I think Ray Scott was the best thing for the sport early on, but he might have been the worst thing for it in the late 90s, his steadfast attitude that he wouldn't move forward and change eventually caused the split even though he was gone by then, his past actions in the late 90s nearly ended bass when FLW was booming.
ОтветитьThe reason that so many anglers are fishing NPFL Todd, is not because they feel the inclination to abandon ship elsewhere on the Bassmaster platform etc. Very much the reverse to that. That in order for a Gerald Swindle 'to remain' underneath the Bassmaster banner for any longer horizon, it obliges Gerald to go any look for some other circuit elsewhere. Why? Because anglers aren't allowed 'to fish' at Bassmaster any longer. They are expected to scope instead. Here is the reality, in the post- 2008 recession I knew trades people who made the first profit they'd ever made in their lifetimes in 2009 to 2013. Why? On the face of it, the offering price of building contracts had collapsed and became almost non- existent. But there was a cohort of the skilled trades labour, who didn't know how to do anything else except to continue to work for virtually nothing (so as to maintain their skills and their connection with employment and industry). What happened for the few trades businesses that struggled through those times, as they accepted contract work at half values etc. Was they discovered that labour prices had collapsed even more than the offering price for jobs and projects. So there was still enough residual or margin left over that small businesses in spite of themselves turned over small profits. What you're seeing in professional bass angling is that anglers are trades people, who've been left without a place in which to apply their trade and skills (because of electronics). And one is faced with grim realities at that point, for example if you are a James Watson. You're expected to simply evaporate, or vanish and never be heard of again. In order words, allow your trade craft and set of skills acquired over a lifetime to atrophy and get forgotten. Following the mass exodus of former Classic competition winners in 2019, what happened was Bassmaster as an institution learned something it has never forgotten. One can't allow these competitors ever again to convince themselves they have as individuals some unique, special or otherwise 'learned' or perfected valuable trade or craft. We have to convince them they are numbers, and it's a black box that's really the thing that's valuable. Not the guy with the logo's on their shirt. There was a music group, Milly something back decades ago. I was a bit young to remember the scandal. They were sort of a manufactured act, that didn't actually sing. The organizations now feel much safer, if it's a bunch of Milly typeacts just dancing around on the boat deck. And anglers are simply encouraged to forget what they know. In order to continue to enjoy the radient and splendid magnification spotlight at Bassmaster. To continue to preserve their capability as professional anglers, the only option is to find somewhere else, where one is still allowed to fish. That is what you are witnessing.
ОтветитьYou have been great at not taking a side because really no reason too. Just dropping info and how you see things which is awesome. I just enjoy and trust your take on most of it. I want to see it play out as well. Definitely respect the guys who can do both and am hoping the ones who think they can…do. Rooting for them not against them.
ОтветитьHow’s Hallman doing?
ОтветитьPatrick Walter's kicked their tail with ffs and I bet he does without
ОтветитьTyler williams will catch them dont let him fool yall these kids study bass fishing 24 /7 during the off season while most older guys are deer hunting these young bucks on the lake tyler will catch them without FFS. In my opinion
ОтветитьTyler probably was the only surprise tbh....everyone else makes sense in my head (scary place).
Im not watching NPFL. Their streaming sucks, most 14 yr olds can do a better job on setting up live streams..
Gimme Kyle Welcher for AOY of NPFL
ОтветитьThe NPFL roster is absolutely stacked. Pretty freaking impressive in my opinion. Can’t wait to see what Tyler Williams can do without scope.
ОтветитьAt first everyone one said FFS would be used 100 percent in professional angling and you couldn’t put the genie back in the bottle . Now it is banned in 1 whole league , banned 3/4 of another league and down to 1 FFS transducer in another . So we can at least say that the genie is starting to head back in the bottle . But having said that the worst thing for the fan in fishing is the competition! Anglers sharing information is the most uncompetitive BS thing ever . It just kills the sport . Real competition should be dog eat dog Period ! It’s all started with high school and college team fishing ! It’s has carried over to the Pros ! It’s like if my friend wins because I gave him information I win too lol………Even the Johnston brothers should not be able to share any information with each other. Fishing shouldn’t be like nascar drafting lol….. No FFS and No Sharing info could repair fishing tomorrow. No more staring at backs , multiple use of lure and techniques, Anglers completely finding their own fish . Fishing right now is like a golf tournament where all the golfers are winning with 35 under par ! Boring x10 a fishing tournament should be like the masters . When you make a birdie it means something. Just like the old days in fishing , you catch a big fish or a decent bag it means something! Rookies have a higher catch rate than Aaron Martens ! That’s absurd Castledine
ОтветитьTodd, what was topic of the podcast you were a guest on a few months ago that was like 4.5hrs long. Hammer was on there too. I'm trying to remember who hosted that one. Thanks!
ОтветитьAs far as watching fishing I’ve only ever watched the elite series. I’ve tried to watch MLF but never liked the format I guess and couldn’t get into it ever. Never once watched NPFL at all. But this year with the no scope and the roster I’ll be tuning in 100%!
