The Secret to Hiking the Zion Narrows

The Secret to Hiking the Zion Narrows


3 года назад

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@TrinhNguyen-up3es - 12.09.2022 15:57

You guys are cute. I loved to watch the video. We are doing the narrows. My husband and kids are excited about it. This is a great video thank you!

@cccaaa9034 - 26.09.2022 08:37

Wish I had known about your new trend when I started doing it as a kid. A lifetime later, I'm only now learning of its inventor.😣All this time I could have been paying respect and appreciating its creator while outdoors.

@jenr7480 - 25.10.2022 03:28

You guys crack me up! May I ask what month you went?

@Clipd_rugby - 23.11.2022 01:06

I can't name a more iconic intro than "good morning you guys". Great video.

@5.56pete - 26.11.2022 16:42

Who would put themselves in such a predicament, perfect spot for a death trap specially if an injury occurs or flash flood

@jcaff6963 - 31.12.2022 00:00

Nice video, brings back memories of doing this in October as a backpack from the top (Chamberlain's Ranch). Very cold. Would suggest wet suit booties and spring conditions wetsuit for protection at that time of year. Top down requires a permit. At 56 sec. in the video I think I see Mystery falls, the last rappel when descending Mystery Canyon. Usually a crowd at the bottom looking up to see the descent. You will need ropes, harness, descender, helmet, tether, carabiners for that. Also, knowledge of canyoneering techniques, experience and a permit for that canyon. Thanks, John

@allanfifield8256 - 06.01.2023 07:53

Can this marriage be saved?

@innismor11 - 21.03.2023 21:58

Yes ...... if you are going where water is, bring a waterproof container for your phone and the like.

@stephenjones6030 - 26.03.2023 08:59

How far up did you hike? When I did it, we went maybe a couple of miles???

@patrickfitzgerald9859 - 03.05.2023 14:25

Did the Narrows but only went as far as Wall street. Will go where you went next time. Great idea starting early. There are shops outside of the park that rent waterproof gear.

@moesymoe4407 - 10.05.2023 21:38

Great video. I enjoyed watching your adventure through the Narrows. I just returned from Zion and unfortunately was not able to hike the Narrows due to the massive amount of snow melt this spring. We did get to hike Angels Landing though and it was epic! Keep exploring. I subscribed to watch your new adventures.

@Dani3lla719 - 17.05.2023 21:45

UTAH- is where this park is……

@JEDIMASTERPOOPJUICE - 18.05.2023 06:32

What kind of shoes, and socks or no socks? I imagine no socks, but also your feet could prune up with the extensive water.

@JEDIMASTERPOOPJUICE - 18.05.2023 06:42

I'd recommend to put your electronics in Zip locks and wrapped in plastic.

@garysimpson1988 - 08.06.2023 00:47


@ahill9477 - 28.07.2023 03:31

Well, we just hiked it from Chamberlains Ranch all the way to Sinewa. Oh my gosh, for my buddy and I, who have hiked GC Rim to Rim both ways, this was the Hike from😮 Hell, Zion Narrows Top-Down on Virgin River, Monday 07/24: hurt in every part of my body, bruised a rib, twisted ankles, bruised and fell o. knees, we barely survived this one. hiked 29 miles, which should have been 16.1 miles, but because we had to zig zag, it turned out that way. Treacherous running waters, flow rate of 48, which is supposedly ok? 3-12 plus feet deep the whole time, had to swim sometimes, stopped once for five minutes to eat some protein, but after that moving all day without stopping to make it before sundown, 100% concentrating down the whole time not to slip, which we did numerous times, from 7:45 am to 9:30 pm, no breaks, walking on 99% rocks that were size of bowling balls, some you could see, some you couldn’t, slipping all the time, backpacks soaked with water felt like 500 pds, just made it to exit right before dark by miracle or would have been sleeping in the canyon, then on top of that had to walk another 4 miles to get a ride, because we missed last shuttle. Extremely brutal day is an understatement, Plus my buddy 😮walked right by a rattlesnake he didn’t see, on one of the very short riverbanks when we could get out of the water for 30 feet or so, I noticed it just in time, two feet away. Rocks everywhere, even on land. If they had been small rocks, would have been totally different story, but these were slippery softball to bowling ball size, you had to try not to slip on, which we did anyway. It was beyond hell, and grateful beyond words that it is over. Made GC look like a cakewalk Hardest thing I’ve ever done. And that’s how I spent a vacation day! The End.

@darmakiel - 11.08.2023 22:36

So glad I discovered your incredible channel! Having seen a few of your videos already, I can't imagine how fit you guys must be!! A small question – what shoes is Elise wearing here?

