A big change / Hurting / Beware of scammers!

A big change / Hurting / Beware of scammers!

Honest Vlog

1 месяц назад

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@user-bt4cf8ur1b - 06.08.2024 12:11

I hope you’ve learned a lesson here G, don’t share half a story otherwise it ends up in a mess. You can’t do an honest vlog and share half a tale: you really must consider the full tale on the next vlog to address these comments. This video really hasn’t painted you in a good light and nor has persistence with the shop which you’re totally changing sides on turning it into an antiques shop. How much more proof do you need how better your life would be without that poisoned chalice of a shop? Come on. Wake up!

@ScrollNRoll - 06.08.2024 16:45

The problem is not just the decisions, it’s her believing and following all this crystal and psychic crap. She’s no more psychic than the piece of toast I had for breakfast is. I agree her and Simon should get a proper job, save, stop wasting money on greasy Chineses and Nando’s and bloody wool and buy their own space.

@LoonZoomBoo - 06.08.2024 16:50

Why in Earth would a woman in her later years choose to live in a caravan??
Somethings not right here.

@SamBederson - 06.08.2024 17:17

You need to get a proper job like everybody else! Simon is clearly a controlling person to make you literally lose any form of security if you were to ever break up… stupidity in its simplest form. Obviously not a businesswoman..

@lucy_r_g - 06.08.2024 20:01

Wow so much negativity in these comments 😮 I'm sure this isn't something you have decided on a whim. Hope the move goes well, there is nothing more stressful than moving although it always feels good to have a good cleanse of things we accumilate over the years x

@depinguin - 06.08.2024 20:12

Oh dear. It is your life and you know the best. Not these haters. The easiest thing to do is critisize other people's lifes. The hardest thing to do is manage problems and solve difficult situations. So haters would do the easy thing :) do not let this upset you. You are a good person and you do what it is the best for you and your loved ones right now. Most people on earth would not manage to be as strong as you are, considering what happened to you in your life. So keep up and do not care for haters ❤

@JKCoull - 06.08.2024 20:34

Enough of the niceties. Pandering to you as if you’re some poor delicate old woman. This Georgina has not painted you in any good light whatsoever. Selfish and money orientated. Probably tax vision too ovation too. Disgraceful everything is about money money money. You and Simon are two very selfish money orientated individuals you should be ashamed of yourself for a so called businesswoman.

@ChineseTakeaway-d9b - 06.08.2024 21:47

Deary me Georgina, you have certainly ruffled a few feathers haven't you? We really hope you rethink the Liz going in a caravan idea. If she got pneumonia this winter you would not forgive yourselves! It is time for you you and Simon to behave like the 50 something year old adults you are and get full time employment. You could manage a charity shop for example. You would be good at that. I would give up anything that is not bringing you a good margin. The crochet is fine as a side project but for gods sake don't buy any more wool. Don't let Simon buy anymore second hand stuff until you've sold through what you've got. Ditch the expensive Costa trips, silly amounts of Cheese, takeaways etc. You would save a £££ doing that. For god's sake get Simon to eat a bloody vegetable instead of cooking expensive meat in butter in a frying pan all the time. Save every penny and create a savings goal. You could vlog about it on here. You need to make some friends because you don't seem to have any - women of a similar age who are also going through menopause to chat to. Check out local facebook groups for meet ups.

@RaulSancroxen - 06.08.2024 22:05

Get yourself a job properly and pull yourself together. You and Simon are an absolute disastrous toxic money grabbing couple

@lynnfenwick9347 - 06.08.2024 23:11

I've noticed that some of the negative comments come from accounts that were created on 5th/6th August 2024. So someone is trolling and being a spiteful waste of space and also a POS. I can list the names if you want me to. Nobody deserves these hateful comments

@user-kk4ug7sp1g - 07.08.2024 00:04

Are you just trying to get rid of your mother in law sooner so you can get to her money and estate quicker?

