Let's Play Rimworld Alpha 13 Part 14 - New Recruits - Rimworld Alpha 13 Gameplay

Let's Play Rimworld Alpha 13 Part 14 - New Recruits - Rimworld Alpha 13 Gameplay


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@cookieinfinity4702 - 27.04.2016 22:37

3rd like HYPE!

@howard2692 - 27.04.2016 22:43

Cant wait till howard gets there :D

@cookieinfinity4702 - 27.04.2016 22:46

why do u need silver tiles for hospital???????

@cookieinfinity4702 - 27.04.2016 23:07

iwant Wolf`s restricions 1 hour of fun pz?

@murraypcakes1250 - 27.04.2016 23:13

Great episode. Watch that stove blow up!

@jmporkbob - 27.04.2016 23:38

Dang, hospital so far from the meals/herbal meds. xD It probably won't be too bothersome, but I'd still have used the cremation room for the hospital and just plopped the cremation station somewhere random (or left it in there for the colonists to stare at as they are near death's door). Autodoor for the hospital is fine imo. It will see lots of traffic at times. Although I do think you tend to go a little huge on the hospital at the start. I know that spacewise, you're just trying to avoid expanding it later, which is okay. But the most important part to begin with is just getting the dedicated medical beds (they increase the healing and immunity % of occupants a little bit) or maybe even hospital beds (which are obviously better), and then you can worry about getting the sterile tile afterward.

Good forethought with the cover on the south side. I would even recommend putting a sandbag to either side of the pillars so when your guys peek out they have even more cover. You could even put another pillar on the other side of the sandbag so 2 colonists can get the benefit of it at once (just watch out for splodey things).

You never said "Come play, Mellor". :'(

@emperordubas666 - 28.04.2016 00:08

"what the hell was that", i was just doing what you told me to Negark (at least my last hunt was...explosive). also RIP megascarab 1. (you should un-restrict when they sleep)

@bubbles69138 - 28.04.2016 01:20

Doin great!! but you do SERIOUSLY need to get defenses to the east!! like.... REALLY BAD! lol

@yanngsb - 28.04.2016 02:28

Bro this game is awesome you're doing a good job! I just subscribed. :)

@Shadowknight1224 - 28.04.2016 06:15

Man, those sappers were BRUTAL. They just did a number on the dining room. And it's weird, because the last sapper group did the same. I have no idea where they were pathfinding towards. Your batteries, maybe? Your stored meals? So strange!

Anyway, glad to see things are progressing despite setbacks. Can't wait to see the wonderful new hospital in action!

@murraypcakes1250 - 28.04.2016 15:11

I had the ship crash in my game!!! Surrounded it with turrets, then had two survivors shooting st it from behind sandbags till it exploded. Badd stuff came out (you'll have to see for your self) but I beat it. Lots of goodies.
