OUR WEDDING DAY (Taylor's version)

OUR WEDDING DAY (Taylor's version)

Taylor Morello

8 месяцев назад

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@tjsleiman - 21.06.2024 01:30

My goodness, I can't stop crying😢🎉 This was all so lovely. Both of you looked AH-MA-ZING!! When your dad turned to see you in your dress, I lost it. How beautiful you were, (and always are). The groom/bride dance was eloquent. I've watched your vlogs for years. This was so special💍👰🎩Thank you both for sharing your special day. Wishing you both a wonderful life together filled with memorable moments like this💫

@lauraeichler611 - 21.06.2024 02:02

OMG You were absolutely the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen! Just perfection! I loved everything about this day but mostly,… YOU!!💕😘

@veejayyazzie9572 - 21.06.2024 02:20

🥲🤍u look so
Lovely Taylor. Congrats!

@justinfelt748 - 21.06.2024 08:31

This is incredible, Taylor! The big day is here! Your fabulous wedding event! CONGRATULATIONS!!😊😀😙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙🌷💖💖💖💖💖💖🗽💖💖😊🎇🎉🎇🎉🎇🎉🎇🎉👍

@Frazzledvirgo7 - 21.06.2024 10:56

Taylor I wanted you to have some lovely time off to enjoy being married! Yay but I was also checking back daily to see if you uploaded!! 😅 💕 I’m crying now! So happy for you!🥹 ps. I LOVED the moodiness of a little bit of rain!! 🌧️ so romantic!🥰

@Frazzledvirgo7 - 21.06.2024 11:18

It’s sooo funny all the buzzing about your suite pre wedding prep!! Then we go to the men’s suite…tie the bow tie ? ✅ put on shoes ✅ and they’re all done!! 🤭 while the gals are there for hrs doing hair makeup prep ha 😅 the girls looked so lovely in the blush tone dresses and the men so cute! I’m still crying all the way til the end 😅I’m such a sap! And OMG the man performing the ceremony?? Epic!!!! Loved him! And the family speeches? Just such loving stories! I am still crying! From beginning to end! What a great family you’ve all made 💕

@jeanneewaseck6635 - 21.06.2024 11:57

Now that I've watched through to the first dance, I shall also say this is the sweetest, and most classy, wedding I have ever been to (and I've been married twice!!)! Congratulations, again!!!

@ruthharris6783 - 21.06.2024 16:54

It’s strange watching a wedding video over again of people you have never met in person. But following your channel and kind of seeing your personality it feels real. I cry when your dad saw you for the first time. I could tell he was saying how beautiful you were and you both cried. So glad you got the wedding of your dreams with your Prince Charming

@thefarpak - 21.06.2024 18:23

This was such a beautiful wedding to watch!! Congratulations Taylor!! You are already so beautiful and even more beautiful in that wedding dress and all the happiness that’s glowing on your face. I’m sooo happy that you found your prince who’s over the moon for you. You guys are the best!! And your mom and dad, so sweet!!! Your mom is beautiful! May you have a wonderful married life ❤

@loridelia8806 - 21.06.2024 18:56

Congratulations Taylor and Lyle! You are absolutely stunning! So beautiful ❤

@ahoward3819 - 21.06.2024 21:54

My husband and I were engaged for 10 years, but still didn’t see each other until I walked down the aisle that day. It is such a special moment, and I will never forget it.

@ahoward3819 - 21.06.2024 22:36

Where were they married?

@janeedwards5800 - 21.06.2024 23:21

Beautiful ! thank you for sharing your special day !!!!

@JohleneOrton - 22.06.2024 01:03

You remind me of a young Grace Kelly on your wedding day 🤍 You looked radiant!

@OceanEsthers - 22.06.2024 03:50

Words cannot describe how absolutely thrilled I was to celebrate this super special day with you. Thank you for sharing this with us, I literally cried the whole way through. Honestly I cannot get over how beautiful you looked and how happy you were. You look like a true princess! I wish you and Lyle nothing but the absolute best life has to offer ❤

@kimLD187 - 22.06.2024 06:41

My goodness! So sweet! Congratulations and Best wishes!

@heidielissa - 22.06.2024 08:54

🥂 Congratulations Taylor and Lyle! You looked so beautiful! From the heartfelt vows, elegant flowers, speeches, and beautiful venue, it was so special! I teared up at how special your day was! So happy for you both!! 💐

@carolcanny4778 - 22.06.2024 18:34

What an absolutely amazing BEAUTIFUL phenomenal wedding !!
💟💍💒 👰‍♀️💘🤵 💒💍💟
Congratulations ! 🍾🎉 💞
You BOTH seem so very happy together lovely to see and hear your LOVE STORY ❤️‍🔥 many happy years of growing and knowing how to do life together through the ups and downs, the good and bad, wishing you both understanding, patience and forgiveness.

@sullij63 - 22.06.2024 21:14

All I can say is WOW!! Perfection. That is all.

