its a thing called eggdrop soup not bad
ОтветитьHappy new year from the Midwest Kustomz Channel!
ОтветитьLet’s call it camp 2.0 egg drop soup? Similar, but definitely sounds like a combo for a cold night. Thanks for taking us along!
ОтветитьGet a good flashlight
ОтветитьYou’re very brave to go out alone , I’d be sleeping with one eye open
It was probably the wind and branches but it’s always good to be aware of sounds
Looking forward to upcoming videos..
Happy New Year and keep safe and warm 🇨🇦❤️
My friend Karen kept saying.....just keep telling yourself it is just the wind.....
ОтветитьI know exactly what that sound was!! Your stomach after eating/drinking that nasty "stirred " egg in bone broth!! missed a Golden opportunity to be the first documented human to be tore to shred/eaten by Bigfoot!! Maybe next time...
ОтветитьJudging from your reaction to those knocks you know a lot more about the subject than you're letting on. I've had them knock around me three different times in my life while out camping or hiking. I know what you mean it can be very unnerving. I have even packed up and left in the middle of the night before and hiked the mile and a half out of the wilderness. Probably not the smartest move because if they want you they can have you, trust me.
ОтветитьHappy New Year Tony I hope it is a Happy and Healthy one for you. Dee from York PA
ОтветитьJesus this guy uses all the "gotcha" tags. This is getting old at this point. Be original. Develop an actual fan base. Thats how you succeed....
ОтветитьThat place is haunted better watch it out there
ОтветитьA little scary but great video. The egg soup looked delicious. Happy New Year 🎉🎉
ОтветитьI’m not the only one who enjoys a bite of butter.
ОтветитьWell it's 12:37am. I knew there was a reason I didn't watch it earlier lol. This was definitely not a boring camp. I know i wouldn't have slept lol ✌️🧡🏕
ОтветитьGreat camp! You're brave, I would be so scared by myself, lol. I do solo camps in campgrounds but not random camps. I gotta work on that! Hubby can't camp so it's up to me. You did give me a good idea in one of your vids, to camp in the baseball dugout. The only thing is, our baseball field isn't in town, it's outside of town in the darkness. Once it gets a bit warmer, I may try that, bring a baby gate to keep animals out lol.
ОтветитьBig foot is not real
Ответитьspend enough time in the bush strange stuff happens that's for sure, you done awesome to stay and rationalize the situation but we still kinda wanted to see it creep up on you 😅 great video mate enjoyed that one
ОтветитьThank you Tony for another video
ОтветитьOne day I picture Random Adventure 2.0 TONY interviewing BIG FOOT at his home studio.............
ОтветитьAnother good one Tony. Don’t know if I could eat butter straight from the package…lol Happy New Year Brother. Wishing you, your family and the 2.0 family a wonderful New Year. May all your wishes come true.See you on your next 2.0 adventure!
Ответитьthat would have set me on edge ,,i would have probably took off running to the car leaving everything there ...low. Good video Happy New Year
ОтветитьHi Brother,
Looks like maybe you had some company on this one....
Great job my friend and Take Care.........
Sure glad Bigfoot didn’t get ya. Have a great weekend .
ОтветитьOne of your better videos.
Liked & Shared, Brother. ❤
Awesome video, Tony. I know exactly how you feel! I'm going to start bringing earplugs with me on my camps.
ОтветитьMaybe you lost your mind. That's Bigfoot hitting on tree trunks with a hard stick.
ОтветитьSo glad you are back to camping. Anyone with a car can car camp. Not interested. Thinking of subscribing again.
ОтветитьEgg drop soup
ОтветитьThe Phantom Cameramen gives me the creeps LOL its feels like someone else is there :D
ОтветитьA tree falling into another tree and getting stuck on its branches can make a lot of strange noise in the wind. Or then it was a Bigfoot that liked the smell of those eggs! hehe Thanks for sharing!
ОтветитьThey call that "egg drop soup"! It's an oriental dish actually. Great video like usual!
ОтветитьFor one thing you are crazy hanging in a hammock in that COLD weather and for two eat butter that is just
ОтветитьHas anyone ever seen tony and Bigfoot in the same room at the same time??? I think not!
ОтветитьGood video although the knocking has me wondering....I agree with Randybeeson, thermal scope and night vision goggles.
ОтветитьNoises in the night are always uncomfortable. Good video. thanks.
ОтветитьMaybe there was a local person just messing with you?
ОтветитьThat’s looks like the RA 2.0 version of Asian Egg Drop soup. Which I love.
ОтветитьDefinitely Bigfoot no doubt about it. Great video.
ОтветитьThat sound you heard was Joe Biden trying to signal the mothership to bring him back to reality! 🤣🤣🤣
ОтветитьGreat camp Tony! That was probably an extremely large squirrel knocking.
ОтветитьWhat I heard sounded similar to what I hear when the limb of the big pine in my yard rubs against another the branch next to it, they rub against each other
ОтветитьDon't you have a flash light
ОтветитьAnother good video Tony . The ever elusive Bigfoot. We will catch one someday. It is the thrill of the woods that counts
ОтветитьTony! Not as exciting as Bigfoot but a doe will stomp they're hoof on the ground if they're not sure about something yet not spooked yet either.
Ответитьweather looks super nice for December’s end, its a deep freeze where I live; nice camping on the watch for Sasquatch, Happy New Year Mr and Mrs 2.0 🎉
ОтветитьUnsalted butter is great in coffee it is just cream after all
Ответить😮 it's Bigfoot I don't think he will harm you 😊
ОтветитьWhen you first dropped the eggs in the water, I thought you were going to poach them. That's how poached eggs are made -- crack them open, drop them in and let them cook, but keep the yolk runny. However, you eventually scrambled them , so I would say it's more like an egg drop soup like what they serve at Chinese restaurants, except they use chicken broth, not beef broth. I'm sure it was tasty regardless. Should've put some Ramen noodles in there too. As for those 3 bangs you heard, you think it was maybe somebody hitting a tree with a branch to try to get a response from Bigfoot? I saw people do that on the Discovery channel once.