Laurel Beard

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@JenniferL-CDN - 25.05.2024 17:01

I have unsubscribed to all the craft store emails except for the one local store I frequent. I know I need to reign in my spending with them but I find it hard to pass up a sale. I’m working on it. I do check my stamps / stencils to see if I have something similar especially when it comes to mark making stamps a lot of them are very similar.

@MakingCardsWithFriends - 25.05.2024 17:01

I needed this reminder. Thank you. I just skipped all of my June subscriptions and subscribed to some influencers that have craft alongs. I am overwhelmed at the moment with the amount of "all the things" I am not creating very much. This reminder is very helpful. 😊

@sharonboynton4716 - 25.05.2024 17:04

I needed to hear this again.

@stampbooker - 25.05.2024 17:11

Rewatching and loving this!

@EmpoweredtoHope - 25.05.2024 17:36

Have you been looking over my shoulder? 😂 I decided to use what I have about a month ago and have been struggling. Thank you for the great encouragement!❤

@marilynhill2026 - 25.05.2024 17:37

Oh my this could be me. We must be twins. Even down to the dog. I have a Sealyham that looks just like your dog. Thank you, Thank you. I am going to unsubscrib right now. All this stamp stuff has become a burden. I would say 60 percent I have only used once if at all.

@doloresr5514 - 25.05.2024 17:52

Thanks, this is a good reminder,

@joycebecker5105 - 25.05.2024 18:14

I LOVE this and SO need it. As a newer stamper/card maker - Still learning all the tricks. This is priceless. Thanks so much

@mariamoore6130 - 25.05.2024 19:02

You are so me omg I’m so glad I watch you omg the more you talk the more I think I’m talking to myself . Thank you 🫣🫣😳😳😳😩😩😩😳😳😳I thought it was only me 🤬🤬

@introvert22 - 25.05.2024 20:06

Wise words.

@lisakoolmees1698 - 25.05.2024 20:31

Thank you for being "real". I'm not a stamper but am a crafter and very much an impulse buyer. You have made a lot of good points that made me look at my stash and see how to manage it.

@phyllismogavero3192 - 25.05.2024 20:56

Thanks for the wakeup call. I'm doing my best to use everything I own.

@kathypatterson4630 - 25.05.2024 21:01

I have so many stamps that have never been used....

@kathypatterson4630 - 25.05.2024 21:13

Thanks, Laurel!!

@sandratheprocraftinator945 - 26.05.2024 00:08


@paulawray6210 - 26.05.2024 02:01

Thank you! I needed that! Now to empty my cart on the website!

@sharonreidinger1247 - 26.05.2024 03:36

I loved this video. I am a fairly new card maker and I thought I needed so much of what I saw. I bought more than I need for sure. I now can look at stuff and now feel that I have to have the stuff. You made me look at myself in this video and I thank you so much.

@elisaoneal2893 - 26.05.2024 04:11

Oh my gosh. Thank you for this video. I am exactly what you describe and buy impulsively. This is perfect. Thank you

@kimfrazier3717 - 26.05.2024 08:26

I need a little mini you standing on my right shoulder constantly!!

@DanettaHarding - 26.05.2024 08:52

I watched this a while ago then I rewatched it after I read your email today. Thank you! Seriously, thank you. I also want you to know I'm listening. I have two large bags in my car. I reached out to the activities director of a local retirement/rest home facility near me. Monday morning I will be taking my sacks to her. And it feels good. Bless you for your voice of reason.

@daynajackson1129 - 26.05.2024 08:59

Great video!!! I have already unsubscribed from a few, will be unsubbing from the rest in the morning. Thanks for giving me the push I so desperately needed.

@daynajackson1129 - 26.05.2024 09:10

Great video!!!

@clareallen6413 - 26.05.2024 11:12

OMG Laurel, it's like you're in my mind! I am a TERRIBLE impulse buyer, I have so many things that I bought and have never even opened.
Thanks for the tips! I did do a clear-out at the start of this year but I wasn't strict enough with myself. I need to get a grip! x

@cherylskorpil1069 - 26.05.2024 13:52

Thank you SOOOO much for your video about this issue !!!!

