Behind-the-scenes of the Simone Biles Gold Over America tour

Behind-the-scenes of the Simone Biles Gold Over America tour

MyKayla Skinner

3 года назад

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@rigbyricenoodle - 26.09.2021 09:53

I wish rhythmic gymnasts and trampoline gymnasts were included

@cherylbrewer3443 - 26.09.2021 14:31

Will be there to see you in Fort Worth! Can’t wait!

@camillegettler1027 - 26.09.2021 14:37

Mykayla my dream is to become you! You are so pretty and so good at gymnastics you are my personal favorite.And my name is Camille I am a gymnast and I am 9 years old!😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

@Babz024 - 26.09.2021 18:58

Glorified quitter.. not a goat

@sqlcomp - 26.09.2021 23:14

Drop the masks they don't work!! The CDC are a bunch of liars!!

@arianest-aubin7090 - 26.09.2021 23:23

I bought tickets for the Boston show on November 7th but since im from Canada the covid measures for travelling are pretty intense so we wont be able to make it. If theres anyone out there that wants them, let me know. They are right in the center facing the floor! So sad for not going😭

@michaela6056 - 26.09.2021 23:41

Cant wait to see you in Boston Myk! I got VIP tickets to so I even get to dance with you! I’m so excited to meet you!!

@emilieromero6004 - 26.09.2021 23:48

I want to go sooo bad but I am not doing any crowded indoor events while the delta variant is raging. Stupid Covid! You gymnasts and dancers make me so happy. I can’t wait to go back to live shows and competitions. Can not wait.

@Leadoff10 - 27.09.2021 00:30

My Hero.

@Doyouboo. - 27.09.2021 00:42

Very cool to still get to see you all do your craft! Chelsie too!? Love it! Can we get McKayla Maroney to make a comeback too?! 🤗🙏🥰🤩💪🏼👍

@AuntieBrennie - 27.09.2021 02:46

So proud of all of you! YAY! B~}

@johnvelas70 - 27.09.2021 03:16

50th b-day today: 50 sets 10 reps freestanding hspu's 97 minutes dead

@111marcie - 27.09.2021 04:07

I love that they are able to do a show like this, it gives back to the community and also allow the gymnast to have some fun and show off some of them skills they trained so hard for. I often wondered what else after the Olympics but Ms. Simone along with the rest of these great gymnast gonna show us how its done! Hopefully in future thier be more tours like this!

@jantaylor3788 - 27.09.2021 04:22

Thanks for sharing! I love all you are doing. !

@Juliaa-n9d - 27.09.2021 04:32

I’m going to come see this show for my birthday and I can’t wait to see you in person! But are you going to be signing autographs

@lillianschwark5946 - 27.09.2021 07:51

I’m so excited I going to the tour and I get to see everyone❤️❤️❤️I love you makaylah

@kellimiller485 - 27.09.2021 09:54

Good video mykayla skinner 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🙂

@dianeandbrad529 - 27.09.2021 16:02

It’s nice to see you and Jade on such good terms. I think that whole individual Olympics situation could have easily strained relationships among gymnasts and I think you both deserve credit for handling that so gracefully.

@natalierios9010 - 28.09.2021 05:07

I am going this Wednesday!! Looking forward to seeing you all soon!!!!

@that_emo_freak2717 - 28.09.2021 05:17

U look like Jamie Lynn Spears! ;)

@henrylove3849 - 29.09.2021 06:27

See you this Sunday in Denver with my princess!

@MrHalstead21 - 29.09.2021 14:53

I am getting tickets to watch the tour

@vitoriadesa5386 - 29.09.2021 18:09

I wish you could bring Gold Tour to Europe. It'd be amazing!

@rivusl6b072 - 30.09.2021 02:53

Will you be posting the whole show for those of us that couldn't make it?

@geekygardener1730 - 01.10.2021 02:12

Omg was that Ms. Val???

