Heeey.. she finally got some good lighting!
ОтветитьNo matter how many people with expertise in this area debunk the gender pay gap, it persists because the people pushing it have much to gain, as do their supporters. It really is a power play, as are most things in life. In this case, it's an ideology that is trying to exert itself in that space of the war of the sexes. It will never end. You just have to fight for what is true, not what is trendy.
ОтветитьI’m a trucker, a lot of us make 6 figures. There’s nothing stopping women from doing this work, but most won’t do it.
ОтветитьThe Gender Pay Gap IS real, but it favors women. Women are paid SIGNIFICANTLY more than men for the same anount of output.
ОтветитьWhat nonsense these people are talking , my wife is an administrator and she talks about the difficulties in comparing salaries to fined out averages for statistical analysis, so much of the information is not collected so any analysis these people are spouting are assumptions and we all no what assumptions are!? " The mother of all eff ups .( just look at Net Zero & Catastrophic anthropogenic climate change for example of this )This is just another attempt to justify their own salaries .
ОтветитьJust for fun, look up the pay gap broken down by race if you want to see something really strange. At the top of the list is white women, then black women, then hispanic women, then several other ethnicities. But for some strange reason, Asian women are not on the list 🤔. Either they omitted them or Asian women are earning as much as men. I wonder what the Asian women are doing that the other races are not.
ОтветитьWhen a self entitled xx victim gets caught out on a blatant lie, get supercilious and self righteous. Also what happened to senator Leyonhelm after he exposed this scam?
ОтветитьWell , if there is a pay gap , we could raise the wage for women and then demand a man cave benefit... :)
ОтветитьFactors the left always leave out when considering differences with men and women: Over time, Maternity leave, Medical leave, Willing to move for job, Willing to take on more responsibility, Time taken off, Type of jobs, How physical the job is, How dangerous the job is, Continual time in each job, etc. AND I'VE EVEN SEEN "STUDIES" THAT LEAVE OUT YEARS OF EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS! Any study that's truly factored all these factors and more always finds women get paid more for the same job as a man. Which is why those studies are ignored. Leftist Women want to play the victim and no facts will get in their way.
ОтветитьABC -
Australian Bureau of Communism.
Uh - choosing to work part-time in order to raise children is “a huge problem “?
ОтветитьPeople have sex. Nouns have gender. Now that we have that out of the way, World War II is over. There's no more shortage of labor. Women should leave the workforce now. Double the workers means double the competition for jobs means half the wages per worker means twice the unemployment and underemployment. Both husband and wife now must work to pay the mortage or rent. And now that men are no longer the sole breadwinner, females do a male sex role and don't look up to their husbands anymore. With rampant divorce, they pay two rents for far worse housing than both of them together would enjoy. The children suffer the most. Employers took advantage of that by exporting jobs and importing unskilled labor to compete with native youth, guaranteeing them a rougher future than their parents have.
Feminism is a lie. Undo the damage by accepting the leadership of men in all things.
Just have all jobs hourly rate based , no more bs, tennis opens , you get a fee based on time on court , solve everything
Ответитьyeeeeeahhh... I'm not inclined to want equal distribution of gender on Car Show Beauties, or (for that matter) Firemen.
ОтветитьI worked with a Sound Producer, and she was complaining about how male voice talents get paid more than female.
She then mentioned the "Gender Pay Gap".
So I asked.... "Why do you pay them more? You are in control of the money, right?"
Her: Because they wont work for less. They always want solid contracts, overtime, know exactly what they are supposed to say before hand. The Girls are more forgiving. They show up when you ask, even if you are not going to use them until later, don't ask for overtime, and do retakes until you say stop.
Me: Aren't there any girls that demand overtime?
Her: Yeah, but I don't hire them. There are too many others to chose from, that are easier to work with.
Me: So Why don't you just pay them more, so they are equal to the guys?
Her: I'm here to make money. I'm not stupid. I want the guys to get paid less.
Tell women to pick better jobs?
ОтветитьSo he makes a point of explaining that the gender pay gap is in fact not a measure of pay and is effected by a whole bunch of things other than gender.
It isn't systemic. It isn't a problem. It isn't even really a gap. The "research" went out of its way NOT to take account of hours worked, or years without work and avoided entire industries that predominantly consist of men working very many hours at lower than median rates per hour.
