Is Genesis 1:1 A Mistranslation? @_magnify

Is Genesis 1:1 A Mistranslation? @_magnify

Alex O'Connor

55 лет назад

273,530 Просмотров

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Magnify is a YouTube channel of mostly short-form content, covering interesting details across history, linguistics, and religion.


Subscribe to Magnify: @_magnify

Robert Alter's translation of Genesis (affiliate link):

Stephen Mitchell's translation of Job (affiliate link):


0:00 Why do we clap?
1:56 Is Genesis 1:1 an explosion?
12:38 What began in Genesis 1?
18:27 What is the tone of Genesis 1?
23:42 Is God a mereological nihilist?
36:33 What does the English translation omit?
45:17 An interlude on etymology
53:19 The gendered language of Genesis
58:58 Why translations of the Hebrew Bible can be misleading
1:06:00 Capitalisation of “God”
1:09:38 Was Eve created from Adam’s rib?
1:17:23 Philosophy’s influence on translation
1:21:50 What other languages reveal about English
1:26:58 What are “the heavens and the earth”?
1:30:09 Closing thoughts


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@TheOnlyRealMichael - 13.02.2025 19:15

Bro sounds like Tom Segura

@brandonheath6713 - 14.02.2025 11:33

Mereological Nihilism = Formalist Pedantry

@miriamwilson9542 - 14.02.2025 11:34

This talk interests me very much as i am interested also in the Zohar and the science of Kabbalah.

@graemeking7336 - 14.02.2025 20:15

Too far off. Topic

@everettflores738 - 15.02.2025 08:15

I think what you want to say is that a woman should not usurp a man.

@everettflores738 - 15.02.2025 08:23

I think I prefer the world to be more wibbly-wobbly.

@dawvidben-huir8101 - 15.02.2025 14:27

Ever learning, though failing to understand.. 🛐🔎✒️📜❤️‍🔥🔍👂🗣️👣

@ricardorivas5955 - 16.02.2025 06:02

i feel like just these 2 in the duration of the video, thought more about the meaning of genesis or the ideas behind it, than the people who wrote it down

@matriarch3706 - 18.02.2025 17:38

Robert Alter mentioned, let's goooo

@holyhero259 - 19.02.2025 01:41

The first ten words of the Bible create Time, Space, and Matter. Because everything started with the WORD

@ethanlocke3604 - 23.02.2025 01:19

I am not the most familiar with either concept, but what Alex describes as mereological nihilism sounds to me to be similar to the concept of nonduality

@blist14ant - 23.02.2025 18:11

you are a materialist

@Moose0fNorway - 24.02.2025 10:21

Where's all the "jesus is king!!!1!!11" comments? Oh, that's right... modern Christians don't actually care about the bible unless the verses are cherry picked for their current agenda :)

@giovangciccareli1829 - 24.02.2025 23:11

I turned on this video for a discussion on mistranslations in Genesis and got a side discussion on the nature of reality that requires some major pot smoking to follow.

@sergioespinosa3488 - 25.02.2025 00:29

You’re NOT sure if thoughts are immaterial yet you’re putting a mental construct over matter that doesn’t exist? So you DO believe your mental construct is immaterial because you believe you’re putting only a mental construct over matter that doesn’t exist?

And you shouldn’t translate even from Spanish to English or versa vice word for word. It can confuse the meaning. Meaning means thought. Translating thought is the purpose of translation. What more context do you need than God was creating all things?

“(God) calling into being the things not even existing.” (Romans 4:17)

“By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.” (Hebrews 11:3)

“Worthy are You, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and because of Your will, they existed and were created." (Revelation 4:11)

When you keep heading north, you end up south. When you try to be too smart…

@crowviking - 25.02.2025 04:58

You looked like a fool already with your stammered clap at the start of the video. Never appreciated before?

@Illegal-Iguana - 25.02.2025 20:00

This was so insightful. Thank you very much for this content.

@AntActApp - 26.02.2025 22:01

alex a tip on latin: in the earlier phases of latin emerging almost all the way until the ecclesiastical pronunciations from the church, the G sound was closer to 'c' like grateful than a ch like in accelerando. Excellent guest as always, peace

@sir.grumpypawson6598 - 26.02.2025 22:16

Regarding the last point, its interesting that french still carries that kind of connotation so i always read it as god creating everything.

@lindas.8036 - 27.02.2025 10:10

I watched this video for about 15 minutes and just gave up. I was hoping to learn something, but all I learned is that these two men have no idea how to convey their thoughts to others. "It was a bit sassy," and the other responds, "Yeah," and on and on. There were no examples given, no actual words from the Bible used (with rare exception,. I had no idea what they were actually talking about other than concepts of concepts. What a waste of time. Maybe it got better after I left, but I was not ready to listen to more "it was poetic," and "it was childlike," without any explanations of what the heck they meant. Ugh.

