What Every Artist Needs to Know About Mechanical Royalties - DIY Musician Podcast Ep 290

What Every Artist Needs to Know About Mechanical Royalties - DIY Musician Podcast Ep 290

CD Baby

3 года назад

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@SIBIRIAKcom - 10.02.2022 07:10

It's incredible. Goverment has set up a non-profit entity. And its ceo is a person who has such a deep passion for music. He is not just answering questions. On each questions he gives a context.

@DaveKingMusic - 15.02.2022 00:01

Has the MLC replaced Sound Exchange? Thanks.

@mikakarhumaa-musicbusiness - 15.02.2022 19:30

A well-structured podcast. Also the way this is informative. Great work!

@willmcmillan1430 - 27.02.2022 19:56

This was a very helpful interview. Thank you for doing it! I particularly appreciated the historical context about how the music business has evolved — and continues to evolve... I am going to re-watch this with a songwriter friend who also needs to understand (at least begin to understand!) what the MLC is and does.

@pet4699 - 10.03.2022 11:31

Ok my 2 added

@pet4699 - 10.03.2022 11:33

Nft my family not getting my accept

@pet4699 - 10.03.2022 11:36

Us Only not why is bad

@squeeksteele957 - 10.03.2022 20:27

Does this include a cover you do of a song?

@cgklosner - 10.03.2022 21:40

So, none of our original releases show up in the MLC database, yet they're all digitally released via CDBaby (and we do receive some mechanical royalties in our CDBaby statements), but we are NOT with CDBabyPRO, because we are already taking care of all that via ASCAP. Does CDBaby not share their tracks with the MLC? Or do we have to enter every individual song to them?

@SMEL - 11.03.2022 00:51

What's MLC admin %? 50%?

@GutiTalavera - 11.03.2022 03:14

If I understood correctly or maybe I didn't, even if my music is registered with CDBaby Pro I should go register my songs with the MLC to collect another set of royalties or is CD Baby PRO taking care of it? Thanks

@jerrydrummond9168 - 11.03.2022 03:30

Still not clear on what the he!! publisher's royalties are. If I sign with CDBABY standard account , are they automatically the publisher of my music? Does a CDBABY Pro account make CDBABY the publisher of my music?
What constitutes a hot dang publisher of music? CDBABY referred me to this podcast and y'all ain't said what the !@#$% a music publisher is or who holds the publishing rights to my music. Can CDBABY please tell me if my standard CDBABY account requires me to notify ASCAP that they DO or DO NOT own my publishing rights?

@krissthesky - 12.03.2022 23:31

Hello CDBaby! This was a super helpful video! The music business has evolved so much in the last number of years and is still evolving so it's a confusing landscape which is challenging to stay on top of. I'm convinced your PRO Publishing admin service is the way to go for those of us who want to mainly focus on creating music, but it's helpful to know how the business works. Thank you for caring and sharing these informative sessions! :-)

@Satkirink - 13.03.2022 00:12

Why do I need an alcoholic drink at a swimming pool????

@Angela-fx6pl - 24.03.2022 02:13

This is so helpful! Thank you!

@timchesley - 05.04.2022 01:28

Hi guys. I am on a record label but for the moment it is a pain on getting the information on royalties... I should have stayed with CD Baby. Can MLC help me here?

@10bbremer - 21.04.2022 19:55

I got a 1099 from CD Baby this year. I feel like a real artist now.

@ButterflyLullabyLtd - 02.02.2024 15:24

Does CD baby collect Mechanical Royalties from all Countries? And when you release an EP or Album is the cost of the Boost (Royalty Collection) the same as a single?
