Planet Fitness Membership Breakdown (Classic vs. Black Card Plans —  COST, PERKS AND MORE!)

Planet Fitness Membership Breakdown (Classic vs. Black Card Plans — COST, PERKS AND MORE!)


8 месяцев назад

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@heatherday1583 - 22.07.2024 05:59

This is so timely! Thank you!

@cali_capri - 22.07.2024 06:08

Detailed video! Nice job!

@sherbear948 - 22.07.2024 17:50

I love PF!

Excellent explanation on membership options. Although I am a Black card member I never really took time to totally understand what that meant. Now I do!

@TommyQuantez - 23.07.2024 02:25

How come everyone gets to use black card perks regardless if they don't have a black card?

@MOISTxPANDAx - 23.07.2024 16:09

That annual fee is so weird and there reasoning for it is weird too

@MOISTxPANDAx - 23.07.2024 16:17

I would go for the black card my pasty ass could benefit from a tan 🤣 and all the other machines also I’d be able to bring my brother

@ronkxx - 26.07.2024 03:34

Black Card is worth it especially if you have more then one gym around you very handy.

@madelynHernandez5577 - 01.08.2024 07:47

But how much is yhe montlhy fee once they add all the extras. Is it $30 for the black card?

@chuckbraden2138 - 10.08.2024 03:09

Enjoyed your video. Very helpful. I choose the Black Card. We travel a lot

@KnightWolf1986 - 11.08.2024 02:02

Planet fitness in San Francisco California needs a major upgrade .

@-deepa-singh529 - 19.08.2024 02:36

I am deciding to join

@-deepa-singh529 - 19.08.2024 02:37

I’m deciding to join the Woodbridge location the one behind the Walmart shopping centre

@HamhocksUnlimited - 06.09.2024 17:33

This is the most hostile judgmental hateful place you could possibly go if youre not part of the rainbow mafia

@doppelsauger1334 - 07.09.2024 11:52

i got question so if i get black card membership can my wife come workout even if im not there? google sais you can, some coworker sais u can too can anyone confirm if her been guest can she come workout even if im not there?

@FabianDominguez-yt9hx - 15.09.2024 04:02

Hey those are the gyms that are in my city! That’s pretty neat

@KingSolrac - 23.09.2024 21:34

Quick question about the any access locations. Is that literally as it sounds? For example I sign up at home gym and can use any gym in in a different state etc? Great review as well

@richardmanduch5104 - 07.10.2024 18:11

I joined the Planet Fitness in Pickering with the Classic Member $15.95+TAX. A great gym. I worked out two days now and I feel great.

@nikkolasgoff9232 - 11.10.2024 17:22

I'll skip the Planet Fitness membership and buy some weights for home. Way better than dealing with men in the women's locker room. 😂😂

@gamecockjenny - 12.10.2024 21:42

Iam a amputee. What fitness equipment will work for me

@entertainmentinternational1087 - 18.10.2024 13:21

If u tan and want red light therapy and massage chairs and are a traveler yes black card needed along with bringing a friend for free everytime.... if ur in a budget just wanna work out only same place just get basic

@crush9197 - 21.10.2024 08:53

I use the black card one because the one in my city on weekends it closes at 7 pm but the one in the next city next to me closes at 9pm on the weekends

@erdem-dg6xq - 29.10.2024 21:21

Does planet fitness offer the rest of the month for free when signed up ?

@jaymiller6009 - 04.11.2024 02:04

Planet fitness, inclusive, welcoming, where everyone is welcome and absolutely no one is judged.
Except if you take working out seriously. You will get dirty looks from others, they will go to management to complain, and a manager will tell you to pack up and leave because being in good shape makes others feel bad about themselves. But at least they are totally welcoming, inclusive, and non judgemental….

I heard an awesome one from a female coworker who moved and PF was the only gym close to her. She wears tight gym attire to workout and the extra large ladies also wearing extremely tight outfits (but don’t look good) gave her the dirtiest looks and complained to front desk about her inappropriate attire; even though they were wearing the same types of outfits but looking awful in them.

@saxonrogers6572 - 27.11.2024 00:19

Dont join. They will gladly overcharge you month after month , and when you ask them to cancel- they will still charge your card every month. Worst of all, you pay a 80 dollar cancellation fee that never cancels your membership. Word for word the planet fitness employee told me i would have better luck closing my bank card . Worst customer service experience of my life, this experience has truly changed the way I give out my card information.