@jecmfjamesj4788 - 28.02.2025 14:47

Everything only really being one thing is the basic view of Taoism and Zen Buddhism

@shamanllama - 01.03.2025 03:44

I mean actually a car definitely has a clear line it crosses from being parts to a car. Somewhere after chasis, wheels, and engine. That's a bad CARgument.

@theharmonichaoticartist - 02.03.2025 03:28

I will one again recommend Formscapes to those who have never heard of him. Noetic Aether Cosmology. Your mereological nihilism "constructs of useful fiction" ARE the true reality, the compromise of which form the ontological inertia of cause an effect. There is no distinction between mind and matter: as matter is informed by the mind, which is, as best we know (cogito ergo sum) made of whatever matter is.

@jamesmaclean5586 - 03.03.2025 04:11

clapping is part of spelling... its punctuation... like grammer. Wake up!

@jamesmaclean5586 - 03.03.2025 04:12

And the bible needed correction of course. Its self evident... but the terror of managing that truth is too terrifying to endure without Gods supernatural support.

@jamesmaclean5586 - 03.03.2025 04:13

Who is this guy to declare himself prophetic enough to correct the bible?

@jswoleinyourhole2864 - 03.03.2025 05:04

1 minute after claps and wow so interesting already

@Stock18637 - 03.03.2025 10:34

For ironland

@Chessheromusic - 03.03.2025 14:38

Well something misunderstood very often is what
Genesis 1:2 is the creation of
What is the significance of the spirit of god hovering over the water

Like magnify says a lot of this is instantaneous

This is written to be understood

What do you see when you hover over the face of a body of water?!?!?

A reflection!!!!!

This is the birth from spirit to the first emanation of the one true god

Sophia is the goddess of wisdom and mother of the creator god - called saklas by Jesus

Sophia is also known as wisdom or the word of god

This is about the birth of consciousness

1 being w a reflection being an emanation
12 emanations

Sophia lets god see himself in the water

When this happens the creator god or demiurge is born

The demiurge is from Sophia
This means when god saw himself he realized he was completely alone

So people understand this to be 3 different beings
I guess that's true as well
But it's the same being as well

When god realized he was alone he sought to make a companion so he wasn't the only one to see him

And we all know the story

What is mostly misunderstood
Is original sin was not something man did bc he is like god

That makes no sense

A sculpture can't separate from the sculptor anymore then man can separate from god

In order for championship we had to be separate beings

So god or the force of god was put to make humans

This part is consciousness itself

The immortal soul inside mortal body

It's not really that the demiurge is evil
That's just a religious narrative

God is both good and evil
Light and dark
Separating the day from night

As above
So below

@DannyJKay - 05.03.2025 09:48

For these persnickety language gits, they misuse the word 'like' 100's of times. 90% of the time it is wholly extraneous and should not be spoken. The other 10% of the time they should be using 'such as' or 'for example', etc. Public speakers owe this duty to their listeners. As for me, I can't bear to listen to hypocrites.

@theitineranthistorian2024 - 05.03.2025 22:15

Any god, that may be believable, would certainly understand language and translation. Maybe not.

@theitineranthistorian2024 - 05.03.2025 23:15

A spade is usually pointed, for digging. A shovel is used to move dirt, after the spade has dug. That's my experience, digging holes and moving dirt.

@kcsunshine4008 - 06.03.2025 00:25

Ah… very convenient… god creating the earth like an explosion… Is Christianity on the cusp of being up to its old hijacking skills????
Makes the British monarchy’s ability to reinvent itself seem like child’s play 😂

@bensmith6554 - 06.03.2025 23:50

What about scroobius pip?

@BroMattMurdock - 07.03.2025 07:34

Psalms 47:1-2

“1. Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy.
2How awesome is the LORD Most High, the great King over all the earth!”

@trevorrivas1463 - 10.03.2025 01:46

I lovethis discussion!! Magnify is a huge favorite of mine

@haddow777 - 10.03.2025 20:28

Brevity it early languages doesn't translate to fast paced reading. Writing in ancient times was an extremely difficult and time consuming thing. Resource consuming too. People would have to spend hours of labor to get the basic tools of writing made.

Plus, the earliest writing languages were basically pictographic more than alphabetic. Nevermind punctuation, there was very little wr take for granted in litetacy today in their writing styles.

I would agree that assuming a translation is the direct meaning of the ancient text is never something one should assume. It must always be assumed that something was lost in translation and if someone is going to base a major belief on some section of the bible, they should study it's history in translation right down to original texts and meanings, which can include the history of the time and setting of where it was written.

