How To Get Online Remote Jobs - Retire Early Philippines

How To Get Online Remote Jobs - Retire Early Philippines

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@MM-hq3li - 30.10.2023 20:27

Reekay Live soon Please? Thank you Sir!

@davefarnsworth3020 - 30.10.2023 20:47

I just wished a Merry Christmas to a Filipina friend of mine who is visiting the Philippines from North Idaho.

@gregwil694 - 30.10.2023 21:22

Good topic. Finding remote work is a great idea for many who might not have quite the funds to retire on and frankly, for some who have plenty of money but not enough in the way of hobbies. Its never a good idea to retire and not have at least one interest to keep you engaged especially when you are at your base, between travelling.

Im a voice actor.
Although voicing is a great way to make money, doing so is much more involved than getting a good mic and "reading" scripts. Actually in most cases, you dont want to appear like reading at all. Its an art that can be learned with good coaching and plenty of time unless you are of the very few who are naturally gifted for it. They call it acting for a reason and just like on a stage or in front of a camera, not everyone can do it well enough to get paid for it.
Unless you record at studios, you have to have a space that has dead sound and is either sound proofed or recordings are made when there is no noise outside or in your building. Surf, roosters, karaoke, traffic, talking/yelling etc. will kill a recording in its tracks.

@robertreynolds6072 - 30.10.2023 21:23

Have a long term plan, invest in dividend paying shares.

@Vanico69 - 30.10.2023 21:44

Good info as always.

@scottmason6282 - 30.10.2023 21:53

Thank You Reekay ! Hope You Have A Wonderful Day ! 🙂🙂🙂🙏🙏🙏💯💯💯

@charleslichtman3978 - 31.10.2023 00:28

I will have to look into this

@soremekun - 31.10.2023 01:17

I wish I could retire early and join you there.

@davidwegner9690 - 31.10.2023 01:27

Very interesting! Thanks Reekay. I wouldn't necessarily do a job remotely just for the money but rather something to do to avoid boredom. Need some purpose and meaning in life of course.

@francisweekes4041 - 31.10.2023 01:43

thank you so much for this video..... I am 52 and in my country I have to wait till 60 to get my retirement benefit but i am very sure i am ready for early retirement in the Philippines and was seeking this kind of information from a worthy credible source ...I truly appreciate your vast amount of valuable relevant information.

@chriso5842 - 31.10.2023 01:50

Great review of online job sites! Is Flexjobs worth the fee compared to traditional job sites?

@steved6269 - 31.10.2023 01:52

I've never been to PH, but I've worked with colleagues during my last two roles (which I worked from the US) who call PH home. I'm considering visiting more and more as I educate myself on the "how to", what to expect, where to start, etc. The digital nomad/remote life is particularly intriguing. Your channel has really helped. The dating tips/perspectives have also really helped, as I'm a single guy interested in exploring that arena, too.

While I don't necessarily agree with your approach/beliefs on some specific topics, one thing is certain - you have spent a considerable amount of time and effort sharing lessons you have learned over the years. I appreciate your wisdom on so many different topics. A lot of your content has inspired me and really caused me to think. Thank you 🙂

@W1LDWESLEY - 31.10.2023 02:32

I am dum, but I can learn, and im self learning so far. I dont want to help people go into debt

@leemeng - 31.10.2023 02:34

Hey Reekay thanks for the useful info. BTW there is a high-pitched sound in your vid for the first 3 mins or so. Could a be a mike or cable issue. Can be removed with audio software.

@laura3619 - 31.10.2023 02:42


@michaelcartuccio4851 - 31.10.2023 03:53

Awesome thanks again

@georgepower7 - 31.10.2023 04:22

Good information. I have a small pension ( passive income) of just under 2k . I’ll definitely be using this info to try and supplement my income when I move there is a few months .

@travelandjapan438 - 31.10.2023 05:21

I have never found a suitable way to earn a remote living while in the Philippines. These sites are good for some people, but I find that the pay is low.

@mikelcannon3694 - 31.10.2023 05:35

It's also good information for someone in the states too!

@gimponatrip425 - 31.10.2023 08:10

Sir I got to ask you a question and I hope you're the one that responds would 1680 be enough to live good over there

@notsocrazyjohn5348 - 31.10.2023 08:27

Thanks for the info, I will be looking for something to do when I move to the Philippines next year. Much appreciated. Cheers Aussie John

@licentiaplaythrough7663 - 31.10.2023 13:50

you microphone is faulty.... high pitched ping noise.

