Cataclysm: Is Earth Due Its Most Devastating Earthquake Yet? | Mega Disaster | Spark

Cataclysm: Is Earth Due Its Most Devastating Earthquake Yet? | Mega Disaster | Spark


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@edwardgrenke6417 - 27.01.2024 03:55

REV 16:18-20 Even the bible predicts (prophesizes) a worldwide earthquake so strong it removes the valleys and the mountains.

@karancarnwright4312 - 27.01.2024 05:19

Will u stop with that damn metric system, I hate it!!

@lindaplieskatt9150 - 27.01.2024 08:31

500 million years ago didn't exist, only God did. And he formed the earth 6,000 years ago.

@richardlovato6301 - 27.01.2024 13:40

Oh the adyeroid wilk make the earth shake if it doesn't hit us all together and that is coming with as they say a near miss between the earth and the moon the world will quake that is a fact dont have to be skyintiest to understand this

@richardlovato6301 - 27.01.2024 13:43

What should be descused is the fact that what is coming that is what i dont get but of course why would media descuse the truth

@warrentreadwelljr.treadwel2694 - 27.01.2024 18:07

This is 4 yrs old, but I find it extremely interesting that China has tons of quakes, a 7.1 in the 48 hrs. Many quakes happen in China far from fault lines.

@joewood5647 - 27.01.2024 19:58

I have been telling my species for years you live in a confined space if you do not control your population thing you will destroy this confined space along with yourself.
My species saying it is the most intelligent life form on the planet, newsflash, nothing intelligent would behave in such a way that it would end up destroying that which it depends upon which will end up destroying itself..

@healthystrong9107 - 28.01.2024 04:55

Scientists dont predict anything. This comes right out of the Bible from the one true God. They know this and then use itb for their own glory and bs agendas.

@econrith - 28.01.2024 16:27

Also sinkholes the size of which is staggering. I sometimes wonder is this how new seas are formed?

@kenmcclellan - 29.01.2024 01:51

The nudge will come from the Sun. In 2021, the intel compilers of the Deagel country projections told us the deadline -- 2025. NASA says Solar Cycle 25 will see its Solar Max in the next year. What's interesting about that can be found in the Dresden Codex and global temps charts. The Maya had shown that the end of the 5th Ahau (each being of roughly 13 baktuns of 144,000 days) would end with a celestial event. The "New Ahau" was a death's skull -- the great conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn, Dec 21, 2020. And if you will go to the ice charts, you will see that every 5th Precession (and it so happens we are finishing a 5th Precession right now), there is a slow uptick in global temperatures, totalling 10 degrees Celsius, followed by a precipitous drop of 5 degrees ... a trend that leads to the next ice age. So if you go back to the Dresden Codex, you find a drawing of the Corn Goddess hanging herself by the next great conjunction of Virgo in 2040. So we have had years of politicians clamoring about manmade global warming, just like priests for thousands of years bemoaning a sinful people. Both groups of opportunistic cynics pretending to control that which they know they cannot prevent -- a known event -- blaming you for the coming disaster. But no amount of offerings or prayers or taxes will save us from the cataclysm that arrives with every quarter precession. So now go to Wadi el Hol. Look carefully at the symbols for God. One is a symbol of Life. One a symbol of EL. Both speak to a cataclysm taking place on the quarter precession. A star in Virgo has gone to Orion, which logic tells us this time will go to a spot between Pegasus and Cetus on the line that separates Pisces from Aquarius. Well, that is precisely where we will find the Sun on this year's vernal equinox. Now go to the Giza Plateau. It broadcasts the same message. You have a Lion's body carved half a precession ago making a big deal of the heart of heaven being Regulus. You have three huge pyramids pointing to Orion's Belt being the marker of the heavens. And you have the Sphinx's lion's head being reconfigured as a triangular face for the End of Pisces -- where the triangle was used to signify the vernal equinox/1st of Aries. Well, the vernal equinox has moved 90 degrees ... or six hours right ascension from the last nova of Sirius. Some of the ancients, like the Maya, made a big deal of the next solar eclipse . Others, like those of Ojuelos de Jalisco, made a big deal of what Orion is up to -- last cataclysm, it was the vernal equinox ... this year, it is the summer solstice. Still others, like the Aztecs, focused on both events -- giving us, perhaps, a period of concern. The April 8th eclipse (shadow of the moon) will traverse from Mazatlan, Mexico at roughly 11 a.m. to Caribout, Maine at 3:33 p.m. The Aztec symbol of Mazatlan (Land of Deer) was a deer with Orion's Belt with Sirius at its nose! Coincidence?

