Alex the Cameraman

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@patricianewton4922 - 27.12.2024 03:17

You are NOT stupid!! This is a learnng curve. Layla is just beautiful!! You both are having had haircuts at about the same time. It made me smile to see you recieved a plush turtle. Your van is going to look great when you're done. can't wait till you reach the end and start your van life!! Yay you!!!

@waisanchan5850 - 27.12.2024 03:57

So nice of your uncle and cousins helping you out, and being on camera😊 The work on the van is progressing well. It is looking better already. Looking forward to your next vlog. Happy holidays!

@jeniferpollonais6546 - 27.12.2024 04:03

Alex you need a tarp! It’s never going to dry out if the rain keeps soaking everything!

@treehuggingmusician595 - 27.12.2024 04:05

I'm glad that you had family to help you as you are basically having to rebuild everything but the skin on the outside.

@girlnorthof60 - 27.12.2024 04:08

🤦‍♀...window fund? (or whatever else needs doing)

@sweetsweetcandy3889 - 27.12.2024 04:32

It's process and you will feel so accomplished once you finish. You should be very proud of yourself for taking this on and letting everyone watch the process with the setbacks and accomplishments.

@jesuscreature - 27.12.2024 04:36

you are not stupid buddy. everyone who learns or works makes mistakes. Most would want a new Turtle, that would be easiest. It will be beautiful. Please don’t give up. its so nice your family is helping you. That is real love. i enjoy your videos. most never talk about their hardships and hide behind the camera. Look at Marching Moto videos. He is having it worse by himself. you are an inspiration to all young men and to all who listen. You never cry and feel sorry for yourself. i Give you an award for the best Right Good video on how to show everyone how to get to the other side of the mountain and show everyone how to smile. Merry Christmas your fan in Florida, USA

@bensteyn1974 - 27.12.2024 04:51

Adore Lela!

@loom1c - 27.12.2024 05:23

Alex, cut your losses and get yourself a new or newer camper. You are wasting time and money on a used-up piece of junk. Some things can't be revived; the camper is one.

@etiladuda - 27.12.2024 05:36

great job and determination. All the best.

@HeatherT-y7i - 27.12.2024 06:03

Hello Alex, a very Merry Christmas to everyone.

@donnaschmink1801 - 27.12.2024 06:05

Well done, Alex! Always a pleasure to see Layla! Our cockers were the same breed as Layla!

@HeatherT-y7i - 27.12.2024 06:15

You have a great family.

@HeatherT-y7i - 27.12.2024 06:35

He is so right.

@JamesLowther-l2i - 27.12.2024 07:06


@cherylkurucz8852 - 27.12.2024 07:23


@margarethall4559 - 27.12.2024 07:38

Great idea to have a van for travelling and business…however I think “a penny wise a penny foolish”…….sadly not a good buy. 😢. I’m sure you will get it right.

@AngelaKalavritinos - 27.12.2024 08:05

Alex you have been hanging around Billy too long and now renovating your own. LOL 😂 Good Luck

@carolszewczyk2484 - 27.12.2024 08:06

Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄

@AprilK-vs3gb - 27.12.2024 08:14

Impressive progress!

@23kumiko - 27.12.2024 11:00

*gasp "Dad! I'm not fat!" 😂😂😂 Thank you for that info & footage of Leila. I'm a big fan of her 🐾❤️🐾

@richiek2155 - 27.12.2024 12:18


@rickclarkson-pi3cj - 27.12.2024 12:47

Good day or morning hope it's ok, dell boy .been at it again lookes ok and hope you get it done soon have a lovey cristmas and new year love Ricky clarkson

@Leslie-ot1ch - 27.12.2024 13:03


@bindatek8801 - 27.12.2024 13:22

You should note that ALL of the green mould, should be removed with Chlorine - Firstly it wicks water, and is probably causing all the rot. Secondly, if you are living in the van you will inhale the spores, and it won't be long before you are laying in a hospital bed. The rotten wood inside too is very dangerous. It looks as though none of the original wood is safe. When you drive the van in windy conditions remember that there will be a lot of force on the top and sides. Pay great attention to that fact.

@0210rokvist - 27.12.2024 13:46

What a great family

@Robin-xr2tz - 27.12.2024 15:47

Lots of work done Alex!

@KABITH0888 - 27.12.2024 16:21

Merry Christmas Alex and Lela and the rest of your family

@willenehall9698 - 27.12.2024 17:42

you are still doing a good job

@jimstelfox6120 - 27.12.2024 18:34

Try O’Learys for parts they do new and second hand

@pamabernathy8728 - 27.12.2024 19:38

Your perseverance & hard work, with a little help, are transforming Turtle!

@richardweaver9682 - 27.12.2024 19:43

Billy Petherick is using a thin foil backed insulation for the celing of the library at the convent. There should be something simular for you in the U.K. that would work for the walls and celing of the RV.

@coby6417 - 27.12.2024 22:00


@johnfittis5764 - 27.12.2024 23:08

Oh no u broke the only good window, life can be like that at times🤷‍♀️kick on and put it behind you, they can be got 😉

@sarachristman16 - 27.12.2024 23:17

Way to persevere, Alex! I’m enjoying your journey, and you’re not even on the road yet.

