Part 1 - Winged Warrior I (Windows)

Part 1 - Winged Warrior I (Windows)


6 лет назад

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@davidflyswag - 15.10.2017 02:58


@meadowlarkgreen - 15.10.2017 08:46

This is relaxing to watch. The cute music and overall simplicity give me a nostalgic feeling. I like it.

@mariox901 - 15.10.2017 10:08

this reminds of one of those old windows rpgs i used to play a long time ago.

@sameash3153 - 06.03.2018 10:11

Love this game

@kitzure - 09.06.2018 04:16

its windows 3.1 (maybe?)

@dukey03 - 01.05.2020 18:42

Omg I used to play this game all the time as a kid!! I had no idea it had a following of any kind! I found it on some freeware website haha

@weirdo333mm3 - 02.11.2020 22:24

Great game. I purchased it 3 days ago and beat in less 1.5 hours. Wish it lasted longer...

@terje2005 - 08.07.2021 23:53

Just played the original dos version, which is also on the Dataware website. Is is a lot shorther, but follows the same basic story.

@_Brennus - 27.09.2022 03:18

I used to play this game in computer class in high school back in like 2003. And the teacher caught me and I got in trouble.

@Tunade5 - 22.04.2023 06:31

This game series was my introduction into RPG games. Long before my family got a ps1, my brother would scope out games on the AOL store and download them via dialup. And one of those games was Winged Warrior. He would play it for a bit and then after getting bored or when it was time take a break, he would get off and I would take over and just try to play based on what I saw him do from looking over his shoulder, and I was hooked.

Looking back at it now, it was a bare bones RPG game series compared to what was out there at the time, but it was simple enough to keep me engaged and completing each game with my brother looking over my shoulder and cheering me on. Fast forward a few years later, my family finally gets an ps1 and the first game I get for myself is a game similar to Winged Warrior: Final Fantasy 9, and the rest is history.

I still play RPGs with whatever grabs my eye, and it’s all thanks to Winged Warrior for introducing me to a new type of game that I would probably never think of getting into later in life.

@asdfghjkl2261 - 18.04.2024 20:36

I remember this :)