@robertrincon3590 - 02.10.2021 03:46


@dakotaanderson7274 - 02.10.2021 17:56

you guys were amazing in boise last night!!!

@lavernhicks9807 - 03.10.2021 12:33


@Ruby-101 - 03.10.2021 19:38

Omg I get to watch you guys tonight and I am so excited to see you!!!

@lia-fb1ou - 04.10.2021 08:11

i love how calmly she says 'i already broke my face'

@leah9105 - 06.10.2021 19:44

Love you ladies!!! I would love to hear how you all manage conflict that naturally occurs in close quarters? Teamwork at its finest 🙌🏼💖

@kellyv3448 - 08.10.2021 05:48

Congrats on everything!! You gals are inspiring! I have got to ask though what is the blush you use? I fell in love with it on you in Tokyo. TIA

@donaldholderdoc2910 - 09.10.2021 21:12

THE SHOW WAS PHENOMENAL! MYKAYLA, CHELLSIE AND JADE REALLY STOOD OUT FOR ME. But everyone was extremely active and interactive. I really enjoyed Miss. Vals Choreography. If you've watched any of UCLA Gymnastics over the last decade, it's easy to see who was in charge.
I went last night in Houston. I will post some clips when I get off work and can edit it without giving out spoilers. LOVE YOU MYKAYLA 🌹🔥❤️ Tell Jade and Chellsie Excellent! Thank you all!🤍🌹❤️

@Marieq - 10.10.2021 11:55

So excited! I got tickets to the Cleveland show. Question- is the whole entire show choreographed with music non stop? I'm just asking bc I have epilepsy (it's under control) but I get auras from constant loud music. Anyways my question is, is it more of a music concert with you guys doing gymnastics and dancing or will there be parts like in the Olympics? I hope that makes sense. 🤔

@jamiebourquin1853 - 10.10.2021 17:44

Hey MyKayla I saw you at the Gold Over America Tour in Fort Worth Texas. You all were so amazing!

@creamydreamyslimery1703 - 13.10.2021 07:46

More of these videos and more tours like this! I was at Boise one it was AMAZING

@loosegoose5841 - 13.10.2021 21:41

Saw you in Gold Over America last night, (Kansas City) What a high energy show! You were amazing. Everyone was, but you, Laurie, and Chellsie caught my eyes the most.

Thank you for the tour! I know it's not the same as a meet but see three World champions and so many huge international names perform was icing on the cake.

I pouted though, would have love to have seen you vault.

@lekuebarielijah5113 - 14.10.2021 14:24

I wish Simone Biles can do it for me in the Paris Olympics 2024 before retiring... you are a great inspiration to the next generation of gymnast, athletes and entertainers.

@lekuebarielijah5113 - 14.10.2021 14:29

With G. O. A. T, you guys have taken the sport of gymnastics to a whole new dimension and it may go global someday.

@cascascascascas954 - 14.10.2021 15:16

Are y’all not with Simone most the time?

@Winnersclubpodcast1 - 21.10.2021 18:45

Super interesting! thanks for the insight

@averyblume2845 - 31.10.2021 00:13

I’m going to the Boston one!

@blakey1014 - 02.11.2021 03:47

the same thing happened to aly raisman she didn't think she would have to do bars on tour so she hadn't even brought her grips for it

@emmalyn6740 - 03.11.2021 03:18

Omg Makayla skinner I'm coming to the Connecticut tour tomorrow! I can't wait to meet you all!

@Alaina-G - 09.11.2021 00:58

I just went to the gold America tour yesterday they make it look so easy. But I know how hard it is because I do gymnastics

@tinamclean1219 - 19.12.2021 17:54

I am coming

@UserUser-lk9yc - 12.04.2022 12:53

Без таблетки она ничего не может

@katiestorey7221 - 11.10.2024 15:30

who else is here after mykayla exposed herself as a fake ass hoe?