ОтветитьIMO Ignore the comments about being all over the place. Some of the best stuff is when you just go. It is like the tournament videos you have to watch them from the beginning and I am finding I have to watch many times through to purge all the garbage in my mind that doesn’t work. They probably want to know favorite lure and favorite color favorite lake favorite whatever doesn’t help anyone
ОтветитьHey, Todd. I hope the NPFL does well. I hear it will be ezer to also watch and that's important.
One thing that it needs to be sustainable is a feeder system. With no FFs and not a lot of younger anglers, how long can it last.
You know this year will be good as they have made a statement. All the responses have been positive, but the BPT also draws a lot of positive comments and, I believe, will have a large viewership.
lol just the ones that are my friends that dont even win much around here 😂😂😂.
ОтветитьTournament or not, flipping is one of my least favorite to catch fish. Even if I'm catching them flipping, it's still meh. I want to be trolling motor on high chucking and winding.
ОтветитьDo you respect the ones who can't catch them with livescope? Seems like the experience of the older anglers with livescope should be dominant.
ОтветитьI'm tickled the tyler the Maine event is fishing...I don't remember who said it but he told them he wanted to prove he can catch em anyway
ОтветитьD.C. and Drew Gill won’t do half of what they did in 2024…..Only one period of FFS in 2025 BPT
ОтветитьI’m all in with the NPFL , but it’s gotta have live coverage. Not sure what it’s got, I’ve never seen it live
ОтветитьOh I can’t wait to follow NPFL this year lol FYI I follow you just fine…
ОтветитьNPFL would dominate in viewership if they had a better website or could get on an outdoors channel for live coverage. I know I would be watching especially with the field they have now.
ОтветитьTyler Williams elite series hammer and a mix of scope and old school fishing! The npfl field is stacked!
ОтветитьSo you don’t have as much respect for Hank or Jason? That’s kinda funny bc how many classics have you won hero? Have you ever won as much money as half those guys that made the change?
ОтветитьIm pulling for hackney and christie
ОтветитьI really like Tyler Williams because dude is always happy, the world could be on fire and he'd be smiling and giggling😂 Plus dude seems to be able to put things together most places.
ОтветитьWhy wouldn't the Elites jump over and do another. No point in fishing the opens, more money in NPFL
ОтветитьWhen you showed the Mega School video I was thinking Todd throw a jig.
ОтветитьHow does the NPFl make it with no Viewers Todd?
ОтветитьI’m really liking the variety on the tourney trails this year …….
ОтветитьVery good points. Fishing to find fish is my preferred way.
ОтветитьI laughed when you said little sister. 😅
ОтветитьBassmaster Elites is still the big show. Money drives the sport, just look at the jerseys, boats and trucks, they are walking, driving, floating billboards (to the point of embarrassment.) Then you ban FF sonar and cut out a big source of revenue in Garmin, Hummingbird and Lowrance. Throw in a few more barroom brawls in 2025 and you will have any remaining sponsors running for cover.
ОтветитьHow will this be better than PAA?
Ответить'Chisty gonna fish it , y'all better watch out " 😂😅😂😂😂
ОтветитьNeed 10 league an Super Bowl
ОтветитьDo you think that BASS made such drastic changes to the elite fee/payout format in order to keep big names from leaving completely? It seems like an attempt at recognizable name retention. Meaning, I think that more folks would have left completely if the ~50k in fees were still in place.
ОтветитьI am surprised Soukup and Hallman aren't on the roster
ОтветитьI'm from Maine and fish against TW. Not as much now with his schedule jumping to the opens, then Elites. He's the real deal. I think this is a great PR move for him. Anxious to watch this trail.
ОтветитьHack was kinda a shock and jc , but I'm also shock more didn't join
ОтветитьThis ain’t about the video, but I have a story about the first time I ever met you and the profound effect you had on me about site fishing. This was probably March 2015 Toledo Bend at Finn and feather boat ramp. You were fishing a small tournament maybe 15 boats. Me and my friend had a decent day had about 16 pounds and we wanted to watch the Weight in and see how we would compare our day with y’all. you came in with four fish with a heavy 20 pound bag and after winning the tournament you said I was looking at a 12 pounder on a bed on the main lake, but I couldn’t get her a bite because it was white capping and to this day i don’t know if you were for real or not but I would look at Main Lake points for bed fish for two or three years after that.
ОтветитьGreat get to see something besides some one staring at a screen 👍
ОтветитьI want to see who survives the Brad Fuller Knock Out Round!!!!!!! I hear he packs a punch!
ОтветитьMy opinion is the same anglers will struggle. I’m sorry, but these young guys didn’t get to the elite series by only knowing FFS.
ОтветитьFFS will forever be the greatest controversy in fishing history.
ОтветитьHey Todd how do I join the NPFL tournaments
ОтветитьI knew I liked Christie !
ОтветитьI love scoping but I hate watching it. Excited for the npfl this year
ОтветитьNever heard of NPFL but it’s all I’ll watch now