Libertarians have to find a better animal than a porcupine.
ОтветитьYeah. Once we dismantle taxation, I'll just go out and build roads for everyone to use for free. Seems legit.
.. This coming from the "nothing is free" crowd
Only miserable people would seek to tarnish another's happiness. Unfortunately, there is a surplus of the miserable, and a shortage of those contented.
- Auren Kleige
"Happiness shouldn't be a commodity that can only be bought and sold to those that can afford self-help books and meditation apps while kids are starving and people are dying because they can't afford healthcare. Anger at the system must be used to change the system and not ignored in service of keeping things the same"
Dipshit liberals: "WhY dO yOu OpPoSe PeOpLe BeInG hApPY"
We should hope happiness can be commodified. Things which are commodified in market economies are widely distributed at low cost.
ОтветитьWould have been better if the gov had invested trillions, not in Iraq and Afghanistan, but at home stopping ideological subversion at Universities via post-modernism and critical theory-- I think on the whole, those ideologies are more damaging and disruptive to the U.S. than anything originating or originated from over there-- it's just more subtle and slow so no one really notices and if not careful, will one day be something you're not even allowed to point to as having caused, or contributed heavily to, the societal schisms unfolding in the country. Pathologizing happiness is evil.
Ответитьthis is not criticizing your video but most take positive has to not look on the bad side of anything would this not make more far left or right individuals more popular since they promise more benefits than the normal saying about work hard also if we mostly only see positive are we not doomed has a society we need to always have a counter balance to ensure freedom to all individuals and so we are not blinded by politicians to protect are freedom has a nation in my country or any country and would happiness not decrease with societies with such wealth such has us in America because of less gratitude
ОтветитьYes they do !
And this is the real motivation.
Notice everything liberals'enjoy' is actually an affectation. Nothing is genuine. Liberals don't even really love their children.
ОтветитьHave you noticed that people who promote collectivism never promote or practice success principles. Just sayin'.
It reminds me of someone who told me, "No one plans to be a loser. You really don't need a set of instructions for it. It isn't like anyone is approaching a loser with pen and paper in hand and asking them, 'Hey, I want to be just like you. How did you do it?'"
ОтветитьBut some things in society aren't a matter of "the right perspective" but a matter of justice!
ОтветитьDo you even try to make a good propaganda. You have to be receiving many money to even lie against yourself. How can anyone believe that a comunist have the objetiv of destroying happiness. It is almost the same thing that utilize as an argument ''comunists are bad, we are good''. This seems pretty much a argument made by a child 5 years old