I have a Master's Degree from a private school with absolutely no debt because I went into the military before I went to school. It was hard but by far the best decision I've ever made. The recruiting office was opened to everyone.
Ответитьbottom line always the bottom line. How it was before how it is now - coincidence who profits the students the people?
ОтветитьI’d honestly like an update to this video
ОтветитьYou didn't touch on the Community College System. Years ago, I remember telling a friend. "I remember when Community College (in California) was $6 per unit". This friend, who is older than me responded: "I remember when it was free"...
ОтветитьI think people should start focusing on certifications instead of full college degrees
ОтветитьTruth be told its debt slavery and only the rich can truly afford the best schools .its all a set up game.
They dont want average joe to be ecucated just indoctrinated.
I was surprised the increasing number of administrators relative to professors at colleges wasn't mentioned when addressing the costs.
Ответитьare people still seeking a degree for a job in '24?
ОтветитьGo to an instate college. Get Financial aid. If you don't qualify for financial aid, get loans. However, don't spend the money for loans on things like cars. Walk to school. Stay with your parents. If you have to, get a part time job. However, I don't recommend the latter because you want to graduate ASAP. Get a degree on something that is liable in the market. Investigate how the job market works. When you borrow loans, read the fine print. See how deferment works. Apply for every scholarship you can get your hands on. If you don't think that college is for you, go to a trade school or community college. If you can't figure out what you want to be when you grow up at 18. A couple of years working at a factory or McDonalds will make up your mind. DONT HAVE KIDS UNTIL YOU GRADUTE FROM COLLEGE!!!
ОтветитьThanks Obama
Ответить1 word: greed
ОтветитьI went to medical school with a friend, his idea of loans were simple. He borrowed money for fancy vacations, for cars, for fancy houses, he raised dogs, I think they are called Brazilian corsos, or hounds. He would party almost every weekend. he ended up with debts of over 600k.
ОтветитьJust go to Community college it saves money and time
ОтветитьAt my school in the UK the teacher told us when we were on average 17 years old that student loans are good and many people won’t have to pay it back and you only start paying back if your income is above a certain amount.
Taking out a loan was a mistake. I wouldn’t have done it if the headteacher hadn’t promoted it to us in assembly. I would have started to work and saved money to fund my education.
Debt repayment set me back massively.
Tax payer funded college makes most sense. Bcs thats what taxes are for, communal funding.
ОтветитьI don’t get why no one is applying financial aid, grands, and scholarships? I did all three and I’m able to get my bachelor degree with zero debt. People should look into it. Seriously.
ОтветитьSo proud of my wife who went back to school during the pandemic and got her masters. She came out of her grad program with a 27k in debt from undergrad and grad. She paid it off within a year. She paid it all off during the interest freeze. She did not pay a cent in interest. She was unfortunately laid off in August but we are in a good spot being debt free. I am lucky to have a great job that supports both of us. Smart women are the best.
ОтветитьIn my country if you have good grades or if you are poor, you pay little to graduate. However, no way you give up. Take my example, I studied my 2nd choice and worked 42 years in the wrong trade. How could I do otherwise, I got married and had 3 children, how coould I switch to something more suitable? No way. 😮
ОтветитьCollege are free in almost every country in Europe So are highscool and university. Your system makes sure that there will be millions of poor people that the so called Amerikan dream can climb on.
ОтветитьAmericans! European with somewhat low empathy here, WHY THE HELL ARE YOU GETTIN INTO COLLEGE AND THEN ARE SUPER SURPRISED WHEN THE BILL IS DUE? All these kids interviewed, "omg I started college and was asked to pay 6k right away...had no idea how I would pay" well...then don't go to college. If in your country college is a scam, why do you all go with it? How can you go and sign a 100k student loan and then, 4 years later go on to realize it's a lot? What's wrong with you.