@haddow777 - 10.03.2025 21:56

What? The bible is skeptical of money? That's nonsense. It points out the evil and how easy it is to abuse the power of wealth. At the same time, the bible is extremely practical with respects to currency and merchants. Most people in ancient times were themselves merchents, at least partially. Most farmers had to sell their stocks of grains and animals. There are many parts of the bible discussing the challenges of being a merchant, from taking children along to train them in the practice, to the commonality of robbers laying in wait along trade routes, to merchants using cheating weights with their scales to rob their customers of value.

This is done so much that the bible conveys many hard to understand concepts through merchant specific language, as it would be so widely relatable to people in those times.

God descibes justice many times with scales. Scales were a way of measuring monetary value for transactions. Humans are described as a film of dust on Gods cosmic scales to signify how small we are in his overall plans. Not to denegrate, but just to convey that we are but part of a whole we can't even fully comprehend, thus we must not get out of our own heads and stop being so self centered.

One of the most important pieces of information the bible has to offer is in the form of a monetary transaction. The wages sin pays is death. This is highly transactional. Again, it phrases it as most people would understand. A most unuveral human thing to do is to purchase or trade for something. It is highly rare for anyone to be fully self sustaining, which necessitates some form of transaction between someone and others.

In that case, it also lends actra meaning to the phrase without adding words. Transactions, when all terms are met, are understood to be completed, final. This inputs the meaning that not only do we earn death when we sin, but that we pay for our sins when we die. This is cricial with respects to the idea of hellfire taught by many. The teaching of hellfire is contrary to that basic tenant of the bible. For hellfire to be real, our sins would need to stay with us past death into the next life and we pay for them then. This is not what we are told in the bible though. When we die, it says we have paid the price for our sins. We earned death, and when we die, we've completed the transaction. This means, when we die, our sins are cleared, we are sinless. We are dead, but those sins cannot be carried over past death.

@andrewwest7875 - 11.03.2025 08:25

Nothing against Alex but this episode was a let down. I had hoped it would discuss how the story went from Sumerian (and/or succeeding kingdoms) to the telephone game we have today. Instead we’re still pretending it’s an original story and Hebrew.
There’s some shocking translation mistakes but this barely danced above the surface.

@thomasharper1927 - 11.03.2025 16:00

Alex's interests:
1. Religious texts
2. C H A I R S

@mac_mcleod - 14.03.2025 02:31

The earliest recorded clapping in China was around 290 bce, and the earliest recorded clapping in Western culture was in Greece around 550 BCE.

So it was already a global phenomenon by then.

Primates clap in the wild and birds clap their wings in the wild.

Other animal species also slap their appendages together.

@mikulassedlak9256 - 14.03.2025 15:27

One of my favourite episodes. Would be happy if he would come for another episode

@cruds91 - 15.03.2025 16:00

You're right that a car didn’t suddenly pop into existence from nothing—all of its parts existed beforehand. But the key issue is that a car isn’t just a collection of parts; it’s the functionality that emerges when those parts are arranged in a specific way. Mereological nihilism, when taken too literally, risks turning into a semantics game—endlessly debating whether something "truly exists" while missing the bigger picture. We can argue about it all day, but meanwhile, I’m sitting in it, dry from the rain, and moving at high speed across great distances. Whatever you want to call it, something new is happening here.

This is a clear case of weak emergence, where new properties arise from organization. None of a car’s individual components can transport you anywhere, but once fully assembled, the system as a whole gains that ability. The transition from potentiality to actuality happens in an instant—the moment the last necessary piece is put in place, the car goes from being a pile of parts to a functioning vehicle.

But here’s the deeper problem with saying a car isn’t “really” a new thing because its parts already existed: everything is just rearrangements of pre-existing components all the way down. If that argument holds, then nothing is ever new.

The metal in the car existed before the car.
The atoms in the metal existed before the metal.
The subatomic particles in the atoms existed before the atoms.
The quantum fields underlying matter existed before the particles.
Yet at each level, something new emerges that wasn’t there before. Metal has properties that individual atoms don’t. Atoms have properties that quarks and electrons don’t. A car has properties that a pile of unassembled parts doesn’t.

So no, a car didn’t appear out of nowhere, but the moment it became capable of fulfilling its function was a real emergence—something that wasn’t there before now exists. If mereological nihilism insists that nothing is ever truly new because its components always existed, then by that logic, life, self awareness, and even this conversation aren’t new either. But clearly, emergence happens—again and again, at every level of reality.

I'd love you to talk to Bobby Azarian someday, his book Romance of Reality changed EVERYTHING for me, in a way!
