ALL You Need to Know About Starter Set Bolt Action 3rd Ed

ALL You Need to Know About Starter Set Bolt Action 3rd Ed

Sword 'n' Steele

3 месяца назад

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@BrotherAlan74 - 29.11.2024 15:56

Thanks for all of your great content ❤

@kylewhite2985 - 29.11.2024 16:04

Always wanted to get into Bolt Action, this seems like the perfect way!

@Yveswarhier - 29.11.2024 16:15

More than one Panzerfaust is "Panzerfäuste", but its also wrong in the Book^^ Sorry for being a Smartass, Love your Videos :)

@BSomme - 29.11.2024 16:19

Festive greetings Naomi so awesome to see you again! Like button smashed! :)

@MacMcNurgle - 29.11.2024 17:40

May I tell you an old war story of mine about the colour olive drab? I was new to the army and was on my first exercise, away in the Aussie bush, middle of summer. I was sweaty all the time. It had been several days and I was yet to take off my boots. My serge came and told me that my feet were smelling 'sweet'. I had no idea what he meant but the feet were starting to smell, different. Not bad or even rotten. Just 'sweet' smelling. He made me take off my boots and then my socks. As the socks came off he said - you put on brand new socks when we went bush, didn't you? Yes serge - I replied. You won't make that mistake again will you? No serge. The brand new socks had leached their green dye out and turned my feet olive drab. The smell was the dye. I was ordered to change to laundered socks every day for the rest of the exercise. My feet were green for another two weeks. Cheers.

@brucetheboss1984 - 29.11.2024 18:36

Thanks Naomi!

@paulknox505 - 29.11.2024 19:16

Great video, very informative, and think I'll give this ed a look. As always, I appreciate the building tips- that's what got me into your channel originally before patreoning, vids where you'd say "yes follow the instructions" or "NO! Don't do that step first, it'll make the rest more difficult, do this instead..."

@matthewgillard4234 - 29.11.2024 19:31

just bought this box set. thanks for the video

@Miny_pots - 29.11.2024 19:42

Love this! You do great videos and cover a lot of different topics

@beerbrigade3096 - 29.11.2024 19:45

Another great game you can play with the miniatures is Chain of Command by Too Fat Lardies. It's a great rule set and fits really well with these minis!

@madquest8 - 29.11.2024 20:22

I used to play WWII wargames with Airfix figures and models, but I've always had my eye on Bolt Action stuff... this new starter set looks very appealing to me!

@chuckrodgers2018 - 29.11.2024 21:06

Can't wait for the painting videos form this!

@bryanvestal3923 - 29.11.2024 21:14

I wanted to pick this up. Seems like a good way to start. Thank you Naomi ! I needed to see a review!

@WarThunder-zt4xw - 29.11.2024 21:18

Good video Naomi and well done! I like how you put an instructional clip at the end of your videos. I played Bolt Action for years from 1st through 2nd edition. I stopped playing b/c my M8's moved and well, reasons, and I didn't know a 3rd edition was available now. Would you consider a video on what the differences are between 2nd and 3rd or cover what's new?

@Vokdor1 - 29.11.2024 22:33

Awesome review definitely buying this

@Wrath_the_Fallen - 29.11.2024 23:09

Very nice video. Though makes me wonder how the hamlet size compares to AoS models.

@retrorevivalsuperturbo9428 - 30.11.2024 00:27

Looks like a nice set. I'm wondering though wouldn't it have been better to have card terrain and a plastic half track instead?

@Vokdor1 - 30.11.2024 00:44

This corner of the internet is the best corner of the internet

@sprootown - 30.11.2024 01:36

Love bolt Action! Nice to see it covered on your show...great components for kitbashing Trench Crusade! 👍👍

@dnaseb9214 - 30.11.2024 08:29

Love you !!! Great video !

@paulroberts8994 - 30.11.2024 12:20

Not really into bolt action but this set looks good. Might get it now

@PeachyTips - 30.11.2024 15:20

Great video!!! It’s a great lil set too.


@JacksonPup - 30.11.2024 17:28

Dude, I feel so special now I have the second edition of both action this exact set and I got the everything everything nice and plastic the pin markers are made out of plastic and their 3-D and so is the German half truck

@adirondackgamecrafts - 30.11.2024 18:14

This is great! Bolt Action is a game I've wanted to try and it's nice to know there's this awesome starter kit. Thanks for the review!

@DasVadderr - 30.11.2024 21:32

It´s a great box, but having a cardboard Halftrack instead of a plastic model is a massive downgrade from the 2e starter box.

@baronzeppeli4225 - 01.12.2024 15:05

Wouah! Amazing starter for bolt action, i want same for AoS or 40k for all new player

Thank you lady Naomi for this review ^^

@dreadknot69 - 04.12.2024 17:30

I was confused at first because I bought the Starter Set as a new player and mine does not look like yours at all. I realized it's because you're displaying the Introductory Set, which is a different thing that I didn't even know existed!

@aaronsomerville2124 - 05.12.2024 21:15

I think that this would be an amazing entry set at $50 USD, but at $68 USD I'm not so sure.

@Slurgical_3D_Terrain_Channel - 06.12.2024 08:45

Thanks for this video, I was curious about this game as I design 3D terrain for printing.

@scottbarber2736 - 11.12.2024 05:22

more pretty women need to play ww2 games!

@myprivatechannel1695 - 16.12.2024 04:09

where is Melody?

@mobileandhostile7895 - 24.12.2024 19:18

This is really helpful - I will be picking this set up in the New Year - thsnks 👍

@kornklone - 03.01.2025 16:58

Im so glad to see you covering Bolt Action 3e. Love your channel and love this game

@barryloughran3632 - 08.01.2025 22:19

Do you do Beanies, pin badges, scarves, sew patches, with your Merch ?
A Fan.

@ButchersNailsEnjoyer - 13.01.2025 06:49

This game’s really starting to creep its way towards being my favorite tabeltop game. Star wars legion has been my favorite since it dropped but this game is seriously really fun.

@ButchersNailsEnjoyer - 13.01.2025 06:53

Also whats really cool is you can get other starter boxes if you dont want to do the western front (my brother and i are doing Pacific theater) and they will send will you a free copy of the 3rd edition rules since those boxes are still second edition

@dogmadogma5398 - 04.02.2025 01:18

Good stuff !

@brandonwestfall3241 - 26.02.2025 04:03

The box being a bunker is the kind of cleverness I love to see