@d.caballero7056 - 29.01.2024 03:28

The laws care the world, where they now, todays the world. Don't listen to the evils or the witches.😲🙂😲

@udeaustine - 29.01.2024 08:25

Earthquake is predominantly caused by humans dislocation of the isostatic equilibrium

@MarinCipollina - 30.01.2024 02:42

I was living in San Francisco in 1989, and for a week to 10 days prior to the earthquake, I had this unnerving and unshakable feeling that something bad was about to happen. I had no idea what it might be, but each day the feeling grew a bit more intense.. It became so unsettling that on the morning of the earthquake I got in my old Cadillac and drove North to Arcata in Humboldt County. When I arrived there, I stopped at a sports bar, expecting to see game three of the "Bay Bridge" world series. 

Instead of that, I was treated to images of an earthquake, somewhere, as I continued to watch in horror, they pointed out that a section of the Bay Bridge had collapsed and the Marina District was on fire. About a week prior, I sat in my car, parked on Haight Street early evening. It was after dark, maybe 7 PM or so and as I was sitting in my car I felt this sudden hard bump. I thought someone had rammed into my car from the rear, but when I quickly turned to look, there was nothing behind me. It turns out, it had been a 5.2 earthquake.

I have no idea how I was able to sense this earthquake waiting to happen, but I have no other explanation for that foreboding feeling of doom. Perhaps my exit that morning saved my life. I'll never know. I immediately drove back to The City, continuing on to Santa Cruz, nearer the epicenter. It looked like a war zone. One of if not THE strangest event of my life.

@jasonaiken2 - 31.01.2024 11:24

The way the buildings fall in Mexico look like the twin towers falling.

@williamhanna5224 - 31.01.2024 15:18

Excellent !

@johnnyringo765 - 31.01.2024 20:15

The Bible predicted a worldwide quake thousands of years ago.

@larrysorenson4789 - 01.02.2024 21:52

Or maybe it wont.

@RustyOsborne-q3t - 02.02.2024 02:58

Those scientists read the Bible that's cheating

@ruthmartinez4798 - 06.02.2024 02:59

2024 will be one were and when ??? 😮😢😮

@rickpicone9751 - 10.02.2024 14:09

And forcing everybody into electric cars won't stop anything.

@Kleidenwaht44 - 12.02.2024 01:24

In a way this is science porn. The scenarios outlined in this video are all worst case scenarios sensationalized for clicks.

@michelekett8450 - 13.02.2024 03:44

The Earth is a living being, on the move constantly. We need to give up the idea of ‘safety’. We are here for a while, go back to source and return many times. Live your life without fear, enjoy each hour, love life, family and friends, accept everyone, we are all subject to the same eternal laws. Be compassionate and kind, be joyous and carry light in your soul and energy field.

@jalqassar - 13.02.2024 10:00

The Earth is imploding from deep inside. It will break into huge parts eventually, with the pieces separating out into space. Humans over population, over buikding, dripping and polluting Earth foundation and resources is the cause. Humans are not humble but are self entitled, greedy, destructive.

@SybilDeligny-cz3br - 14.02.2024 21:46

It will come as the KING approaches this nasty world of satan
No respect you men of earth whose power will end by the KING of KINGS

@SybilDeligny-cz3br - 14.02.2024 21:55

HE will exalt HIMSELF over the whole world....and who opposes Him will burn..history
You scientists and atheists are done for ...just feeling unbearable heat never ending..stop messing with JAH

@SybilDeligny-cz3br - 14.02.2024 22:02

The Bible already predicts this Quake

@lordmoorman2125 - 16.02.2024 19:57

Billy Meier fortold this -- all this in the 1980's but the entire world just ignores his 72 books and countless letters. But the US Government knows. They read his stuff every day but keep it hidden from the world in order to keep their might an power.

