Calcaneus stress fracture: Signs, symptoms and treatment options

Calcaneus stress fracture: Signs, symptoms and treatment options

Dr. David Geier

6 лет назад

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@mklearningcurvecoaching2785 - 07.11.2021 11:44

its been 6 years but still paining means sometimes its hard to walk plzz sir help me i m just 27 🙏🙏

@tbasshandyman7610 - 12.11.2021 13:45

I'm still going to Dr. This is brutal pain

@domesticatedape4378 - 14.11.2021 03:14

I'm a waiter,dog walker, and personal trainer. I live on my feet and I'm suffering from this. How can I help myself heal while not taking time off of work?

@tidybaby3959 - 29.11.2021 19:02

I had blunt force trauma to the back of my heel..
I do Gymnastics & upon doing a glide on the Bars...on the swing back the "back of my heel" hit the center cross bar of the bars...stupid me I didn't have a mat underneath was like someone hitting my heel with a Im thinking? this is whats wrong with my heel?..It feels tight like I need to stretch it...and hurts when walking...of course Im also doing rebounding and that may be why its not healing?..

@AlexCorralMexico - 10.12.2021 08:23

No gymnastics for me for a few weeks 😭😭😭

@stephaniearnold2775 - 21.12.2021 10:14

I'm 29 years old and i've been living with my calcaneaus stress fractures on both heels for over 8 years ever since i worked in retail, being timed every 8 minutes to roll a rack of clothing onto the floors when i worked on concrete floors at Savers. I was diagnosed with achilles tendonitis in both feet but i feel like it's the wrong diagnosis because nothing has helped. I do physical therapy just about every year, i do stretches but it's extremely painful so they are short stretches. I've come to the point where i've just been living with my pain and am used to it but it feels like it's worse some days. I wake up in the mornings and my feet are so stiff i can't walk right. I can't stand in one spot longer than a couple minutes or my feet start hurting and i have to sit down. I have to ice my feet every morning just to walk but icing is also painful. I take naproxen for inflammation but it doesn't really help and obviously will never cure my pain. Doctors have said surgery is an option to "cut my tendons" but i've seen steven kings horror flick with achilles tendon cutting and it's just not an option for me. I've used a tens unit, cortisone shots, voltaren gel, biofreeze, and many others but nothing feels close to touching the pain. I've had mri's, and x rays but nothing shows up. The only thing i've found that helps are foot inserts and wearing foot casts at night. My feet hyperextend when i sleep so the casts help tremendously! It's honestly taken over my life, this constant pain i battle with every day. I feel like i'll be in a wheelchair at age 35 if i don't try harder to help my situation. I've cried in pain so many times because i just don't want to be in physical pain anymore but there is no cure for it and you just can't not use your feet.

@barrygrizzle4712 - 06.02.2022 03:37

Broke my heel a year and eight months coming up to 2 years now had surgery with a pin one screw for is slightly angled still in pain

@Telesiiy - 14.03.2022 04:28

This is it!!! This is the problem I have with my foot. The pain is extreme and severe. I am 100% sure it is due to over-standing from working at fast food restaurant. Please what’s the solution. I am currently undergoing shock wave therapy- going to 3rd week and my podiatrist suggest massage gun to get some relief while at home. I have been using customized in-sole since 2019, and I haven’t seen any improvements. Please what’s your advice ?

@lildumpling7325 - 24.03.2022 09:18

a player I went against in football was aggressive and legit drop kicked the back of my heel. It hurts so bad

@PURPLE-qr1xj - 27.04.2022 19:49

Is it possible to get this from stepping really hard? I legit got up in the morning and put on my sandals and saw a cockroach and stomped the hell out of it heel first and it feels so painful to walk.

@cakelady8523 - 08.05.2022 04:32

As a produce clerk for a large department store with a large produce department. About a month I was pulling a pallet with apple boxes stacked to the sky. When I heard a loud pop. Then felt a sharp pain shoot through my heel to my ankle. I ended up walking it off. Eventually the pain subsided, until 5 days ago . I was pulling a pallet and POP it happened again. Pain is 100 times worse than before with no relief. Watching this has me thinking I really messed my foot up.

