ОтветитьWhat a gorgeous home on a beautiful property. You did a magnificent job!!!
Ответитьfrom Philippines watching
ОтветитьIhr seit einsame spitze gut gemacht ❤
ОтветитьHow beautiful. Loved the horses head. Great video🙋♀️💕
ОтветитьI wonder why we don’t have hedges like that in the States they are beautiful
Ответитьwas nimmt ihr so, für so ein Heckenschnitt? wenn man mal fragen darf. wird nach lfm berechnet?
ОтветитьVcs sao ótimos..❤🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷tudo perfeito
ОтветитьThis is beautiful, the lawn is so green. I love watching you . I’m glad you have an assists
ОтветитьHow do you know how much to charge people?
ОтветитьMan oh man that is a lot of hedge to trim. Looks good though....😄👍
ОтветитьМолодцы мужчины! И красоту наводят, и с такой работой никакой спортзал не нужен, мускулистые красавцы.
ОтветитьI love to watch the transformations. You are the master of the hedges
ОтветитьДобрый день! Какая прекрасная и аккуратная работа. Подскажите пожалуйста, а какие растения используются у вас для создания живых изгородей? Заранее благодарю за ответ.
Ответитьnice , job from America 😃
Ответить보호안경 쓰고 하세요,,🎉🎉🎉
ОтветитьMucha gente no tiene ni la menor idea del sacrificio implicado en el corte superior con la máquina levantada por encima del hombro. Eres un titán, eres un héroe. Yo no podría a mis años con esa máquina liviana que a la media hora parece que pesa una tonelada. Dios te bendiga a ti, a tu familia privilegiada y cada día de tu existencia.
ОтветитьCon estas clases de trabajos en vez de decir: ---Vamos de jardinería. ----Debes decir: -----Vamos de safari a enfrentar leones, jirafas y fieras de todas clases.
🗞️ Marijuana cures cancer 💯
Supongo que será difícil encontrar un ayudante que sepa mantener tu ritmo de trabajo y constancia? Eres muy trabajador y cuando adquieres un ritmo de trabajo si el ayudante no te sigue es mejor trabajar solo. Felicidades por el trabajo a los dos.👍
ОтветитьDit was géén klein klusje. Jullie hebben heel wat meters gemaakt die dag. Ik neem aan dat jullie op het einde lamme armen en schouders hadden.
Top gedaan!
Did you snatch a pear off that tree? They sure look like they want you to taste one, guys. Your working good and your work is making all things look excellent! 😊 You two work together good, you make a good team! God bless the rest of your day. Stay healthy, wealthy and wise, and most of all, stay safe. Are those fruits, 🍐🍐 pears? Well, anyway, eat one for me, yum!❤ Be blessed!!
ОтветитьI loved watching this video, it gives insight on the beautiful country you live in. This land was made beautiful by our Creater, and it is kept beautiful by you two good partners. You skim off the tops of those hedges professionally, so even. Thanks for sharing these video's. I live in the USA.
BRAVO!!! 👏👏👏
Sie sind ein Perfektionist und Sie lieben Ihren Beruf. Wie immer sehr gut gearbeitet. Top 👍🏻.
ОтветитьHola me encanta tu trabajo esos jardines quedan hermosos soy tu nueva seguidora saludos desde Chile 🇨🇱💪🤗
ОтветитьWell obviously the electric fence was turned off or, this man has balls of steel!
ОтветитьWish you were in my country. I'm tempted to get one of those long handled hedgers myself, got a bush that could do with some trimming. You're very hard workers, well done.
ОтветитьYou are working on my dream ranch with horses, stables, paddocks, and a beautiful house. Thank you for sharing this property with us. God bless you and yours from Yuma, Arizona,. USA>
ОтветитьGorgeous work,gorgeous place,lucky people who live in such a paradise!!!❤
ОтветитьBeautiful green lawns , aesthetically built house, lot of flowers. Only u ve to be beware of the bees around, unpolluted sorrounding, wow super duper
ОтветитьА куда делся аторой кусторез
ОтветитьWhat a Big job very vell done 🎉🎉😊👌👌👌
ОтветитьGerman precision and perfection comes to the rescue again! Wonderful job Kustorez and fabulous helper to get it done in 6 hours, wow 😮
ОтветитьGerman precision and perfection comes to the rescue again! Wonderful job Kustorez and fabulous helper to get it done in 6 hours, wow 😮
ОтветитьWhat a pretty place.
ОтветитьI want to live there.
ОтветитьBeautiful horses
ОтветитьI wonder if you use a watch that tells you how many miles you walk in a day?
ОтветитьO acabamento vc faz tão pelas coxas! Capricha meu querido!!!!
ОтветитьYou made the farm look even more beautiful! Great job. :)
ОтветитьAfter watching you numerous times it surprised to see you jump in by cutting the top of the hedge first…then I see!!
ОтветитьA beautiful estate that you made even more beautiful!
ОтветитьWhat a beautiful property! And your work made it perfect!
ОтветитьWell done