@drewtrailer681 - 21.08.2023 22:00

What time of year was this going in October might be way colder

@sheliaedwards3619 - 28.08.2023 02:22

What month did you visit?

@roopabc5201 - 02.09.2023 18:26

What hiking shoes did you wear ( women )

@IndianBeauty02 - 10.09.2023 13:03

I'm 4"11 and can't swim yet I want to do this hike

@mycroft16 - 08.10.2023 09:20

Easily one of the top 3 hikes anywhere in the country. The Narrows is such a unique trail.

@Twobarpsi - 08.10.2023 13:45

I've been to Zion! You guys make a great team 🤗

@WorldT - 15.10.2023 00:02

just curious do you use a drone for most of your videos? so well done

@SquidGunman - 15.10.2023 06:37

She is extremely boneable!

@pietjansevanrensburg5230 - 16.10.2023 15:41

What a beautiful country you have.if ever I come to the USA I'm going to skip the cities and head straight to the mountains,parks&desert.

@pietjansevanrensburg5230 - 16.10.2023 16:06

"True belonging is the spiritual practice of believing in and belonging to yourself so deeply that you can share your most authentic self with the world and find sacredness in both being a part of something and standing alone in the wilderness" ( B Brown).

@michaelcohen2883 - 04.11.2023 02:18

I have had a recent knee replacement and I wish instead of being a marathon runner including prestigious Boston, that I. Could have hiked thru the beautiful places that you two visit and explore! Love watching especially while I recover from my surgery!

@jessieely5363 - 15.12.2023 17:10

This is my favorite hike of all time! I’m hoping to do a top down hike sometime soon. Thanks for letting us live vicariously through y’all!

@zfilmmaker - 31.12.2023 23:24

The guy in this video is ripped! Then I checked the rest of their videos and it’s nothing but gun show, gun show, gun show. 😂

@slsinco - 03.01.2024 01:24

This is really awesome, thanks for sharing! What time of year was this?

@johnnyoutwest - 14.02.2024 19:23

Awesome video!

@stefonthemove - 15.02.2024 22:06

Planning a trip to Zion as we speak! Thanks for another great video!

@MichaelMontaldo - 21.02.2024 03:09

What month did yall do this hike?

@billyruss - 29.02.2024 05:03

Wow! That canyon was just amazing. Fantastic camera work, and the music made it even more cinematic. Excellent video 🙂

@dojo3175 - 09.03.2024 20:45

Hi, this was a very informative video. What beautiful scenery! When were you there? We are going to the narrows eirher late may or early June.
Thank you!

@tytruuubka - 15.04.2024 00:25

Amazing video! Love to watch your videos to get more info before i do the same hikes:) can you please tell me which month did you go and how badly cold was the water? Thanks!

@SteveMenardDesignDXM - 19.04.2024 21:13

Now this looks like fun, especially on a hot day in July (when we'll be going this summer). I would do this 10 times before doing the chains at Angels Landing. Note to self. Put smartphone in waterproof pouch!

@coginc - 20.05.2024 07:52

What time of year did you go? What month?

@johnmcnulty1129 - 23.05.2024 21:17

Awesome vid Elise & Adam.
Incredible views of Natural Beauty you guys always bring, appreciated.
"If you have a Adam lying about !" 😁 😺🐱 ❤

@steventinsley5664 - 27.05.2024 09:07

My older brother & I hiked only part of the way thru the Narrows back in April of 1997 and at one point the water was almost up to our necks and I could tell my brother didn`t like that at all. Anyway we kept hearing Canyon Wrens way up above our heads as we were hiking out of the Narrows. We both are big bird watchers so it was a real treat to hear the super cool song of the Canyon Wrens echoing up and around the canyon walls.

@septembertwenty-nine9989 - 28.05.2024 21:58

Elise is courageous to fight through the fear of falling, the cold water and laughing about it. I didn't hear a word about turning back before the mission was accomplished.

@danashollenberger3561 - 22.06.2024 18:07

What time of year was this

@AnabolicMountaneering - 03.07.2024 01:56

Tips on how to enter the park via bike early to avoid the crowds/tourists?

@PrairieLakeProductions - 05.07.2024 20:41

I hope my videos can look as amazing as yours 👏🏼

@zoeyraine - 25.08.2024 20:05


@DrScottPerlman - 18.09.2024 03:14

When is the best time of the year to go?

@CeeJayVeeYer - 21.10.2024 04:59

What time of year did you guys go do this hike?

@farmhard1 - 20.11.2024 04:59

now im all hard and stuff

@ednaparedes8613 - 22.01.2025 23:41

Awesome video! Where did you guys park and how long did you have to bike to get to the narrows?
