the fact that one of the signs listed is "persecution of the jews" like. my guy. you've described most of their history.
Ответитьwatching this video went from 'oh cool, new alyssa grenfell video' to 'oh fuck my parents are doomsday preppers i thought that was normal' real fast
ОтветитьWait am a little confused (love ur content btw so informative!!) Is Joseph smith mentioned in the Bible?
ОтветитьThere's a book I like called Dry, and the main character's "crazy prepper neighbors" are Mormon. I didn’t get the reference when I was a kid, but I think it's funny how this stuff slips into popular media.
ОтветитьNot very Jesusy to be preppers. It’s much more jesusy to starve and give others your food
ОтветитьAnd I thought my grandpa's old villa where he grew up had a huge pantry... Man, was I wrong. 😂 I gotta show him what the Mormons got going on, he'll love it.
ОтветитьLast podcast on the left is currently doing a series on vallow and daybell, pretty good i recommend.
ОтветитьI was a dooms day prepper raised Pentecostal fear ends times so getting ready to run in case I was left behind in the rapture. I saw myself not good enough to be taken.
ОтветитьWell... GO Whitehorse prophecy we Believe in you right now !!!
ОтветитьI was 16 in the year 2000 and grew up in a largely LDS community. It's hard to explain how seriously Y2K was taken back in 1999, but boy where the Mormons smug about being prepared! Didn't age well...
ОтветитьReligious people really must not like math is showing in Quantum Physics. Nor how common the building blocks of life are. Sure it 1 in million they form life but consider that 100-400 billion stars in our galaxy and there could upward of 2 trillion galaxies. That 1 in million will have happened, is happening and will happen a lot. This is something you need believe on faith, math and observation show it. I'm sure world has end million of time we can never noticed as we aren't the dead cat in Schrodinger's thought experiment. That take bit leap of faith that science will prove or disprove in the future.
ОтветитьIf they’re so concerned about the “purity of translation” why don’t more Mormons learn Hebrew and Greek? Most Christian seminaries (the kind where you go to get an MDiv and a PhD in theology, not the Mormon Sunday school kind) require both as part of their Gen Ed classes. It’s silly.
ОтветитьI think this lady is actually recruiting More momons by talking about the scriptures and this stuff it almost got me
ОтветитьThe thing with preppers is that they will spend tens of thousands of dollars in guns to kill their starving neighbours rather than spending the same money on food reserves and agriculture to FEED their starving neighbours!
Not very "Christian"
When I was a poor 20 year old, I would go “grocery shopping” in my grandma’s garage of food storage😂
Ответитьas someone who grew up in Utah county but wasn’t mormon i love the discussion on this channel to answer all the questions i had as a kid visiting her kids friends confusedly
ОтветитьI wonder what Mormons think about Jehovah's Witnesses?
ОтветитьEven 3 months of food storage prep at 8 bottles of water a day and 3 meals a day is 60 12packs of water bottles and 270 cans of food.
ОтветитьMy grandpa always made sure we had our food storage and kept a list of world events that he thought were fulfilling prophecies. Everytime i talked to him about it, i could see the fear and worry in his eyes. It's sick to foster fear to ensure obedience to the church!
Also, I'm convinced that the survival skills that we were taught in Boy Scouts is largely based on preparing a church malitia to ensure that Mormons thrive amidst the chaos of the second coming.
The church doesn't create doomsday prepers
Ответитьi'm from jackson county, the mormon community here is soooo prevalent
ОтветитьAfter Jesus there are no prophets. Prophets talk about the coming of Christ and repentence. But Jesus Christ came and preached the Kindom of heaven. So no reason anymore for new prophets after GOD HIMSELF came and saved us. So DONT LISTEN TO PROPHETS AFTER JESUS CHRIST
ОтветитьDon't let her fool you she's secretly a proper
ОтветитьSuddenly, Zack form JerryRigEverything's bunker build makes a lot more sense
ОтветитьEveryone has a pantry 😂😂😂 We had an entire basement and then some. I genuinely envy those who did not grow up with prepper parents.
ОтветитьExplaining to my non-member friends why our basement was filled with 5 gallon buckets of wheat became common. Sadly.
ОтветитьI’ve never been Mormons or even real around Mormons. But when my family went to get food from free food pantries, I LOVED the LDS applesauce. Still, to this day, it’s some of the best applesauce out there.
ОтветитьThe cute girl hairstyles mom is a prepper and it started off subtle like her getting her kids tools etc for christmas but this year she got them like full blown survival shit and I feel like its probably even more intense offline
ОтветитьI was uninvited to a Protestant thing because I ask too many questions and I am perceived as not Christian, and the leader of the church, Mike, started comparing his church to the latter day Saints temple saying, only certain people are allowed into the temple. I was thinking oh, he wants, extra holy, okay.
ОтветитьNot grey man! No camo!