ОтветитьThe guy who say college should not be free is an idiot. While college is definitely not for everyone, those with the acumen and mental capacity that at early ages cannot afford going to college should be subsidized by society to become undergraduates at least. This creates human capital that supports the growth of society. It fosters more equality in opportunities. The person must retain a certain GPA to continue in college and that is their price. They could provide social services for a certain period to somewhat pay back a portion of their subsidy. Thinking differently ends up in what is a huge crisis in the US. It is not about paying high taxes, it is about paying the right amount of taxes to sustain the evolution of society. What is the value of Elon Musk having such an obscene amount of paper wealth? What has Elon Musk contributed to society? That is what people need to think about.
Ответить$350K student load debt???
Ответитьthis beeping in the background is driving me nuts... what the hell are you using to edit the videos?
ОтветитьYou don't really go into why the tuition is so expensive. Can you please break down the costs of running a college, and why prices have gone up so rapidly? You'll soon realize that administrative costs have a lot to do with it. They hire vice provosts and associate deans who are completely unnecessary, but yet can't fire then because most of them are nonprofits. Someone should do a documentary on where colleges are spending their money. It's the non-professor administrative costs that are completely excessive and unnecessary.
ОтветитьWhy are EGGS and GAS so expensive?! Fjb
ОтветитьAwful video that fails to answer the question in its title. It proposes that people and business is the problem, and government is the solution, even though much of the increase in price can be attributed to government.
Trash activist video full of fallacies and packing in detailed info/investigation.
The SAME reason healthcare is. It's OVERPRICED.......
ОтветитьImagine a college without athletics. Oh, the humanity!
ОтветитьI want to get good grades and improve my life. 🎓🎓🎓🎓🎓🎓
You creep. How could you? Give that bank 60 grand. They really need it. 😵😵😵😵
College No Expensive But free
ОтветитьHa to be American
ОтветитьGlad I never went to the Us
ОтветитьTo watch it from the European point of view is just crazy
ОтветитьThe focus is on each person's struggles rather than on the fact that colleges are run like businesses with bloated well-paid administrators.This approach puts the burden on each student rather than addressing the real problem.
ОтветитьI am a first generation student attending the University of Kansas as an out-of-state student. I have a full pell grant, $4,500 school grant, and $12,000 a year scholarship. First my first year, I am in 15k in debt. I've decided to go to a smaller, cheaper university. It sucks as going to this school would have been amazing for my career, but it is just way too expensive.
ОтветитьStupid judgement equals stupid costs. Its YOUR FAULT, So many options available to hugely cut these costs.
ОтветитьI went to university in Canada when I was a single mother with three children, new to the country. I was in my 40's at the time. I am 66, retired, and have just paid off the last of my student loans which totaled $60,00 for an Honours degree and an MA. Most of the time I was in default so paid huge amounts of interest, but I couldn't find a steady well paid job that would have allowed me to make monthly payments.
ОтветитьAmerican youths do not start from zero. They start from minus. That is why sites like OF are popular.
Ответить1973 I figured out that colleges were just a huge financial scam. I went to work, retired when I was 52. Amazing how savings and interest can build ones personal wealth. there are so many stock, bond and RE scams out there it is amazing...Don't need to go to college to educate yourself....
ОтветитьRemember, banks and the Dept. Of Ed. profit off of you when you take out loans.
ОтветитьThere is no such thing as “free college”! “Taxation” is just a euphemism for extortion racket.
Ответитьthe government still from people in very smooth ways well the first who created the system
Ответитьfree college is great idea for many reason
ОтветитьFor those of you who want to know why college is expensive should watch First Thought video by JT Chapman over why college is expensive? This lame stream liar legacy media won't tell you as they themselves are complicit in this crime.
ОтветитьIm not american but when i hear about the prices of degrees in america they are INSANE my entire degree which i made at the second best ranked university in my country has cost me around $11K for the entire 3 years,the term 'student loans' is practically not exist in my country
ОтветитьOther than the individual studying mathematics and economics, we have little information on what those interviewed studied. (I presume the individual who had been at art school studied some form of art, but we don't know.) I suspect this was a deliberate omission by CNBC, which was not especially adept at disguising its attempt to manipulate the information to achieve a particular outcome.
ОтветитьAfghanistan Syria lybnan Iraq Ukraine were important 😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьTell us your student loan story: