ОтветитьWhat to put in skin before using it ?
ОтветитьWhere do you get one ?
ОтветитьIs this like guasha
ОтветитьWhat do you put on skin before massaging with this?
ОтветитьWhy are you talking like that without actually moving your mouth/lips lol
Ответитьwtf am I watching 😂😂😂😂 people really buy this shyt!!?😂😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьNo offence but my tight poinytail would do the same 😂 just kidding
ОтветитьWhat serums can you use with this for easier gliding.
ОтветитьHow long does this last in a day???
ОтветитьBet it lasts for not even an hour 😅
ОтветитьWill it help with asymmetrical face??
ОтветитьThis device is ment not for changing the shape of your face . It does work well for skin toning and collagen building, redness, and killing spot bacteria. There are several different light setting effects.
ОтветитьI need this
ОтветитьWha setting are you using
ОтветитьCan you tell me - does it vibrate on its own when you turn it on? or when you touch it with your face? or when you touch the back with your finger?? I bought it and it does not vibrate on its own.. only when I touch the back
ОтветитьAnyone feel a slight tingle
Ответитьi bought but due to the microcrrent and vibration , im scared of using it 😅. someone help
ОтветитьProduct does NOT come with directions 😢😮
WOW! That's Amazing!
ОтветитьIt is amazing outcome but it doesn't last long its like only whilst you're doing it xx the point of it is removing the deposits of fat under the skin giving a younger looking face. But nothing is permanent ❤❤❤ for anyone interested
ОтветитьSee no difference
ОтветитьHis family was pissing me off the way they was treating him... He was in a car wreck for crying out loud‼️ He will never be the same
ОтветитьWhich brand is it
ОтветитьWhere can I get this? What’s the name of it?
Ответитьmai nai bhi kharida h mgr 2 hi din baad uski wibrate khatm hogai h only 3 colr per wibrate krrhi h machin ab jesay inform krun jhasay khridi h instgram say koi opp b nhi arha h vhs
ОтветитьWhat's the red light used for?
ОтветитьWhat is the name of the melody in here video? It was very popular few years ago on tik tok and instagram but I can’t remeber the name
ОтветитьIt last a total of 4 min
Ответитьthis is a scam! i have this machine for a month and it has zero effect! - this video is probably edited by after effects, be aware
ОтветитьNow show us the other side after.
ОтветитьWhat is proper way to use it on double chin?
ОтветитьTHIS DOES NOTHING! It legit if shows its working legit works as long as it takes for water on your hands to dry... DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY PPL!... lol
ОтветитьI bought one and it wonder vibrate even when I’m holding it the way she does. Touched the metal etc. I feel like influencers got vibrating ones and everyone else is buying the cheap light devices.
Ответитьdoes it matter what brand
ОтветитьLol you sure you didn’t just get a tooth pulled???🤨
ОтветитьDoes it work for box scars
ОтветитьI got mine a few days ago and started using it right away and saw results in my neck lines . I noticed my skin looking brighter and more calm
ОтветитьHow long does the contour effect last?
ОтветитьDid you use purple light for contour?
ОтветитьHow long does the face remains lifted?
ОтветитьWhat name please is this devices what marke ??
ОтветитьThank you, I am here looking for reviews as I anticipate purchasing
ОтветитьWith continuous use does it help with decreased sagging
Ответитьhello, i am the USA Amazon seller of this device. We can sell it half price in exchange for the product review. Anyone is interested?
ОтветитьThis would be a lot believable if she wasn’t talking with her teeth clamped together avoiding them smile lines like whyyyyy 😂😭💀
ОтветитьIt’s really awesome! I am 88 and I am looking like 84 years old! I am feeling so young now!!!