[email protected]
Twitter: @djsmartjr
Instagram: @djsmartjr
Check out Kyle McHargh’s latest dance film “Just Like You”
Just Like You - is a dance film in response to the Libyan Slave Trade. With the state of America and the current cultural climate, this piece also holds a mirror up to our society.
Dedicated to the men of color who've had a history of living in silence while laboring through frustration, a false sense of equality and questions of "why?"
Dancer: @djsmartjr
Spoken Word Artist: @nnamdi
Cinematographer and Edit: @caindevore
Choreographer and Director: @kyletdmchargh
#blackhistory #blackhistorymonth #libya #forlibya #blacklivesmatter #alllivesmatter #art #justlikeyou #blackboysdancetoo #artsaveslives #contemporary #ballet #modern #contemporaryballet #purpose #equality