How to Identify/Make Money from Antique Porcelain/ Secret Info!

How to Identify/Make Money from Antique Porcelain/ Secret Info!

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@mickhughes9752 - 02.03.2022 12:39

Thanks David. Explained so easy .keep em coming

@0210rokvist - 02.03.2022 13:30

Great tips

@stewartatkinson4179 - 02.03.2022 14:21

Fantastic video David. Thank you for taking the time to make the video and for all the useful advice.

@helenabiesma5560 - 02.03.2022 15:13

love it got a beautiful white - blue porcelain bowl of the dump - no date and hand painted and even got a Murano glass table piece there as well (freeee) - great tips - hopefully soon I have to go to a local car boot sale next🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

@shakielakarim6178 - 02.03.2022 17:30

Love your videos and greatvtpis,thank you for sharing David 😊 😊 ❤ 😀

@shakielakarim6178 - 02.03.2022 17:31

Sorry great Tips 👍 👌

@davidjones6470 - 02.03.2022 19:25

Well thank you David, very interesting 👍

@patriciahammes5574 - 02.03.2022 20:17

Always entertaining and useful information! 👍 Thank you!

@pauldennehy104 - 03.03.2022 01:11

Brilliant video, love these type, great hints. Thank you David

@sjt609 - 03.03.2022 23:33

GREAT advice to watch these videos several times, to become familiar with the information. ❤️ Thanks again David, I sincerely appreciate the education you're giving and sharing.

@JPConsultingServices - 04.03.2022 01:22

Excellent tips. Thank you, David :)

@OriginalNethead - 04.03.2022 01:35

That punchbowl also doesn't have one of those goofy British registry marks, implying it's pre-1854 but the fact that it's not there isn't diagnostic. The other two don't have registry marks/numbers either, not uncommon. The registry mark with the diamond shape at the top was around 1854-1883 or thereabouts. Half the time it's filled in with glaze and I can never read the thing, but it does give you a rough guideline for the age. If it's a Registered number, it dates to 1883 and later. I'm no expert on porcelain, but I've run into a bit of this.

@venice9438 - 15.04.2022 08:42

So do these rules apply to all countries? Or just England?

@KordTaylor - 16.01.2023 23:55

This is a GREAT video about identifying antique ceramic and porcelain. I have some of my moms pieces I am trying to sell so this helps me a lot. Thank you! ❤

@delightfuldaisy1 - 24.01.2023 19:03

Thank you, thank you, thank you! These are the kinds of tips I've been looking for! Subscriing!!

@mienyasina1643 - 20.02.2023 11:59

Hi David, salaam from Jakarta Indonesia. Would you mind to check your email, I send it ten days ago. Thank you😊🙏

@DollBazar - 01.04.2023 04:07

Amazing video 🙌🤗

@mariongrantham7914 - 30.04.2023 05:56

Thank you for info. Well presented and helped significantly. Well done

@trentvo30 - 09.05.2023 10:09

I came across J & G Meakin plate it says England on it but the store selling it is saying 1960...

@souadgourja345 - 16.05.2023 18:47

J ai une piece unique portant une écriture symbolique bizarre et une date de1382 son porcelaine est très bisare si tu es intéressé dis moi comment t envoyer sa photo

@imtiyazali589 - 30.05.2023 18:54

Hi sir I found a English ceramic Staffordshire it’s has no stamp on bottom only the H mark can you tell me any info about these how I can show you the picture of this beautiful pot

@davedemonteverde2735 - 18.06.2023 09:54

do you have an email address or facebook page sir? i think we found some ww2 treasures here in the philippines and we found at least a hundred pcs of antique porcelain

@DorcieSoto - 09.07.2023 21:46

I have a vase and erwer sherton trade mark england adderleys rono 466951 antique is it antique porcelain ?

@elizabethandiosa4579 - 28.08.2023 06:06

Dam I donated a valuable set.

@heatherbuchholz6771 - 29.10.2023 03:04

Simple and easy to retain tips. Loved the video. Thank you kindly for sharing your expertise. 💛

@MrBrian-sf9be - 24.11.2023 22:21

Hi David . My name is Brian. Thank you so much for all the information. I have loved antiques from a very young age. I just love the quality and skill you see in the things of the past. Please keep up the good work 😊

@Poopscicle - 30.11.2023 11:06

That email from Simon doesn’t prove anything. Lol. I did find this info useful so thank you.

@tinamckeage6665 - 13.12.2023 03:33

Do u give prices ?

@tinamckeage6665 - 13.12.2023 03:33

Thank you for video tips

@flaviaeloisapeloiaguilhote1375 - 21.01.2024 22:34

Thank you ❤

@AndrewMocella - 22.02.2024 04:41

Fantastic information! Thank you

@karinbrown-barrios4577 - 04.05.2024 18:39

I can't seem to figure out if this set of 4 cups & saucers called 1814 Blue Onion perfect condion

@Crossword131 - 01.06.2024 01:07

You're not going to talk about kite marks? Psssht.

@bongphoenix3972 - 11.06.2024 06:58

Hi David, I'm one of your thousands YT channel subscribers. Thank u for your brilliant contents & I'm looking forward for more of your educational tips about antiques. I have my collections as well & I would love to have more, it's been my hobby collecting. Thanks again...😊😅

@ritabanos8853 - 19.06.2024 07:50

Hi David! What about Staffordshire dogs that don’t have a stamp of words made at all please advise thank you, Rita

@JimJim-kh8rw - 27.06.2024 21:56

TIT !!!!!!!!!

@nadrojking5499 - 22.07.2024 00:08

Thanks for the tips David, I like a millionaire already 😂

@Lori-zh2hv - 28.07.2024 03:48

Thank you kindly.

@glenwoodjc - 14.08.2024 18:31

How do you value them

@mariannerosen8766 - 21.09.2024 05:21

Need info for number 76 and W design with a bow design, and name Germany on bottom of ceramic ballerina

@tarekLackey - 08.10.2024 06:50

How can I send you a picture of this mug

@noi2due - 20.10.2024 00:13

Thanks for all infomation and tips🤗

@DH-zd3de - 20.10.2024 19:05

Great info thank you so much.

@kategwynne4658 - 30.10.2024 21:21

This was really interesting. I like and collect pottery from a few makers but now I'm trying to broaden my collection and knowledge. Thanks!!

@BibianaMallare - 10.11.2024 20:10

I inherited some pcs of chinese and Japanese antiques from my grandmother,

@dreamsreselling7215 - 20.12.2024 14:44

Thank you for this very helpful information David and your expertise 🧡 . As a novice in this area i found this brilliant to watch .

@jrpcoins - 07.01.2025 18:51

I found some royal doulton lambeth and royal doulton pottery stone ware for FREE! An estate sale was throwing out everything that didn’t sell and had a ton of things out front of the house with a sign that said everything free! And so I picked up what I thought looked like nice pottery wish I knew how to sell these too I posted some videos on my channel if you care to see them?

@Thrilzilla86 - 01.03.2025 16:21

Hi David do you have a email address