@cynthiaatworth8208 - 17.02.2024 01:45

The Bible predicted the biggest quake long before the scientists did. It’s still on the horizon.

@sonjiachilds - 18.02.2024 02:42

Mankind is triggering these quakes with our bombs!!

@michellecarter7851 - 19.02.2024 06:12

God predicts a earthquake in the tribulation that will knock the earth off it's access flatten mountain ranges and move islands on the other side of the earth .

@arnesahlen2704 - 19.02.2024 20:47

"New MAD-rid" is apparently the correct way to say it.

@evangelicalsnever-lie9792 - 20.02.2024 09:24

4 years later, crickets...

@evangelicalsnever-lie9792 - 20.02.2024 09:27

The Religious mental illness and fear is palpable on these kinds of click bait vids 😂

@bobmarshall3700 - 23.02.2024 14:43

When will the powers that be face the simple fact that there are just too many humans on this planet? The more humans, the more they are crowded onto the planet, the more lives will be lost!
Eight billion and approaching nine billion is simply unsustainable. 100 years ago there was only about one billion.
Zero Population Growth (ZPG) now!
But humans never learn from their mistakes. Nature will no doubt deal with the situation one way or another.

@diegoflores9237 - 18.03.2024 05:39

Very good documentary. Well explained and learned a couple of things that I hadn't heard before.

@mfwebpea2935 - 31.03.2024 08:39

Retina damage every 5 Seconds

@marvinmartinez5552 - 13.04.2024 02:41

It will happen in the tribulation.

@iainpattison903 - 16.04.2024 00:06

The earthquake in Bhuj, India on 26 January 2001 was a warning from God.

@alwafalt2996 - 06.05.2024 14:23

Mega typhoon or hurricane disaster?

@watchgoose - 11.06.2024 06:31

Loma Pri E ta, not Pri A ta

@CitroTeam - 12.06.2024 19:14

In the previous pandemic, the Spanish flu killed 50 million across the planet. Nature does not forgive. Believe or not in God, nature doesn't care about that.

@eddieclark5930 - 16.06.2024 06:52

We are living in the last days or the end of days. The bible says there will be earthquakes in divers places. Overall, earthquakes don't just happen in usual places like the West coast I can understand why they can happen in unusual places like the central and the Eastern US. Because quakes volcanoes and tsunamis represent birth pains of the planet that lets me know the return of Jesus is near!!!

@fandoria09 - 09.07.2024 09:27

On January 1700, a 9.0 earthquake hit Washington State.

@jlgreywolf - 19.07.2024 04:25

I was in SF for the Loma Prieta earthquake and in southern California for the Northridge quake (bad luck i guess) and watched a gas station explode. as well as a couple of quakes in the Santa Clara area. (The 1984 Morgan Hill earthquake occurred in 1984 and measured 6.2 with an aftershock of 5.7) I watched the parking lot melt into the ground with water fountains in front of me and cars falling into chasms. I currently live 1/2 mile from the Hayward fault. (a glutton for punishment?) no one who hasn't lived through a large earthquake has any business opining about the experience.

@Offskew - 22.08.2024 11:41

I was a primary rescue team member in the Marina...was visiting my Mom from where I worked outside of Yosemite, the owner of the Ambulance company there told me to stay as long as they needed help...was there 10 days - I grew up in SF so i assisted many of the teams from out of the state that came to help

@wilcofaber9863 - 22.08.2024 22:58

2011 japan showed how it would look like

@MarleyHarris-ko2ir - 22.09.2024 21:05

Ohhhhh it is coming….and it is by the wrath Of God as it is stated in the scriptures, those who belong to God will not be on earth when this happens, only the unbelievers and the Wicked will be here to face the end of everything when this whole earthquake happens at the very end…..No human or any living thing will survive because it is the END

@orobleh77 - 06.01.2025 04:18

New Madrid, USA. Bhuj, India. Those earthquakes geologist don't understand yet. This is the magic of mother earth.
