.

14. Get help
On the weekends, have your partner take over, so you can get some extra rest and light exercise. Talk to a counselor or other moms for support. Go on medication if need be.


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@bubblywamotswana9587 - 02.09.2021 19:26

Very informative. Thank you so much. Managed to pick from other signs that my 3 weeks old son has colic

@aubreydyerfields2688 - 26.09.2021 00:03

Our grandbaby has the green frothy stool. And Our lactation consultant does not know much about the fast letdown with foremilk. Is that something you can help with?

@chickenmuffin - 21.12.2021 03:15

You probably spend a lot of time with the two camera angles.

Don’t bother it’s not required and it breaks my eye contact with you. I’d prefer some B roll or nothing. Just saying!

@lauragraves602 - 30.01.2022 22:51

I been giving zarbees probiotics pediatrician recommended I keep giving it and I haveny past 2months hes been super fussy... Hates swaddles and pacifiers...

@DulceN - 20.04.2022 02:09

Be weary of projectile vomiting, as it can be a sign of a serious condition. My bouncing first born (9.6 lbs. at birth) started doing that at seven weeks of age. He would breasfeed as usual but vomited everything within minutes, every single time I tried to feed him. The problem went on for three days as husband didn’t see anything wrong and his mother insisted that “babies do that”. My son was not feeding properly, was screaming in hunger and that was very wrong. I had to demand to be taken to the nearest hospital (we were staying with my in-laws in upstate NY, while in transit between duty stations and I wasn’t familiar with the area; no GPS either, this was Jan. 1993). As soon as we arrived to the ER, my baby was taken in and within hours had an emergency operation to address his Pyloric Stenosis (the valve at the top of the stomach was not developing, was close tight and didn’t allow milk to go through, thus starving the baby). There was never another episode of projectile vomiting after that.

@DulceN - 20.04.2022 02:23

About ‘colic’, my second born used to fall asleep at the breast and cried incessantly between feedings, day and night. She was born with a healthy weight of 7.7 lbs. but stopped thriving after the second month. I had successfully breastfed my first child and didn’t understand what was wrong. The pediatrician suggested giving her formula, but that didn’t solve the problem and the baby kept crying desperately as if with colic. Then my mother, who was visiting from Spain and had been a nurse midwife, prepared a much thicker formula (with the consistency of purée), widened the hole in the bottle teet and fed it to my daughter. The baby had no problem nursing this way and that was the end of the crying and the beginning of night-long sleep. Not all babies are the same, mine was hungry and needed something that really satisfied her.

@acr08807 - 29.04.2022 23:13

I'm 58 and I think I have colic.

@Happygirl-su2vd - 14.11.2022 03:01

Is it three hours of continuous crying or altogether three hours throughout the day??

@Visionshortsproduction - 03.01.2023 18:11

My baby has been crying every time I feed him during the day. At night he not that fussy? I’m so confused and I’m worried about my little guy he’s only 3 weeks old.

@bensonongoma2160 - 15.01.2023 21:21

My baby is like streaching while producing a sound of being tired ad he is 2month he cry slot help me out pain of stomach

@TheLovemom2012 - 28.03.2023 02:11

Hi my 9month old colic none stop crying take less then five min naps I do formula n breastfeeding n he also sick 😷 today with stuffy nose and I have no support so I do a lot crying so please give me updated on this...

@sarahayuma359 - 10.04.2023 14:11

Not helpful surely if u do a video peana details sio io upuzi same things no new info

@tammychadwick8468 - 29.09.2023 02:15

My second baby cried with colic all day everyday til she was between 3 to 4 months old

@tammychadwick8468 - 29.09.2023 02:17

My babies head was out side of me during delivery and she was screaming turned out to have colic

@IbnNabla - 01.02.2024 05:53

Please isn't there a particular medication or remedy for this colic?

@klubojaliebajalieba6422 - 05.02.2025 11:37

The medical system knows it’s cus we are giving babies cows milk duh