@SiennaPage - 07.08.2024 02:08

Can’t say anything now because some troll has just said about fake accounts. No. It’s just your precious Georgina has known a lot of people in the years and I imagine some like me have been following her a long time. I’ve regularly watched her crystal lives for example. What Georgina is doing here however is WRONG and she should be thoroughly ashamed of herself. It’s disgusting. Borderline elderly abuse through giving away half a story as ever

@beckyj33 - 07.08.2024 14:22

What gives people the right to be so judgey. Wow. Some of these comments are spiteful. So disappointed in human nature right now. Big love to you Georgina. Xx

@barghast - 07.08.2024 14:49

Sorry to see you're getting a lot of negative comments. This certainly isn't the first I've heard of an older person choosing to move into a caravan. It's a place for her to go and have personal space while having people close by to support her. Sorting out the whole contents of the house would probably be hugely overwhelming for her too so if you're doing that instead or helping her with it it'll be good for both of you.

People are also not very understanding or realistic about the reality of getting a "proper job" after a long period of self employment, especially if you have additional disabilities. Things will pick up again in September when lessons start back up.

Take care. All you've done is try your best. Don't take the nastiness to heart when they don't know the full story xx

@mathewdavies7533 - 07.08.2024 14:59

Exciting new chaper for u. I moved beginning of the year besg thing i did. Was stuck in a rut been at old flat half my life moved in at 18 and now 36 so this new change is great. Hope it works out well for u. Love ure videos. X

@whereloveblossoms - 07.08.2024 15:12

Georgina, I somehow had a feeling a whike ago that you may have big change coming around moving Home!! Soo Proud of You, Simon & Liz for coming up with the Best Solution for you All and for being Super Pro-Active even though Moving house is a Major Impact Physically, Mentally & Emotionally (as your forced to face going through a whole life time of Memories, Life stuff. As soneone who has moved 13 times since I was 19urs old, I will be Celebrating my 1st Year in August of Finally having a place I can truly make my Home thsts Secure, Peaceful & I can create my own Beautiful & Creative Home for me.. I only just set up a New Bed Space in my Bedroom & new Bedding ( Bed was in the lounge for ages!) And I have been resting & sleeping soooo much better!
Still a lot of Projects, House stuff & Personal Development for me to get through but I am worth it! And Georgina You and your family are Worth having Beautiful, Peaceful & Joyful Life & Home!

@JaseAvedon - 07.08.2024 15:19

What silly Lynne in the comments below doesn’t realise is. Despite watching Georgina for a while I myself have never commented before so had to click on the create comment channel button. I imagine many more have. Saw people posting about this vlog all over internet forums which is how I found out about it. Everybody is talking about this one because Georgina is a selfish woman and Simon takes simple Simon to a whole other level. What a repulsive bunch of individuals and defenders.

@joycourtney3675 - 07.08.2024 16:49

I cannot put into words the level of disgust I am feeling, reading all these comments. Please rise above it Georgina. Wishing you all good things for your new venture❤️

@Ladybird4488 - 07.08.2024 17:20

I agree! I love Georgina but putting a 75 year old in a caravan during the winter so they can have her house is awful :( after all the free hours Liz puts in on the shop

@alanwhateley6944 - 07.08.2024 18:29

I suspect the majority of the nasty comments here are from fake generated accounts. How low can people get where they feel the need to spend the time to create fake accounts and then spew hate.
My mother is 70 years old and whilst she has her house she chooses to spend half of the year in a caravan. Perfectly normal.
I’m on Meds myself and I’m also thinking of coming off them, nothing wrong with that either.
I also think it’s perfectly reasonable to plan ahead, save money by not forking out huge rent. I don’t think Georgina said it was forever?
Just think before spewing hate how someone might be feeling and the affect this may have on somebody.
Georgina I would say you do what you need to do. It’s your life, you only have one, my mantra is when people go low, you go high! X

@user-et5ng8go1d - 07.08.2024 18:33

You’ve not long since sold an expensive sofa on Facebook for a substantial amount of money but claiming poverty? Pure easy examples of living beyond your means. Stop wasting money on takeaways and actually maybe stop vlogging every element of your life if you can’t take criticism. It’s borderline fraud con artist.