@Ladycece41168 - 13.05.2022 15:30

I've had plantar fasciitis twice before. My doctor says I have it again. I dont think so. This is presenting way different from the previous times I've had it. And I think its either a stress fracture or a nerve entrapment.....and im leaning more towards a stress fracture. Explains my symptoms more closely than anything else. Thanks for the info.

@amorosa-g8r - 14.05.2022 23:02

6 weeks I go I fell down the stairs because I just miscalculated the distance between steps (I was looking down at my phone at the same time 😞) The doctor said it's suspicion of fissure on calcaneus bone and they gave me a boot and crutches. I've been walking short distance at home and it still hurts (stabbing sharp pain). It's so hard to be in bed and rest my foot for weeks and weeks, I'm getting very sad and want to walk normally again.

@dawnbentleah1818 - 18.05.2022 23:43

Haha, this made me feel like an old biddy,lol.. ow! My poor heel! 🤦🤦🤦

@esmailpirasteh3098 - 01.06.2022 05:47

Thank you this helped me a lot thank you

@lekyamotovlog428 - 19.06.2022 10:37

good afternoon Dr. David, I am Michael from the Philippines. I am suffering from a heel bone pain after playing basketball, first week after I played it was painful but as the days gone by it is feeling a little bit better, I returned back to playing basketball but with minimal pain in my heel. I just want to know if what will I do to totally eradicate the pain that I am experiencing, thanks. More power

@umatholeti4180 - 25.06.2022 14:41

Hello Doctor!
My daughter 8 years old (she is national skater) has marrow edema in calcenial bone. We got MRI and realised that. Got cast done yesterday. Still complaining about pain. Anything serious should i fallow up with her doctor or can I wait for few days. Also can you tell me when can she be back on her skates. What's the recovery time? Can she ever skate again?

@starlynn57 - 29.06.2022 15:10

Thank you!

@kjeri04 - 02.07.2022 05:59

Anyone got fully rexovered?

@sharonlucas2799 - 10.07.2022 21:07

I do home health care and am on my feet constantly and a few weeks ago I was shopping for my client and was in the check out line and took a step and all of a sudden it felt like someone took a knife and started stabbing my foot a thousand times over again and ever since then it has been extremely painful and difficult to walk on then again a few days ago (friday) I was catching up to my client home food delivery and was walking fast and it happend again same thing walking or even putting any pressure on it hurt like hell same feeling stabbing and this time it felt like someone cut all the tendons and then took a hammer and just started hammering my foot over and over again. I was diagnosed with plantar faciatis but I'm beginning to second guess my diagnoses.

@germanhistorian9713 - 25.08.2022 04:59

I play football and my heal hurts so bad but I don't want to go to the doctor and maybe waste money so I bought a brace a gel ice pack and I'm going to see if it helps

@davidnevolo4402 - 26.08.2022 09:31

I injured my heel stomping. Years ago and I’m a dancer and I reinjured it by landing too hard on my heel a few weeks ago. I was guessing it was a stress fracture but watching this video, I don’t think it is. It hurts to put weight on it when I walk but it is stable and it doesn’t hurt when I squeeze it from the side. That actually provides relief so I’m thinking maybe it’s some thing with the tendons on the bottom of the foot connecting to this phone. Thank you for the video

@BTTG867 - 27.08.2022 05:32


@Dr.Alveena_vyds - 14.09.2022 10:10

Sir there is no checking form available

@Dr.Alveena_vyds - 14.09.2022 10:11

I like your video still I don't know what my problem is really confused

@jeanneh6361 - 15.11.2022 05:56

Do I have to go into a boot? Or can it heal by being careful?

@jeanneh6361 - 21.11.2022 16:14

It only hurts when I strech. When can I start streching?