It is NOT a pay gap. It is just the very logical conclusion that more paid work over a lifetime earns more money over that lifetime. The "gender pay gap" ignores single income families where the father works like a navvy in a paid job to provide the income while the mother works like a navvy in the home to provide the home. "Gender pay gap" activists severely denigrate women who choose to do that - despite is being such a selfless and frankly critical-to-society choice.
One additional point that is never mentioned. WHY do men strive to earn more by working longer hours, for more years, in more technically or physically demanding positions? BECAUSE THEIR WOMEN EXPECT THEM TO.
ОтветитьOnce again delusion and victimhood keeps a growing number of women back from being taken seriously
Ответитьsigh god this myth needs to DIE already
ОтветитьI've noticed the media stops talking about the pay gap like feminists don't bring it up too much anymore. What's interesting is the wage gap between married men and non-married men is 10%.
ОтветитьABS 2024 August: male 40.50$/hr and female 39.50$/hr roughly.
Ответитьif those gender pay gap ppl at the end didnt lie about the wage gap theyd be out of a job so their sole job is to go around making fires so they can then turn around & say see look we found a fire
ОтветитьThese people are still stuck in 2016 aren’t they
ОтветитьDropping some Truth Bombs. If the pay gap was real, wouldn't every business largely employ women to improve their bottom line?
ОтветитьInternational men's day is also the same day as International toilet day - coincidence? 🤣
ОтветитьA woman I know gets paid the same as her (male) colleagues, but has worked substantially less hours...(shrug)
ОтветитьDoes this take into account onlyfans income???
ОтветитьThey're never going to stop lying about this. It is too useful for getting women on their political plantation.
ОтветитьI’ve been saying this for years. I’m female and I have always worked in male dominated industries because: 1) I like the work 2) I despise drama. I earned the same as my male counterparts, did my job, and had no problems. Enough of this crap and, I’m glad there is an International Mens Day!
ОтветитьI can't take women seriously about the pay gap when literally every industry I want to enter is preferentially hiring for their gender, not mine.
ОтветитьQantas and CommBank the CEOs are men. Woolworths GROUP (more than just a supermarket) is a woman. Their CEOs earn tens of millions dollars and their employees tens of thousands dollars. You have a small number of employees tipping scales in EACH direction thus corruption of the data.
ОтветитьHow about the fact that men are TAXED on all of their productivity, and traditional home makers are not taxed on their productivity, AT ALL.
ОтветитьThe ABC needs to be defunded
ОтветитьWomen, want to end this non-existent pay gap? Simple - work the same hours as men.
ОтветитьTo be a feminist you have to deny biology.
you cannot be a feminist and and accept biology..
that is code!
Who knew people still believe this shit , and who knew people have been so dumbed down and brainwashed.
In fact women are likely to be paid more just to avoid this stupid talking point.
Does anyone else find it ironical that all these news stories were presented by males?
ОтветитьWomen are promoted up the company ladder much faster than men are.
ОтветитьThere's an International Men's Day?
ОтветитьGeez, I wish I was a pilot instead of a lowly English teacher in Tokyo.
ОтветитьNot that many female sailor now days or in the past.
Men take all the risk and gets a bonus for that.
This can be as simple as putting yourself on the list of who runs for the fire extinguisher in a skyscraper in case of emergency.
Another example of the bias Socialist sheltered workshop that is the ABC lying and in breach of its charter.
ОтветитьWhen I worked at 21 I did not earn the same as when I was 42. HOW UNFAIR!
When I worked as a Ski Lift Operator, I did not earn the same as when I was Director of Engineering with 34 employees. HOW UNFAIR!
When I worked one contract for 20 hours/week, I did not earn the same as when I worked three contracts for 90 hours/week. HOW UNFAIR!
When I did not know how to do math, I did not earn the same as when I used business statistics correctly. HOW UNFAIR!
Glad someone could put it into common sense terms... maybe once the marxists and fake feminists are knocked out of government media and the MSM we can finally look at the pay scales of men and women honestly.
ОтветитьIt's obvious that for the same work there is the same salary. Otherwise, everybody would contract women to pay less... Besides, we could say that feminism watches only the top of the pyramid... and not the base. In fact, the worst works, the more dangerous, uncomfortable, nasty... works are done by men...
If they work for equality... be complete, also in the worst jobs…
Well done
ОтветитьSo here’s a question… if the GPG is real it would mean in a situation where a man gets paid X and a woman working for the same company gets Y, if the man transitions to a woman does his pay drop from X to Y as a result…. 🤔🤗