@faith3955 - 07.08.2024 20:17

Some of these comments are disgusting. How can you judge someone's life decision when you dont know the full context. It's not like Georgina has just decided to push Liz out of her home and make her live in a caravan. Im sure a lot of thought went into this decision. For all we know, Liz may have always wanted to live in a caravan but didn't want to give up her home. For all we know, this could be a fanataic decision between them since Liz is going to Georginas house quite a lot anyway.

And judging someone's business is crazy... Georgina has multiple businesses ongoing at once, and I can bet most of us commenting dont have one, let alone multiple.

Please dont forget that Georgina will read your comments. Please be kind.

Georgina, please dont let these commnets drag you down. I think a new chaper for you might actually be really freshing. Do you know when you were trying to eliminate things from your life, eliminate those who like to think they know every.

@LeviWellgen - 08.08.2024 16:50

Georgina can’t wait to do in her mother in law to get to her money. She won’t even let her stay in her own house! What a pair of thickos Georgina and Simon are 😂

@martyn9323 - 08.08.2024 19:00

Exciting times! I hope you love your new surroundings when you move, nice for you all to be closer and club together, more people should do this! Enjoy the new times and looking forward to more vids!

@lieslwindjulie3230 - 08.08.2024 21:12

Hi, Coach Georgina!
Wishing you, Simon and Liz all the best.
Remember... One day at a time! 🙂💖

@xrisdio - 08.08.2024 21:21

There are way more things to be outraged about in the UK, than what three consenting adults do with their living and working situation. How about the negative commenters get some life experience and live in the real world? Open your curtains and get some fresh air! Georgina, Simon and Liz do not need to justify their decisions with anyone, to be frank, it's none of our business.
The housing market in the UK is in chaos, for me personally my rent has increased by 73% in just 3 years, morgage rates have increased exponentially and the cost of living is rising constantly. If three adults want to help each other for probably more reasons than just financial, that is their business. The only thing Georgina is probably guilty of, is oversharing, but again that is her perogative.
But hey on the bright side, outrage and outcry + comments (negative or not) = Ad revenue!

To Georgina, Simon and Liz, do what makes you all happy and comfortable! Much love!

@MichaelDanie1s - 08.08.2024 21:55

All negative comments are by accounts made within 24 hours. Deffo same person sticking their nose in!

Only you and your family know the real truth so ignore them all x

@user-dm8ug4ih6w - 09.08.2024 01:06

Goodness me Georgina. What a terrible businesswoman you must be and beyond totally pathetic. You and Simon have the most obscene relationship I’ve ever seen. Like some sort of chimps tea party. All for money eh Georgina? Surprised you’ve not sold your own grandmother in your tat shop

@marklola12 - 09.08.2024 18:46

Alot do that with clothes...i do. Why wash something when just worn once and then reduce the longevity of the item.

I have Jean's that i wear loads of different times and dont wash for ages because i do not go far. Often i get dressed go to the shops and maybe in then for 2 hours max and thats it

@marklola12 - 09.08.2024 19:15

Things will all come together fine. I know its daunting and maybe even scary.

Also i hear what you say about when younger you have expectations of having your own home....but when you think about it.....who cares if you own it outright, rent from private or family or like me...still living with family.

Makes zero difference as long as you are happy and have a roof over your head.

I had to move back with parents years ago when split with ex, cant afford own place if i wanted too as i can only work part time.

But im not fussed and neither is parents. Its all what we think or what other people think we should have....but its aload of crap isnt it.

You will be ok x

@beverleymichel9952 - 09.08.2024 21:20

Ignore the nasty comments Georgina, some people are just so rude and judgemental! I think it’s lovely that you will all be together as you all get on so well. Don’t dwell on peoples opinions, you do you and what suits your family, take care xx

@AdamFielding-f9k - 10.08.2024 12:22

Clear and transparent opportunist. Couldn’t wait to get your hands on your mother in laws accommodation and probably money. Shows a very selfish person only interested in monetary gain.