@lilspookie954 - 28.01.2023 11:52

I’m 20 year old male and man do I get these pains after soccer

@Chok_VR - 11.02.2023 00:17

I have it but I’m 13, but I’ve been jump roping a bunch and I started to feel the pain but I just kept doing it

@andyv6299 - 21.02.2023 10:06

Mine hurts on the side on the inside

@jessethlopez9301 - 17.04.2023 08:27

Omg all this time I though it could be plantar fasciitis 😮 but I have a stress fracture

@ktsueh - 25.04.2023 05:08

I have pain on bottom of heel as well is inside. Sharp pain goes up with activity. Gets worse throughout the day with activity. Thoughts?

@katw4731 - 02.06.2023 17:14

I've had several stress fractures in my feet, metatarsal and arch, about 7 of them in 9 months. I don't know how I do it, this a.m. my heel hurts to walk, inside of right foot, pretty sure it's a fracture. I'm not a runner in fact I am disabled and don't do anything like that. Osteopenia in places but foot looks ok. Ideas?

@PadminiDas-ny2uz - 02.06.2023 19:37

It's painfully doc

@kittyevans1able - 15.06.2023 01:41

I sprain my ankle June 2022. To date, it is STILL swollen. An MRI was done recently which showed a complete fascia rupture at the calcaneous. As I watched your video, it feels more like the calcaneous stress fracture because it DEFINITELY hurts when you squeeze the back of the ankle. Please share your thoughts. Thanks

@matthewdreyer3158 - 29.06.2023 00:33

I just jumped off the stairs 3hours ago and have been feeling it for a while

@quatchkopf3658 - 01.08.2023 04:40

Wish I could see a doctor. That takes money or insurance. Don't have money and I'm with the VA which means I am dying before I get actual treatment.

@kasondrahernandez5692 - 10.08.2023 04:46

I have really bad pain in my left heel. I have been reading about Calcaneus Heel stress. I believe i have that. What do you recommend. I don't have insurance. What do recommend that i do.?

@MeMe-mt6xv - 14.08.2023 15:34

Heal the heel 😂

@bandanasamadder2739 - 20.08.2023 09:51

Calcaneus stress fracture in all cases can be recover by 45 day plaster or operation must with local anaesthesia.

@ashlynnletzelter9146 - 01.09.2023 07:00

On my second day of playing tennis I got bad heel pain and everyone said it was my shoes but as I played tennis or walked around it got worse and hurts even when not on it, I iced, taped, elevated and everything… so maybe I’ll go to the doctor

@isaac_al_100 - 16.10.2023 04:07

Fell from ladder 🪜 and only that part hurts my toes can move completely but if I stand normal feels like I can fall 😢 becareful doing house work 😅

@ariver7491 - 13.11.2023 12:05

I'm a sprinter. I got this injury when I tried to take off. My outer side of left foot heel area hurts

@S.khan.123 - 08.04.2024 21:55

I m suffering heel pain left from 8 month due to when playing with kids wearing sport shoes which sole is hard, what to do pain in the below side

@Wadevlogs. - 06.06.2024 10:59

hard to jump and hard to run because of heel fracture

@adelscarborough9280 - 07.06.2024 10:51

I still have pain after walking boot and cast.

@zaccauditore3775 - 12.07.2024 19:12

The hardest thing is to stop running.
For me, I dont feel any pain when I am running even more than 15 miles etc.
But when i am staying in a particular way, i will feel a problem... Quicker i walk, less I feel the pain...

@Crist-g3o - 08.08.2024 07:15

I had my fibula fractured and my heel hurts

@MrCee-eq9fe - 28.08.2024 07:22

Idk that I’ve had an injury to be honest I work 2 jobs full time job I basically sit all day 9-5 M-F and at my par time job I stand all day pretty much 7-4 Sat n Sun but it hurts right whr the person is touching on this videos thumbnail

@DrDavidGeier - 31.08.2018 15:09

If you have questions about the injuries or treatments mentioned in this video, or about a sports or exercise injury, subscribe to my channel and click the bell to be notified of my Better Than Ever LIVE! streams, including an Ask Dr. Geier live show I do most Fridays at 12:00 PM ET.