@sullij63 - 22.06.2024 21:27

Your wedding video is my new favorite Romance Movie!! Magical!!

@glenkemp2071 - 24.06.2024 23:57


@markheying2830 - 25.06.2024 04:08

Rapunzel would be so happy if she sees this!

@artandcrafttherapy - 28.06.2024 23:12


@nainamakarova373 - 01.07.2024 12:29

Поздравляю! счастья, удачи и любви!!!

@nightwalkerchannel6206 - 01.07.2024 13:49

How poorly developed videography is in your country, I do not envy

@gracafaria1861 - 01.07.2024 23:26

Amazing day...be happy! 🤍🤍🤍💐🍾🍸🥂☔

@ilariagentile5917 - 02.07.2024 00:17

Congratulations 🎉 I’m so happy for you both! You look stunning… so elegant ❤️

@mchyde9645 - 06.07.2024 05:52

I would love to know the colors she used on your makeup.

@elysedewyngaert178 - 11.07.2024 17:33

What a lovely vignette, one suggestion to brides or anyone getting dressed up with plans of wearing real pearls, put your scent and lotions before you dress. Perfume and lotions will damage your pearls. 💕

@MersonyAraromiTV - 13.07.2024 15:20

Beautiful 😍 watch my Cultural traditional 🇳🇬🇱🇷 wedding

@mariannaryan456 - 17.07.2024 06:07

Just wow!! What a beautiful, beautiful day! Congratulations to you and Lyle. I hope your wedding was everything you dreamt of and more!🥂

@renaallen7213 - 18.07.2024 13:19

What's up with no socks on the groom???

@jordanbrascia3483 - 23.07.2024 05:18

You look stunningly beautiful & Lyle sooo handsome.... what a beautiful wedding❤

@DucksAreFake - 25.07.2024 13:51


@divyapbr - 10.08.2024 21:17

I teared up during the ceremony and different places...

@andreahesdra4819 - 08.10.2024 07:55

You look stunning so beautiful & elegant! Thank you for sharing your wedding with us
I loved every minute of it! Congratulations🩷

@surijo5399 - 18.10.2024 06:19

Omg congrats, Taylor! Missed the upload! 😭 Happy that things are all in line for you. 🎉 Glad to come back to you entering a new phase of your life. May you have a happy, lifelong marriage with Lyle! ❤

@verginiabusuioc9300 - 30.10.2024 03:45

Beautiful bride!!!

@warisathanghom-du9gn - 18.12.2024 09:53

Congratulations ❤❤

@sherisevalentygibb - 08.01.2025 05:14

I love that you are wearing the wedding shoes from sex in the city (the white version obviously) but they are beautiful.

@amielawhorn3537 - 08.01.2025 08:10

Oh Taylor.. your hair !!! This is coming from an old hairdresser.. Your hair is BEAUTIFUL. The good Lord was watching over you and making sure the kid from rehearsal night wasn’t anywhere around !😮😮. I hated my hair on my wedding day.. I am really jealous of yours. It is just beautiful Taylor. Can you tell I post while I am watching lol?

@amielawhorn3537 - 08.01.2025 08:14

Wow ! With your wedding hair up you totally look like Katherine Heigl when she is the bride in the movie she did ( I 4got the name) Ok. Going to watch the big event 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷

@amielawhorn3537 - 08.01.2025 09:19

Wow. What a BEAUTIFUL wedding !

@nolasfamily3913 - 09.01.2025 00:31

Beautiful wedding, beautiful bride. Congrats on 6 months!

@RoseyTucker - 09.01.2025 10:39

What a beautiful, and tasteful wedding. However I was offended when he was speaking of the origins of the wedding guests, the minister said: "Canada, I think that's a big state"! No, we are not a state, and never were, and will never willingly become one. We are a completely different country, with our own proud and distinctive culture. Although his starement was supposed to be a joke, it's very feeble. Also, it's becoming obvious now, that Trump is not the only #@%& American who had his eye on making Canada the 51st state of the USA. Well, be aware that your neighbours from the north, are not in the least bit interested in becoming part of your warmongering country!🤬

@tmo6517 - 10.01.2025 06:03

Oh my gosh are you guys getting rained on??😂 So beautiful but i see umbrellas and hear pitter patter but you two look COMPLETELY dry!😮

@bornwithbsguards - 10.01.2025 12:25

Aww I love this so much. What a gorgeous venue and everything! Looks like things went incredibly well considering the weather especially. Thank you for sharing and that venue is incredible. Reminds me of the gardens in Versailles 🤩

@southnclassic - 14.02.2025 00:27

Where is your new wig! Why not wearing it? I hope you give away as much as you buy! I never been with a Shop-Alcoholic! I am amazed ! Is that your job shopping and spending money! So cute

@tanylok36 - 14.02.2025 14:37

What a beautiful ceremony! I loved every second of it. They say Rain brings good luck, I sure wish that it does! Thank you for sharing this moment with us. Loved your mom's advice! 😂❤

- A stranger (Future Bride)
