Insane Audiophile Hack will Transform Your System... AND IT'S FREE!!!!!

Insane Audiophile Hack will Transform Your System... AND IT'S FREE!!!!!


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@carlubambi5541 - 25.09.2023 00:58

Someone made a honeycomb port tube in the 80s can't remember who made it

@sand0077 - 25.09.2023 04:05

Hockey pucks work pretty good and adds a nice look for very little $

@douglas9607 - 25.09.2023 05:53

Do you get chuffing from more surface area to drag air molecules across. So, you might get more noise from your port?

@raymo6795 - 26.09.2023 04:17

"Better off Dead"

@dickieknutz2933 - 26.09.2023 18:45

Lol. I hear you, Randall. I will def tighten up my speakers in an upside down pentagram as you drew in space!

@merdith6 - 26.09.2023 20:38

Better off dead

@skankhunt420 - 27.09.2023 02:57

Y'all should seriously try LSD and listen to music, of course only if your mentally and physically healthy!
There's nothing alike...

@charlesbabbage6725 - 27.09.2023 10:54

I used to put my speakers on tennis balls so that the glasses in the cupboards don't clink so much

@dogedaddy - 27.09.2023 23:22

I have everything on Stillpoints, every component is on 3 Ultra6 v2s and my speakers are each on 4 Ultra5 v2s. My rack is also a stillpoints double wide ESS rack. Stillpoints aren’t cheap but they are worth it. I tried IsoAcoustics first but found that they killed the mids.

@carlwells9504 - 28.09.2023 02:02

When a student it’s was Concrete blocks from the garden and blue tack under speakers and gear.

@CinemaDemocratica - 28.09.2023 09:57

There's a huge problem with the drinking straw idea and it's that changing the length of the straws will also change the port frequency, possibly in the opposite direction. So you'd have to know what length you're cutting your straws, and what effect that's going to have.

@jalexander192 - 29.09.2023 15:43

The Pelonis fans are great. I bought 1 and my wife and I loved it. So, I bought 6 six more. LOL. Use his link. Support this man.

@timmigrant6597 - 29.09.2023 15:50

If you didn't get a response to the straw hack, think about this. Spitballs. When you were young and fascinated with spitballing, what technological marvel improved direction and distance?

There ya go.

@jamesrose9189 - 29.09.2023 16:40

i use playground sand in my stand tubes

@luminiferous1960 - 30.09.2023 21:12

It is important to know when to isolate or de-couple speakers from the floor versus when to maximize the coupling of speakers to the floor. In short, when vibrations are easily excited in the floor, as is often the case for wooden floors, for example, then isolation/de-coupling the speakers from the floor is the best strategy. When the floor is very inert, then maximizing the coupling of the speakers to the floor is the best strategy.

From a Teufel Audio Blog: "One basic strategy when it comes to minimizing enclosure vibrations is to ensure the speaker does not sit directly on the floor. Known as “decoupling”, this is a good option if your floor is very “alive”: for instance, if you have a wooden floor that reacts to every footfall and movement.

Rubberized stand feet can help as can that do-it-yourself classic: The tennis ball sawed in half. Sometimes placed under the feet of a speaker, the rubber in the tennis ball reduces the amount of vibrations that can pass to and from the speaker. Professional damping feet and pads, however, work better and are more likely to match your interior...

“Coupling” is a technique that seeks to minimize unwanted resonances by increasing a speaker’s connectedness to the ground. By making the speaker a part of the floor to the greatest extent possible, the vibrations from the speaker do not get pushed back into the enclosure. Instead, they are lost in the floor’s much greater mass. This is a good option for concrete floors or other very solid surfaces.

The most popular method for coupling speakers to the floor is spikes. Supporting the speaker on all four corners, the spikes face downwards and rest on a small metal plate (so as not to bore a hole in your floor). The effect is to minimize the influence of enclosure vibrations. Especially with subwoofers, spikes can lessen distortion."

@luminiferous1960 - 30.09.2023 21:24

To prevent screws and bolts from loosening again due to vibrations, you can apply a threadlocker adhesive. The most well-known threadlocker adhesive brand is Loctite, but there are other brands as well.

Some people use superglue as a threadlocker adhesive but the manufacturer of Loctite threadlocker warns: "The diverse qualities of superglue have helped it build a reputation as an all-round adhesive. However, it’s rarely a good idea to use it in place of a dedicated threadlocker.

After the initial application, superglue is likely to struggle to display the same performance standards as threadlockers. It can’t withstand heavy vibration, for example, which can lead to loosening over time.

In addition, superglue will not cure in place or turn into a thermoset plastic like threadlockers do. This can leave it susceptible to grease, dirt and other contaminants that may work their way into assemblies, causing failure."