@spacee2481 - 10.08.2024 16:21

My friend said to me there's not a problem that can't be solved and I wholeheartedly believe it, not that there is a problem. There's a wealth of experience behind you. You can do anything.

@dazw70 - 10.08.2024 19:04

Lots of negative comments on here!!
Good luck with the move , I'm sure Liz is fully on board with it, you all seem to get on so well. Keep your chin up .

@geordielad852 - 11.08.2024 22:17

Aw we need to see your vlogs xxx hope your ok

@sarahjane259 - 11.08.2024 22:59

Don’t listen to the haters

@robbflynn4325 - 12.08.2024 01:04

Please ditch the caravan idea. A woman like Liz should be in her own home, not face the indignity of living in a caravan in her own backyard. For Gods sake, she is Simon's mum. I would give up my own home for my mum if she was forced to live in a caravan. I am not a troll, just someone who is very concerned about another human being. My username is my real name, Robert Flynn. I'd tell you and Simon this face to face. Please think this over again. If you are stuck financially, it is for you and Simon to sort out. Seriously, there could be grounds for elder abuse in what you are doing. Unsubscribed.

@jeanetteswift1 - 12.08.2024 01:13

Georgina you like me are a survivor.
I’m sure you are going to settle in your new home quickly.
You have a lovely, caring, supportive family.
Your vlogs are so genuine.
Keep your chin up
Let your talent shine on.
I’m cheering you on as I too am a self employed vocal coach. Xxx

@juliehandley8963 - 12.08.2024 02:46

Why are you allowing a eldery lady sleep in a caravan , in the winter its going to be freezing. . Im shocked that you even think its ok especially when you and si on are going to be nice and cozy in liz,s house

@ladylee1979 - 12.08.2024 02:59

Wow the comments are harsh you dont have to explain yourself to nobody but maybe explain how the shop changed from psychic & crystal to antiques I've got to say i really enjoyed you doing vlogs from the shop when your new crystal orders came in and you showed us what crystal did what and your lives too and would love to see more psychic related stuff and still love honest vocal coach :) xxx

@adriend3502 - 12.08.2024 03:10

Notice how similar all these negative comments are! A lot of them formulate sentences the same way. My impression is that one person is behind all these spiteful comments. Much love, Georgina❤

@piecebypiece5081 - 12.08.2024 04:57

I will miss this house. I love the garden and the conservatory. Best of luck with the move!

@Itsaramis13 - 12.08.2024 07:22

Jesus loves you and he's waiting for you. ❤

@titzalinabumscrew2511 - 12.08.2024 12:18

Anyone who thinks they have the right to judge their move or any of their choices including liz’s , if your not in their life , shut your fucking mouth . Georgina is the sweetest person and they’re all adults .

@bearnecessity3242 - 12.08.2024 13:39

Here's the thing with trolls, they need attention, they need feeding. They hate to be ignored. They are easy to deal with, you just ignore and block. I suspect you might have 1 individual who is targetting you from multiple accounts, seen a few comments from accounts set up only hours before. Don't give them any air. They soon shrivel up

@frentbow - 13.08.2024 02:36

hi there just want to wish you luck on your new journey and through this change, its alot. i;m glad you said about things not being as you may imagined bcos i can relate my life hasn['t turned out at all like i thought and is still full of twists and turns. take it easy , you;ll get thrugh it.

@user-ur3io8jq3r - 14.08.2024 12:37

Bullying an elderly woman into leaving their home is not a good look.

@MitchellBurns-t5c - 14.08.2024 19:53

Disgusting behaviour and ill thought through

@Allegra11 - 15.08.2024 00:54

This sounds a bit weird! Shouldn't you be moving into the caravan? An older lady sleeping in a caravan in her garden isn't right at all no matter how you look at it
