What do you use a scroll wheel for?
ОтветитьIt's always the most abusive players doing the least and talking the most. In my case at my level, usually it's the person with 5 or so deaths and 0 kills.
Ответитьcrosshair code pls
ОтветитьSomeone in my game was so toxic to Sage he but was bottom frag and Sage was topfrag
ОтветитьThis guy gets mad when someone dont do things his way, and tells other to stop being mad. Guess the onĺy difference is raze was screaming in voice chat while he didnt.
ОтветитьRaze wasn’t even toxic just annoying. Yeah he should prolly have advised him what to do better instead of saying it was a bad move but it isn’t toxic at all. You immediately wanted to mute him and started becoming tilted tbh. He’s also just arguing defending his point and tryna make his team play differently while you just use arguments like stop being such a baby which is literally toxic and stupid. Toxic ppl would curse and act like you are the stain of the world this was no where close to toxic you’re just being the baby here ngl. Yeah you can just mute them but in the end not everyone is gonna support the shit you do in game and love you for who you are cause it’s a game they trynna win. Maybe start arguing as well it’s not toxic or bad to argue it would be toxic and bad if you guys just keep on brining up the same thing and scream and curse at each other. Ppl like you will literally never make a relationship work cause you think arguing is being toxic which is just manipulative and cringe
Ответить"low elo players 🙄" botfragging
Ответить100 comments
ОтветитьLOL bro was just tryna do calls but you and omen fatasses kept saying hes yapping istg
ОтветитьThe raze is like he is a coach for a vct team
ОтветитьYo I like your rings
Ответитьwhat are these gay moments abt brimstone and pretty boys 💀
ОтветитьThe best way to get salt out of players like this Raze is to mute them, tell them you are muting them, then unmute them last round and tell them they are unmuted.
ОтветитьJollz i love you. Teach me to play pls lol
Ответитьits always the people bottom fragging lol
Ответитьlil bro think hes better
Ответитьtry mumbai server 🤣
Ответитьthere is always a more toxic raze😔
ОтветитьWhat about josh seki i mean you wont even realize hes manly
Ответитьwhy is this game so chaotic omg
ОтветитьYou say above immortal when this happens in gold plat elo when the diamonds deranked into our lobbies.
Ответитьare you gay or straight?
Ответитьso that was his taste in men i see
ОтветитьIndian players:
Ответитьbro is just sensitive if he calls that toxic lol
ОтветитьIf you mute somebody can they still hear your comms?
Ответитьgey weirdo'
Ответить"they never to a" They literally did just last round he said that, 4 people there
ОтветитьI remember watching this on stream. this was terrible.
ОтветитьHi Joll where did you get that ring on your ring finger? Looks amazing
ОтветитьNik Nok Jollz
Ответитьwhy are you holding mise like that
ОтветитьYou're a stronger man than me. I would have muted him the second he started TELLING me what to do versus suggesting how to play that next time.
ОтветитьI always this I’m gonna hear “sup, we now have dedicated wam”
ОтветитьBro thinks brim is too masculine but he is the one who is too feminine. The nails, the rings, the outfits lmao
ОтветитьThere is a fine line between Igl and backseat gaming , this raze is definitely the second
This raze definitely can't name 10 books
ОтветитьYou dont know gold elo instalock razes
ОтветитьI had similar players but the moment we call them out to shut up or some shit they just start to throw the game. Ex: taking spike and solo rush. (mid plat to low diamond elo)
ОтветитьWhy is it always bot frags
Ответить"low elo players" while playing on the top percentage, blud isn't even a pro.
ОтветитьEvery game, there is one of these kids, all mouth. Definately the best tactic to mute as soon as they pipe up.
ОтветитьIm so Glad that im not playing valorant anymore After CS2 came out
ОтветитьWhat's funny is high elo players are the same and they smurf too which is even worse like you are smurfing and are doing worse than me and I'm a lower elo than you like how is that possible.
ОтветитьThat raze had aweful reaction time and aim how is he immortal? I'm better and I hardly play the game.
ОтветитьYou should do a scrim where its u, grim, average jonas, emet or cjay, and any player for the 5th vs a pro team
Like if u would like to see this 👍
Man the coms of that last game was so good. Hearing it actually feels satisfying!
Ответитьjollz likes femboys comfirmed???