Photography On Location: The Mojave Road

Photography On Location: The Mojave Road

Nick Carver

8 лет назад

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@justinspirational - 21.12.2017 05:57

Love this series of yours- it's so relaxing to watch! Could you tell me what the flash light you used to do the light painting in this video was? Thank you!

@krishmandal9769 - 04.01.2018 19:51

Nick, fellow LF photographer, and your 2nd shot was great. Wonderful explanation of your thinking process. Your camping tent and sleeping arrangements are also of interest to me.

@tomasspasiuk2429 - 13.01.2018 10:28

I frigging love your colours! Even on your digita photos the colours look outstanding! man, I gotta lean how to better edit digital photos, any tips?

@Whipples_Surgeon - 13.02.2018 20:09


@BradMaestas - 20.04.2018 01:56

These are so well done. Really looking forward to taking my cameras out there some time soon!

@shawndennstedt5898 - 20.04.2018 05:07

It's a blasty blast... lol

@stephenhopkins1068 - 30.07.2018 21:56

I recently found your videos and have been following you since. I like your style and dedication. You do things right for all the right reasons. I was a commercial photographer for 35 years and processed all my own stuff. I shot everything in 4x5.I find it is a pleasure to watch you work with the same attention to detail and science as I did for so many years. No one else on the tube has the same vibe that you do. Keep on keeping on, Mr. Carver You da man!

@ChritsianBucic - 01.08.2018 13:00

Super interesting your photography serie! Thank you!

@stephenhopkins1068 - 21.08.2018 01:01

I can't believe you're so entertaining and you don't even have a British accent. Haha. Really enjoy your attention to detail and real photography. Keep it going, Nick. You da man.

@andreamorara - 28.08.2018 18:54

great production!

@pinkeye00 - 05.09.2018 13:54

How the fuck are you not like a charcoal briquet in skin color?

@pinkeye00 - 05.09.2018 13:57

Sponsored by ... [noticing all the branding / food slap sticks]

@fgj4990 - 08.09.2018 10:45

Superb as usual Nick! So entertaining and informative

@danielemilazzo432 - 04.10.2018 04:15

Nick, is it Vèlvia or Velvìa? :)

@gabriel1chan - 04.12.2018 04:38

Love your you tube. Love your style and still using film, learn a lot from you. Thanks.

@nathanjohansen7169 - 20.12.2018 14:51

"Wide angle is so over done." Blasphemy! Wide angle is life Nick!

@davidewersphotography - 08.01.2019 01:24

i know this is an older video, could a stock f150 drive in a few miles?

@Delphisteve - 11.02.2019 14:11

Dude,! you didn't see that sasquatch by your tent..??

@jwnewman75 - 17.06.2019 07:24

Rockin the John Deer Ball Cap!

@johnkaper1129 - 21.07.2019 06:57

Nick another enjoyable and entertaining video of our beautiful California Desert. I first traveled the Mojave Road back in 1986 shortly after it opened. By being opened after Friends of Mojave with leadership by Dennis Casebier (sp) mapped out the trail and erected carins at the various cross roads. The road or trail gets lots of usage, but what beautiful scenery along the way. Thank you for sharing your video, excellent.

@barryfisher1783 - 31.07.2019 21:14

In the desert, no one can hear you snore.

@homesickphotographycomau4107 - 08.10.2019 14:14

are you take one frame on a roll and the switching roll and then starting another or are you using the hole roll.

@ronbianca9722 - 11.10.2019 18:41

Hey Nick! You mentioned you using a digital SLR for your regular work. What is your regular work? Keep up the good videos!

@SMydland - 20.10.2019 15:53

Have you ever tried stitching 6x6fil into a pano? I know you have the pano large format, but just curious if youve tried it?

@markosbornestudio - 25.12.2019 16:09

Love to come back and watch all these past videos again, always an inspiration.

@Dl-wh8bd - 18.01.2020 02:51

Hello! Nice video! What backpack are you using here?

@cylurian7603 - 28.02.2020 11:15

How do you mount the camera inside the truck? Is it on a tripod? thx

@ziggyziggyz1756 - 26.03.2020 02:03

This is true amazing adventure for photographers... Only alone ! :) GJ Nick :)

@joseruizquintero7424 - 11.04.2020 08:36

very cool photos

@blu2thuniversity796 - 25.09.2020 00:38

I'm looking for "Mojave Rd" right now and not even Google Earth knows of one. Is there another name for this stretch of road?

@borromine - 01.11.2020 03:58

Just saw this (November 2020). Fun and interesting. Really love the BW pano!! Good thinking to pass on the color.

But as awesome as the 6x17 is and tempting too, I think I had my chance to stay with film. But still, seeing this does make me regret that road not taken.

Hat is off to you. Smart and good work!!

@alessandrodamario3319 - 23.02.2021 03:12

Hey nick! I remember you said some years ago your brother makes the music you use? The western guitar stuff. Has he released it somewhere yet??

@rcraigbateman - 19.03.2021 06:12

You have a little red under that chin. ... Great video!

@Tbonyandsteak - 11.04.2021 20:20

Whiskey and a tea guy = Nick Carver

@VictorBezrukov - 13.08.2021 11:47

i love to return back to your old videos :-)

@charleyfolkes - 13.02.2022 04:58

Nice with the graduated ND

@shotsphoto - 05.09.2022 10:38

This format is really awesome. I love this type of panos you make!

@Black_Jesus3005 - 05.11.2022 01:08

Damn man this video is making me fall in love with the desert again. Thank you.

@eatenbyopium - 26.01.2024 23:01

is that 4runner 4wd?