@Joeyaway - 26.05.2024 22:28


@janmassey197 - 27.05.2024 00:53

Excellent! Thank you for sharing. I have always loved your telling us to use what we have. I want in to share that I live in Colorado Springs, and we have a craft thrift store. It's called Who Gives A Scrap, isn't that cute? It makes it so easy to purge my supplies.

@leattaleake8756 - 27.05.2024 05:45

Good chat. I am also an impulse buyer. I have enough stuff to open my own store. So many stamps and die sets. I probably will never use them all.

@sueklevorn - 27.05.2024 20:53

I just watched this video and have to say thank you, Laurel! It is so easy to fall into the FOMO trap, especially for someone new to making cards.

@connielewis6602 - 28.05.2024 07:09

Thank you! It was very helpful! It made me realize I'm an impulsive craft collector and I loved your advice. Got to clean out!!! Thanks again! Connie Lewis , Johnson City. TN

@47bettie - 29.05.2024 02:39

OH YES With You On This, I am learning to do better, my husband is good he would say to be do you really need it then I think no I don't lol thank you for this video was very good advice!!! xxx

@AmandaLovesCrafts - 29.05.2024 16:45

Thank you so much as a beginner I WANT everything and WANT to try everything. But it is getting so overwhelming trying too many new things at the same time. So now I can unsubscribe from some of the emails without feeling too guilty and try and concentrate on one or two crafty things at once.

@AcquanettaLivingston - 29.05.2024 17:10

I know where you're coming from. However, I've learned to use what I have already, because I have quite a bit of crafting items. Thanks for the reminder.

@christinesmith989 - 30.05.2024 01:13

I love all your advice! I have recently purged my stash and donated loads but still have so much I haven't used and still buy stuff. I am currently trying to stop, your advice may help, thankyou. xxx💖💖💖

@donnajosephsonblatz5058 - 30.05.2024 04:55

Oh Laurel! I need to watch this on repeat. It's all so true. Thanks

@flipflops4sherri - 30.05.2024 13:46

I don’t know why I’m just getting this email when it’s 2 years old?

@brendaheins3191 - 31.05.2024 22:34

OMG I so so needed this video. I am a Craft-a-holic. I swear my name is Brenda and it’s barely been a day since my last purchase. I need a 12 step program and a sponsor, or rehab to stop spending! I am like you, an impulse shopper. And it was easier buying years ago when there weren’t so many vendors, now it is impossible to keep up and it’s overwhelming and I’ve charged my credit cards up astronomically again. And I try to find ways to ‘support’ my hobby, but they never work out and I can never make enough to support my spending urges! Thank you so much for this video! We need a support group for crafty spenders!

@prentzess - 04.06.2024 10:08

I really like your hair in this video!

@prentzess - 04.06.2024 10:11

Amazing that your stamp stash is so small! I could stock a craft store with mine…and I purge fairly often!

@kimfrazier3717 - 22.06.2024 03:18

I am saving this to my faves and rewatch every time I think I NEED a new stamp or die or stencil!!!

@MichellesHandmadeCreations - 29.06.2024 18:02

OMGosh! I needed this talking to as much as I need air to breathe! (Well, almost.) Things were totally different when my husband was employed, but now that I'm alone and living on social security, I need Crafter's Crap Buyers Anonymous. I feel like I've just been to an orientation meeting to just such an organization.

@mikeflores7891 - 02.07.2024 23:20

Amen Sister 🙌

@kathleensanden1035 - 09.07.2024 14:20

I need you to be my person….. I don’t have anyone that paper crafts that can keep me from this sickness….😢

@pennefreeman1053 - 07.10.2024 21:21

You make sense. Ty.

@hrt2art - 09.11.2024 21:51

Oh wow I can relate!

@BeverleyByberg - 18.11.2024 15:02

Well, that was eye opening! I am just like that so thank you for reaching me… are amazing…love your personality and I will indeed try to heed your advice. Love following you Laurel ! 🇨🇦

@StephanieJohnson-ju8rc - 02.01.2025 18:08

oh my this is me to a T, I should be in a group for supply buyers anonymous and one for sorting as these take all my time, I can't remember the last card I made and enjoyed. I will definitely need to purge. I see cards I want to make, buy the products and forget where I saw the card all the time.........