@imonit4272 - 30.11.2024 20:28

But do they still allow confused people with a PEN1S to disrobe and shower in the locker room where my daughter will be disrobing and showering?
That’s the more important question isn’t it?

@majestic9104 - 20.12.2024 02:03

I came to this video after calling my local planet fitness and u explained the exact same thing she told me but in extended detail

@Max78912 - 02.01.2025 04:36

never really understood why pf brands itself as judgment free so much, everyone I know that's trained there either doesn't care or finds it annoying. People train at pf because its cheap I think if they marketed that aspect more aggressively they'd get more success imo

@armandoivanzamorabravo3190 - 02.01.2025 20:06

No sauna or showers?

@MiguelGarcia-ss9sf - 05.01.2025 04:31

They allow men in the restrooms with little girls changing and taking showers!!! I seen a big ass buff dude go in and girls run out I went to the counter and they said there’s nothing they can do it’s part of there policy and on there website. I quit that shit only perverts will support this company!!!

@hindtioutiou - 10.01.2025 16:32

can record a video of yourself at the gym??

@melissavidal2600 - 10.01.2025 18:00

I got the black card:)

@ericberger4511 - 11.01.2025 00:19

No one ever mentions and staff constantly and conveniently forgets to tell you, but you can only go to another club that's outside your home area, maybe 10 times a month. After that they'll charge you five bucks for every visit. This has happened to me and I'm quite sure about it. If you live in Florida and travel to New York and try to do your planet fitness workouts for a couple of weeks in a New York club, they're going to stop you after the 10th visit and tell you you need to start paying. Everybody leaves that out when they sell you the membership. They just tell you oh you can go to any club you want anywhere anytime. But they don't tell you about the 10 time per month limit. It's a calendar month limitation. So on the first of the next month the count starts again, but it's still there 10 times a month and you start to pay extra to attend the non-home club

@Cantudreams - 19.01.2025 02:40

Its only $10 in Michigan

@elsiealvey1073 - 24.01.2025 07:23

How can I quit my membership

@ahnaflamim9021 - 29.01.2025 12:50

What if I enrolled the black card for the first month and switched to Classic from the second month. Is that gonna charge me some extra money ?

@KayFabe87 - 01.02.2025 19:55

Does PF still allow 45 year old dudes with beards to shower and change in women’s areas if those dudes simply claim that they “feel” like a woman on that day?

@spacemonkeyfighter - 27.02.2025 06:01

Can we judge the people silently in our heads even though it is a judgement free zone?

@stevemendez3535 - 07.03.2025 13:31

Now my question would be, just because I have access to the massage chair and to the tanning beds and other spa room equipment is there a separate usage fee for that for example quarters or tokens or any additional user fees for that at the time of use and is there an unlimited amount of time well using these particular spot equipment amenities or are you only allowed to use five minutes at a time or 10 minutes at a time?

@codecaine - 10.03.2025 17:34

I never seen it go off.

@coltenkelso5764 - 15.03.2025 01:04

If you’re brand new to going to the gym I would recommend going here for about 2-3 months just to get a feel for it. After that though I would find a better option. There are plenty of better options out there.

@Maria-z5j7h - 19.03.2025 04:15

I wanted to sign up at Planet Fitness to get some exercise for my back. To enroll they require your "checking account number" AND a "credit card." I asked if they could possibly accept a different type of payment, maybe just the credit card, but no, they need your checking account and credit card (my location). I wonder if people think about this or they just provide their checking account number. This is sensitive information as it is, and I wonder if a gym can afford to invest heavily in security to protect your data. Are they not concerned about the cyber attacks continuously going on? Apparently not. Wouldn't PayPal or other methods work without having to provide such direct access to your checking account? Interestingly, their website says "...The method in which members are able to pay for their monthly membership varies by location, but many Planet Fitness clubs accept payment through checking accounts only. We require an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) through checking accounts for your convenience: This allows us to be able to continue your membership without interruption or the need to update your payment information if your credit card is lost, stolen, invalid, or expired..." This is for MY convenience? How long does it take to update a credit card number? Try disputing a fraudulent charge to your checking account when you yourself provided it...

@Maria-z5j7h - 19.03.2025 04:29

Oh...and check the Better Business Bureau...lots of complaints regarding membership charges.
