LGWI - StarCraft & MysteriousJG 4v4 The Hunters

LGWI - StarCraft & MysteriousJG 4v4 The Hunters


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@tacoman22a - 05.06.2013 22:27

yae i like this idea grimith!!!

@12986553 - 06.06.2013 00:26

Archon/Carrier? Go Defiler/Hydra/Lurker/Muta (Scourge if necessary). Or just be a pain in the ass and go nexus sniping with dark swarm crackings

@DeonGaming - 06.06.2013 12:09

Wow, really? AI pulling off all drones to target 1 scv??? Ahahahaha, good joke :)

@Grimith - 06.06.2013 12:42

I think the reasoning is so that you can't just destroy the AI with a worker rush. You'll notice in many circumstances when you attack the worker line that they simply continue to work. When you attack with another worker, though, there's a mass mobilization. The main problem is that you can simply kite the enemy workers around for at least a minute; they'll follow you across the map. In my joke Thorak plays StarCraft video, I lead drones into the waiting psi blades of zealots.

@DeonGaming - 07.06.2013 21:31

In Starcraft 2 they return favor with a proper amount of workers, and sometimes it's good to lose 1 worker but get out a marine/zerglings faster because the amount of mining time they lose in SC1 is unbelieveable :D. It's a major exploit!

@Jellosnark - 09.06.2013 13:30

I think I've spent more time playing BGH back when BW had loads of people playing than I have on all my other video games combined. Me and a friend had an excellent strategy of Siege Tank + Scouts. That was also on the 2v2v2v2 play mode. So much fun.

@featheredfan - 13.06.2013 07:52

This is good and there is a lot of action. If you guys team up again a 3v4 match might be interesting. Thanks

@Grimith - 26.10.2013 04:23


@Darthpathfinder - 04.05.2015 15:17

Crush them all under foot before they crush you....Also make sure to protect JG.....;)

@Zeithri - 28.05.2015 18:36

This makes me wish that Hamachi was still good. Ah, so much fun playing this game with my friend among others games.

@HorkSupreme - 05.01.2016 18:21

Waiting for a long time for medics? Medic marines, marines made of medics!