@JohnAranita - 01.10.2023 03:37

Insane in the membrane.

@michaelowens7151 - 03.10.2023 04:48

By far the most improvement in sound I’ve ever heard in my vinyl playback setup was to completely isolate the turntable from mechanical vibration/feedback from the floor or cabinetry. This was done by suspending a floating platform in a living room closet I converted to equipment shelving. The platform was held up with monfilament fishing line, islolated from hooks imbedded in 2x4 runners, with the hooks covered in surgical tubing. The opposite end of the fishing line went to rubber covered turnbuckles that were attached to rubber tarpaulin straps running under the platform. Platform itself was two sheets of 3/4” dense mdf separated with an inch of modeling clay. Balancing was done with table on platform and tweaking it to level with the turnbuckles. A full octave increase of bass frequency response for $22.00. Additionally a separate dedicated electrical circuit out of your service panel is worth the cost if you cannot do it yourself. Have your electrician tighten the lugs on your main disconnect switch while they’re at it.

@johnmann726 - 03.10.2023 22:09

Tried the straws in the two bass ports in my speakers and cut them to 6" lengths(the length of the bass port tube). The bass response sucked through the straws, pun intended. Anyone need 250 six inch straws?

@Spierdalajyoutube - 10.10.2023 17:42

My speakers are on blu tack attached to stands.

@anselm.a.eitelboes - 11.10.2023 17:13

I use Concertmeister foam feet for my speakers - they come in different weight ratings and different colors, really nice and definitely affective. Will still transport lower frequencies which is nice for watching movies

@jamesrobinson9176 - 13.10.2023 22:07

Tighten all connections. Everything vibrates.

@kukeM0n5ter - 25.10.2023 07:52

I’ve got a question about using car audio rca interconnects instead of shielded ones. I have used stinger 4000 series interconnects but have noticed they dull the sound compared to using Rockford fosgates twisted pair interconnects. The Rockford interconnects brighten everything and bring the life back to the audio.

The reason I am asking if car audio interconnects are ok to use is because they are twisted and should eliminate emi/rfi which I have never had a problem with. The interconnects are usually easy on the connectors if they are the cheap variety and they are not stiff. They usually don’t even have shielding as it’s not needed. It would be interesting if you could test out different ones.

Stingers have a difference but the Rockfords seem to have better transparency. I don’t know if the cheaper JL ones sound any better or if knukonceptz ones are worth looking at? I think it would be an interesting test for individuals who have hum or interference regardless of shielded cables.

@thedarkknight1971 - 31.10.2023 10:31

SPEAKER PLACEMENT! I'm running a vintage - 1989 Technics SU600 'New Class A' integrated amp, with 2 midrange Sony bookshelf... And... I spent some time placing the speakers out and wide around me (measured EQUALLY), facing direct to my chosen 'Listening spot', and the difference IS SERIOUSLY noticeable! Previous to this I just had them set either side of the amp to give a wide stereo, but... As soon as I rewired two of them to be at around 2.5 metres away from my head at a 45degree angle and placed them on some good speaker stands so they were at head height while I was seated, the difference was NIGHT AND DAY! My next mod WILL need my wallet, as I want to get a good 8" or 10" Sub to compliment my setup for those very low frequencies (the Sonys tend to fall off around 45/50Hz). But even so, detailed music, Live performances... Wow, just WOW! And all it cost me was a reel of speaker wire, a smidge of effort and time to think about where and how to move/mount the speakers! 👌👍😏

@dartyddoc7977 - 24.12.2023 11:13

Tight too, the RCA plug inside and outside.the speaker, it reborns a good sound with old drivers

@robertdubard7959 - 29.01.2024 00:35

"I want my 2 dollars" is from Better Off Dead. Ancient Cusack, Van Halen in the soundtrack, wacky claymation sequences, good times. Watch it (again) if you can.

@barlow2976 - 29.01.2024 10:58

I've got budget vintage gear, but improved my sound hugely by buying speaker stands. My study is triple-aspect, so I close all the curtains when I'm listening, that's a noticeable improvement that cost nothing. I'm lucky as I live in rural West Wales (U.K), with virtually no background noise on a calm day. Usually cold and wet, so I won't be buying a fan!
Another really cheap way to improve your audio experience is to vape a nice bit of bud, though you run the risk of getting into jazz guitar, as I have.
Thanks for your channel, it suits me.