ОтветитьNot me, an exmormon, watching this on a bed thats been propped up on boxed of canned food storage for like a decade now 💀💀💀 It really does just become like. Part of the furniture.
ОтветитьWhat about a year's storage of ammo?
ОтветитьTbh i feel a lot of kinship with ex-Mormons as an ex-Jehovahs Witness myself. I was born into the religion and while we were never encouraged to prepare for an apocalypse, we were given the horribly anxiety - inducing teaching of the "Great Tribulation" in which JWs will be SPECIFICALLY targeted with violence and potentially being fatally harmed. But of course, beyond "having a good relationship with Jehovah" there was no real preparation given to us lmao.
The whole "our religion is the only true/real one" was drilled into me constantly as a kid. Our end of the world was quite literally the Great Tribulation in which JWs will be targeted and harmed, then Jesus and Jehovah will kill everyone who is not a JW (does not matter if they are a child or unable to understand the religion in any way, too mf bad), and then FINALLY after everyone else is dead the JWs will "inherit a paradise earth" that would I guess be paved over billions of dead bodies???
Its a horrible religion that hijacks people's grieving process by promising them that they will see their dead loved ones in the Paradise if they are JWs. I've seen it happen to my mom and other family members and it breaks my heart.
I'm so glad you were able to unravel your indoctrination as difficult as it can be. We all deserve to be free and untethered from that indoctrination especially the parts that cause such intense anxiety and trauma especially for those of us who were kids in these organizations.
I went to grad school with a Mormon guy and his car trunk was always loaded with food and go-bags. He cited some (I think) scripture about always being prepared. It made sense to me considering their history of persecution and needing to be ready to get out of town.
ОтветитьSorry for my ignorance, I'm an atheist, but why is the second coming a war? Wouldn't Jesus make everything peaceful and good?
ОтветитьThe obsession with converting Jews makes me feel sick. The Jewish people have had to endure millenia of forced conversions, exile, having to hide their identities and practices to avoid being killed. Judaism, as a strictly non-proselytizing ethno-religion, does not try to force its beliefs on others, or convince others to join of their own free will even, they just want to be left alone and left to be themselves. Israel is right to ban Mormon missions, nobody wants to deal with that nonsense after fighting just to exist for so long.
Ответить“Mormon doomsday fan fiction” was anybody else thinking about the “Left Behind” book series? My mom took me to see the movie (based on the books, starring Kirk Cameron) in theaters when it came out.
Ответить😂. Get a two wheel pull cart in case you have to go for higher ground! Haha! You could be a female Jordan Peterson if you keep this up you have sense of humor and you're speaking to psyop mental control. That is going to be a phrase that gets thrown around a lot in the future.
ОтветитьOk. I like you. Carnivore or omnivore-ish takes away the fear or anxiety. With a high intake of be fat and proportion to the red meat your body will regulate fat. Anything processing the grocery store is poison. I don't say that lately with an agricultural degree and a premier agricultural fraternity. However it's the truth. If you eat what's alive you're going to be alive if you eat what's dead you're going to be dead. You are doing a great job. Teachers are very important right now. You are affecting hundreds of thousands maybe.
ОтветитьThe first thing to do is be will armed and go for higher ground. That way you can store live food in colder temperature. I hear billionaire surprise land in Wyoming that's elevated too. Pemmican wins all fights with veggies.
ОтветитьMy buddy said he was not going to do missionary work when he was in the hood and his Sr compadre was knocking on a hotel door yelling Barry! It's Marc! I've got a message. It's from....the Lord!
Ответить"Everybody has a pantry" is sooooo out of touch 😅 I've never lived in a house with a proper pantry. In the first house my parents owned, there were a couple of extra shelves above our washer and dryer we used for a little extra food storage. In the 15ish years since I've been on my own, only 1 apartment I've lived in had what could be called a pantry, but it was really more of an extra large linen closet in the hallway.
Ответитьnot mormon, but I grew up very religious and fearing for my life after learning about the rapture and the tribulation and being forced to read the left behind series. my dad had a food storage bunker full of canned food and guns and every so often we’d have to “practice” being in the bunker… shit was crazy. thankfully I have deconstructed!
ОтветитьAs an atheist (who is an atheist, because I've read so much of the bible and was so involved with my church as a child and lives in a highly conservative and religious city) Trump is genuinly the most similar to every description of the antichrist I've ever seen throughout history. The dude may as well have "false profit" tattooed across his big, ugly, orange forehead 😅
ОтветитьSo that's why Mormons were the only religion to survive the apocalypse in Fallout New Vegas...
ОтветитьProfiting from sensationally smearing sincere believers blatantly contradicts Christ's teachings of love, respect, and honest dialogue. Rather than creating division through sensationalism, true followers of Christ seek to build bridges of understanding, respect religious differences, and encourage meaningful, respectful conversation.
ОтветитьGot an ad for the mormon church under your video. The irony 😂