@Balabok - 31.10.2023 21:14

I'm a VFX artist and I started my career in the Phils in 1997. I was making peanuts there at that time. The Barangay captain toured the studio I was working in and said I could be making way more back in the States. Yeah, I knew that. Anyway, It might be a challenge to find a remote job for an animation/3D specialist like me there if I relocate to Bicol. I'm not sure since I haven't looked into it.

@mynameisjayze - 01.11.2023 03:04

Thank you for pushing the content! I’m planning my escape from Canada to the Philippines. Take care bro

@bokopoko3246 - 01.11.2023 16:54

With the cacophony of background noise everywhere in the Philippines voiceover work must be a real challenge.

@SteelerY360Nation - 01.11.2023 17:29

Excellent Video!! I enrolled in a paid Online class teaching ESL (English as a 2nd Language).

@SpaceForceCooks - 02.11.2023 02:04

I have a video suggestion which is my exact situation...Is it possible to find a "quality" Filipina in tourist area like Puerto Galera or Coron when you're only visiting for a week and if yes, what's the best strategy? $$$ isn't an issue but vacation time is; could only spend a week per year. Only strategy I could find online was when you bump into an older local at least 40+ years old, simply just ask if they know of any pretty and single Filipinas who might be interested in foreigners

@AnthonyCataldo-b2q - 02.11.2023 19:33

Seeking Alpha for financial experts.

@MrSaabsucks - 03.11.2023 02:31

This is amazing. Great information.

@gordon.Jacko1055 - 05.11.2023 07:44

Well that depends on how much of a lump sum you have now doesn’t it? 🤔

@johnsherman4035 - 07.11.2023 07:22

Nice content. Ive been in Cebu for a year and no dice with a side hustle even online with facilitated marketplaces. The TEFL market has dried up and careful with "recruiters" because you may wind up in a legal jam working on the down low.

@peternicho - 07.11.2023 22:18

Clever way to earn

@butch1963 - 08.11.2023 23:01

Flex jobs is crap unless you have skills and education in a FEW particularly jobs

@greenwhiskey7 - 14.11.2023 00:13

So if I am on Medicare can I get a job without losing my benefits

@jannarkiewicz633 - 15.11.2023 03:13

All major job sites (Linkedin, Dice, etc.) let you search for remote only positions. All are free. The biggest issue is that 90% of companies view remote as being, "You must be remote U.S." But a lot of people know how to use VPNs to show they are in the U.S. You need to live where is no brown outs and solid Internet.

@mikestorm9578 - 25.11.2023 04:04

Want to go so bad … but I got a dog. It seems so tough to get a dog to travel with you. I might have to wait many years 😢

@richarddods221 - 25.11.2023 06:43

Brilliant, thank you Sir

@AChaplin19656 - 05.12.2023 20:22

Digital nomads are just chasing cheap outsourced jobs in developing countries. It is supposed to be for locals, not for expats and tourists.

@bullfighter42 - 27.12.2023 07:05

Who does the tax on earned money go to? Home country or PH?

@byroncollier4253 - 05.08.2024 16:06

great video

@chrisbunka - 07.10.2024 20:49

Not just useful advice for working and living in the PH but also useful in the West when dealing with economic slowdowns.😊

@MariaLeeVegas - 26.11.2024 04:41

Why are your pictures all of old men but young women in bikinis? 😂

@michaelbeggs2013 - 20.12.2024 10:52

I do not have a specialized skill. I have a small pension from the hospital I retired early from. I was extremely lucky to apply for a job that asked for an American accent. It was an American outsourcing company and they were willing to let me work remotely from America instead of their Cebu subsidiary, which was originally the job offer. I worked in nursing for 35 years and I had zero experience in business. I develop my own business leads on the internet and then I cold call them and try to convince them to outsource jobs to the Philippines, which is not easy. I have been working at it for five months here in Cebu and I have managed to help create 12 remote jobs for Filipinos. One company hired 7 people. I receive compensation in commissions and if I keep at it I will be doing very well in a year. The wages are low, but the more jobs I outsource, the higher my income gets.The easiest way for an American to get hired if he does not have a special skill is to marry a Filipino and get working rights from a 9a visa. I was very extremely lucky to get a job and I don't plan to quit before I can draw social security in 4 years, and I may keep working past 62, depending on how I feel then. The best remote job is the one that you set up in America before you move here. I would not want to try living on the income from fiver.