@namegoeshere2903 - 30.01.2024 08:42

"I WANT MY $2"

Movie reference: Better Off Dead

@makon2012 - 23.02.2024 15:02

The smoker you drink, the player you get.😁

@darrenschmitz2712 - 26.02.2024 06:00

Reverse the speaker polarity on one speaker to see if it improves the sound. I bought a set of speakers that the previous owner had for 3 years that the center image was non existent when listened to them before buying them. After getting them home and listening for another 20 minutes I check the wires, which we correctly installed, but reversed the wiring on one of the speakers anyway and everything improved immediately. I found the source of the problem when I upgraded the crossover, the internal wiring on one of the speakers was backwards from the factory.

@ivo1880 - 27.02.2024 06:27

I used to put Scunci No Slip Grip Evolution Super Bandz Hair Elastics under my speakers, very elastic silicone hair ties, did wonders and basically created "spring" effect. Also adding a small mass like drum-skin silicone pads or bluetack on the woofers lowers the bass octaves.

@MaineBassGuy - 04.03.2024 18:23

My best-ever budget hack was when I was in the home theater world, put a nice microfiber glasses cleaning cloth anywhere you have a remote control lol. I wear glasses, and it doesn't matter how good my HDMI cables are if I look through dirty glasses. hahaha

@patrickmeylemans9627 - 06.03.2024 23:01

MiniDSP with Dirac….

@jkarwa234 - 10.03.2024 19:58

I use Iso Accoustic stands, and they make a weirdly huge difference on the quality of music. Fortunately, I got mine like 10-15 years ago, and they were pretty cheap back then.

@tomwilmeth4799 - 13.03.2024 20:59

Tipped my tower speakers back slightly so they are directing the sound from the tweeters to my ear level when seated in the room.

@lonewolfmtnz - 01.04.2024 12:15

Balanced from end to end

@andrewaajohnson7584 - 15.04.2024 23:16

Try " NOBSOUND", excellent value. They are like pucs with springs.They work under CD players and Amps as well.👍👍👍🍻

@francescotenti193 - 29.04.2024 23:51

Nice video, nothing wrong with cassettes especially for people who grew up with them. I never bought pre-recorded ones because the quality was not the best, but I made tons of them using TDK tapes with an Aiwa recorder and my faithful Technics TT, which I still have today. I have all those cassettes, or most of them, and I listen to them in a couple of older cars with tape decks. I still have a functioning Walkman too, uses AA batteries. Great drive down memory lanes, Mr. Randy, well done and truly enjoyed.

@ofcourseimfullofit - 05.05.2024 06:33

The movie is called Better Off Dead!

@timothymoorman7437 - 13.05.2024 03:36

A solid base under a speaker definitely improves sound quality. I made mine from oak 2x2s screwed and glued together to form a plinth about 14" x18". Made one for my amp as well. If you want to experiment with resonance isolation, take a carpenter's wood clamp or two , large enough to span the width of the speaker, and play music through the speaker while you tighten the clamp. Go easy, the boxes are fragile. I put a wood slab under the clamp to spread the pressure. You'll be amazed at the resonance you can eliminate on some designs.

@frankd.b.9233 - 14.05.2024 11:57

You can also do it with a garden hose or custom soft tubes from your computer cooler..
Turn your speakers upside down and spray silicone into a circle such as a bottle cap or larger, but use Vaseline to make it easier to remove the cap
See ya

@ed_lifts - 23.05.2024 19:43

Re. speaker isolation: I bought a £20 (probably $22-25) pair of foam isolation mats that fit the dimensions of the bottoms of my speakers, to stop the desk they're on resonating with them. I can hear a marked improvement, especially in the bass and mids. The bass is cleaner and more detailed, and the mids sound crisper and clearer. Probably because they're not being muffled by the resonating bass from the desk.

@rangersmith4652 - 09.06.2024 06:04

Perform a subwoofer crawl. It's free, and it works. Or reach out for your volume control and turn it to the right about 20 degrees. Your system will sound a lot better for a few minutes at least.

@benfajack8428 - 16.06.2024 07:25

This is a weird place for this question but I know there are some good people in this community... I got sober at 40 and am starting my life over to an extent and the one constant since I was a kid was audio. I have other income streams but I have always wondered if theres a place for me at a speaker or audio company. I have limited coding skills. ACoding Dojo Cert and an obsession with sound. That's about it. But maybe someone here will connect. Hope everyones well!

@YoleusBeats - 21.08.2024 15:54

Move the furniture. The never ending battle.

@Three-Chord-Trick - 23.11.2024 12:34

I stand my bass guitar amp on 4 toilet rolls. The setup produces a cleaner and less boomy sound.

@steadyjumps - 08.02.2025 20:05

Upgrading my speaker wire was a game changer for me. 😃

@jimmyjamesinc.8850 - 28.02.2025 04:50

Late to the party. Movie reference Better off Dead. Classic