@nlstevens1 - 28.12.2024 01:31

Alex we all make mistakes, remember this is a learning experience. Do not get sad. Happy Boxing Day. You can do it. Your motor home is not as bad as mine. No engine, no hydraulic lifts, all tires all six flat. Not worth anything so yours is pretty darn good. ❤

@markdonna66 - 28.12.2024 01:40

Why remove the factory insulation thats what helps keeps everything ridged
Cant be a lot of strength left

A good breeze bye bye van

@karentozer1871 - 28.12.2024 04:12

A lot of hard work from all of you x

@ginak921 - 28.12.2024 12:15

Its coming along nicely and good to see you have a couple of helpers too. Hope you had a lovely Christmas Alex.

@branchsnapper2228 - 28.12.2024 14:29

Some great groups on FB for good second hand parts Alex.

@susancease2013 - 28.12.2024 21:37

Monster drinks aren’t good for you, tons of caffeine

@EsaNuutinen - 29.12.2024 01:38

There is likely to be rot on the other side too. I think you should get everything out. And also for now put some tarp on top and cover thr roof of it in case it rains so that you have time to fix it all inside without new moisture coming in.

@meganhall1306 - 29.12.2024 14:40

Awwww Lela ❤❤I hope you had a good Christmas Alex. You’ll get there with your van 😁xxx💕💕

@livmaria942 - 30.12.2024 07:40

Dear Alex.😊❤
Please, won't you protect yourself and your lungs? I'm not writing this to be negative, but a great experience I just got diagnosed with.
I had a large tumor aggressive kidney cancer in my right kidney that was on its way out 2 years ago.
But the last year my health has deteriorated. I get a check-up CT scan every six months. Last one was in September. There was a little bit of fibrosis that is age-related in the lungs.
Now I've just been through a lot of scans because I get nodules in many places. But the thing is that I was called quickly to the pulmonary department because on a scan my lungs were completely destroyed. Within 3 months. I now have a chronic infection in the bronchial lobes and alveoli which are our air sacs. All my bronchial channels are closed together at the ends of the infection and I cough up so much mucus daily. They asked me if I had stood upside down in asbestos because it was completely crazy. No, but our neighbor's house was foreclosed on and someone bought the one that is a carpenter.
They have torn down all the extensions, milled up all the floors which are concrete to put in district heating. Our house adjoins theirs with the living room wall and since October 1st we have hardly been able to be here because of the disgusting smell and dust, noise etc.
One day we came home we thought there was a fire in their house and they were standing outside with the door and windows open, they had milled the floors all day and thank God we had been gone for 8 hours. but there was smoke and dust coming out which had surrounded our house again and our cars. They only had a feeble normal mask on which doesn't work at all. They were supposed to be wearing a respirator.
they laughed and thought it was funny. I told the chief physician and the other reserve physician that, who didn't understand why my lungs were so affected.
They said that asbestos was actually banned in 1990, but many people still used it for many things. That house is from 1979 and at that time the reinforcement was asbestos in most houses like concrete floors and walls.
Because they said it couldn't have started from anything else. Also because it fits with the time they have worked on the house. Now I have chronic lung ektasier that never goes away.😩 And got permanent prescriptions on my medicine app because I have to take penicillin 3 different kinds as soon as I get too much mucus and cough because my lungs can collapse and I will have difficulty breathing. Imagine how you can destroy your lungs because of other people's carelessness.
What I want to get across is that you have no idea what that camper is built of when it is so old. And all that mold and rotten wood there is. For God's sake you won't take good care of yourself, because my son who is 27 and moved home when I got cancer to help me has also complained of pain in his lungs and mucus. So now he also needs to be examined. This is very serious and I see too many do it yourself people who don't protect themselves, nah it's okay, NO NO it doesn't.
Phew that was a long explanation🥵 but I thought it was important and hope you will follow some advice🙏. And thanks for the videos in 2024 and you and your family wish you a really fantastic New Year.❤ It will be great when you and Leila🐶 can use your mobile home. Be well dear and take care of yourself now🥰. Warmest regards Maria from Denmark.❤🙏😊

@normamurray4450 - 01.01.2025 20:24

I've been one to 'make do' over the years, but finally found that if I do it right in the first place, it saves a lot of grief. I hear you re: not being made of money, but it seems like your uncle is there for you in every way, so you're lucky there! Looking forward to seeing what you've been up to lately. Happy New Year Alex, from British Columbia, Canada!!!

@bridgetvansciver3620 - 02.01.2025 18:35

Layla always looks nice, and most women gain a few pounds after having babies.

@BradLevangie - 04.01.2025 19:02

Hey mate, hot the same van. Any advice on finding parts.....getting hard to find

@NWPARetiree - 08.01.2025 15:32

Your family has a sense of humor 😄. So good of them to give you a helping hand. Nice job on the temporary window fix!

@annettesharrock1236 - 27.01.2025 22:28

Woops on the window and the other lil mistakes Alex. Still things moving on
