ОтветитьAudible be finessing tbh. Way to expensive for extra credits.
ОтветитьHelped me a lot as a new sign up. Having enthusiastically just finished my 1st credit, I'll have to essentially wait a whole month for my next credit and, to buy more credits. Oh well, back to my hard copy books till then....
ОтветитьI just bought my audible membership this month, and I am enjoying it, but it's so stupid that I gotta wait a month before I can even purchase credits... The way I see it is if you paid for the membership already, you should automatically be able to purchase more credits as soon as your membership is purchased (but sadly audible doesn't realize the potential to make even more money off of people like me who want to jump right in and buy credits to fill their new libraries). Depending on the audio book, you could most likely finish reading it in a couple days, and reading one book a month is too easy. I'm trying to read more, and audible is a good way to start, but I'm seriously disappointed by their current credit system being so stingy.
ОтветитьI really wish they would just let you buy individual credits... Or maybe have like a deal where you can buy a lot of credits on the cheap
ОтветитьI wish it was netflix, pay $24/moth for unlimited audio books but no, that doesn't even cover two books. I just means certain authors break their books into multiple 8 hour short effectively chapters and charge $15 x 7 books when should be two books.
ОтветитьWtf it this money farming bs it’s honestly cheaper just to buy the books
ОтветитьThis business model is terrible. I'm not waiting a month to get a "credit" to listen to something new or you need to be a member for a month before you can buy from us again. I'm offering you cash , up front for a product and you throw rules and loops before I can purchase something? Whoever came up with this should be fired.
ОтветитьNeed to wait 27 more days till I can finish a series that is on audible because they refuse to take my money and give me the book. They are the only platform selling it so I have no other options. Guess there are worse things, ill just wait 30 days before i can spend a few hundred bucks or perhaps try a different platform.
ОтветитьI think one audible credit is kind of stengy too, but then again, in the past, I've accumulated several audible credits because I didn't use them for months.
ОтветитьThat’s so fucking annoying why should I have to wait 30 fucking days to be able to get the next one that’s a horrible bus Jess moddle
ОтветитьJust stick with the basic plan. The premium only gives you 1 credit that’s the only difference. And the books that are available with the subscription suck balls. And the books you do wanna read you guessed you need credits lol. So just stick with basic. And not even really worth it if the titles that are available your not interested in.
ОтветитьI’m not getting any credits?’ I have audible plus and an Amazon Prime membership