Streets Won't Forget Phillipe Coutinho..

Streets Won't Forget Phillipe Coutinho..

F10K Productions

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@ajsisisozlxnnxx - 24.07.2024 00:12

What he went to do in Barcelona was for him to be in the team that today, if it weren't for that trip to Barcelona, he would be one of the best in the world

@verity2818 - 26.07.2024 18:28

Where did you get your clips from?

@footballmania3500 - 26.07.2024 18:29

Impressive work ❤

@MalanAmah - 27.07.2024 12:01

Back in the day, My teammates used to call me Coutinho. I watched the whole video with a smile ❤.

@JezzaLynch - 28.07.2024 22:48

Great vid you just got a new subscriber

@iwarisodaniel9880 - 29.07.2024 02:22

The boy with the magic in his feet

@essengomakassi5538 - 29.07.2024 16:39

Aussi talentueux que Neymar. Le gars a de l'or dans les pieds, mais ses STUPIDES entraîneurs le font jouer Milieu Défensif, Milieu Central... 😩🤷‍♂️

@ikghaize7273 - 31.07.2024 18:14

Some players said messi didn't train or prepare as much as the other players, but on the pitch, he would outperform everyone. I think that rubbed off badly for some players like coutinho and dembele. You could even say neymar because a lot of people said psg neymar didn't train/prepare much either.

@biki7192 - 02.08.2024 13:30

Back in the day when pl used to have magicians like hazard, ozil, coutinho, fabregas, rosicky, sanchez and many more

@demarcusnephews947 - 03.08.2024 01:41

Barcelona only for older players

@dreact2749 - 03.08.2024 14:37

The street😭

@youtubeattacker - 05.08.2024 03:06

An unsung hero for Liverpool like Hazard. Gave their best to the club and proceed for a massive cashout to boost the club further financially. Only Coutinho proceed to crush Barca further and indirectly contribute to Liverpool CL win. Then move to Bayern to win himself one CL too. What a career he had.

@adil1690 - 07.08.2024 20:31

Cut in on right foot R1+O

@pierregeopardi1481 - 10.08.2024 16:34

Coutinho should have been used like Iniesta and not Neymar.

@beamratiphong - 16.08.2024 03:02


@jjhbk5832 - 17.08.2024 06:55

the Premier league has not seen this type of brilliance in a very long time

@perfectcell1157 - 20.08.2024 01:15

as a Bayern fan I really
wish we had bought him 😢

@johncambridge7181 - 22.08.2024 07:53

If you have followed coutinho from the beginning you would notice there were 2 versions of coutinho. The pass first and later he changed to shoot from distance first . Both were brilliant but for me personally I like the pass first coutinho. His passing combined with the Brazilian flair in the final third was joy to watch. During that time his decision making was on point .

@lrdnalrd - 22.08.2024 17:24

But Liverpool was not enough for him....😢

@kimotherapy5 - 25.08.2024 18:15

as a liverpool fan, watching coutinho develop was a thing of beauty. you always can count on him to make the pass that you expect in your head to split the defence. just like a fifa game so you can have that 1v1 opportunity with the keeper. sad that he left but liverpool went to achieve greater things as a whole.

@Bassieboy123 - 28.08.2024 00:48

If only this guy stayed at liverpool...

@rankmemaybe - 30.08.2024 01:20

His highlight reel makes him look Hazard or Neymar-esque. That's because at one point he was just as good! Hazard lacked motivation, Neymar lacked ambition & Coutinho lacked confidence. Any of them could've easily stood alongside the two greats.

@mpd752 - 03.09.2024 02:48

Name of the first song ?

@2JZilla342 - 06.09.2024 00:05

already forgotten.

@thehoodieguy1341 - 08.09.2024 16:21

Be honest tho we all loved Liverpool Coutinho he rly was something else. I miss his iconic shots outside the box.

@mbofftheradar - 08.09.2024 20:53

People look at Coutinho with rose-tinted glasses and get angry when I say with a straight face that Eden Hazard is a better dribbler and better one man team than Coutinho 🤦‍♂️

@Cold_Diggerz - 08.09.2024 21:14

…Barça’s financial department neither

@majesty1842 - 09.09.2024 16:56

We already forgot him. Overrated one-dimensional player

@majesty1842 - 09.09.2024 16:57

We already forgot

@solomonoshinde1258 - 10.09.2024 11:13

Could easily have been the next closest thing to Messi.
What a player.

@5am-h2h - 10.09.2024 20:57

Killer from the left of the area !!!

@mikaeltv4361 - 11.09.2024 08:53

its not simply dribble, thats we called progressive dribble leading to goal. he has so much talent, but just 1 mistake ruined his career.

@NHVibe - 12.09.2024 14:47

Excellent editing🙌
The more the video went up, the better the Type Beats get better!🎶
Which site do you find the Full Match from?🤔

@n0body550 - 12.09.2024 16:31

He’s still an Aston Villa player, they just keep loaning him out

@floydtheboy1948 - 14.09.2024 07:05

Loved philippe as a player, also met him once in a bar in Liverpool with the other Spanish and South American players, he was a really nice guy and posed for a photo with me. Legend and was gutted when he left us

@DualCannons - 20.09.2024 06:14

He is not bad. But he was one of the most overrated players of his era. Liverpool fans were atrocious during this period because of him. Couldn’t lace the boots of Özil, De Bruyne, Silva. but they wanted to put him in the same convo. Ridiculous.

@olorunlekebabatunde - 25.09.2024 19:36

He's not been replaced up to this day

@ketanmohide306 - 26.09.2024 11:56

I think the brazilian flair has died after his generation of brazilian footballers.

@pedrolima1319 - 06.10.2024 16:36

Kloop said it once: Coutinho is the closest thing as Del Piero, when its avout to be on the left side of the field and them hit the ball to the goal

@abrahamehmanuel2222 - 14.10.2024 20:11

Imagine him and Thiago dominating this Liverpool midfield. They already did it in Bayern but i would’ve loved to watch them in my team

@LKM-e8q - 22.10.2024 21:34

when he was world class

@TPR723 - 24.10.2024 06:12

He was HIM😢

@alexandervanwinsen8124 - 04.11.2024 12:05


@tinytinsley - 10.11.2024 19:24

Where do you get your clips

@kahlillewis5756 - 24.11.2024 04:37

I don’t think he failed at Barca I think Barca failed him, he was never a 30 goal a season guy & he played the same role as Messi is was never going to work. I was never tricked this man is still a genius & deserves respect for sure.

@youcefar31 - 24.11.2024 15:34

Im Barça fan, but the truth is that Barcelona has destroyed him

@FRAZZ2017 - 19.12.2024 08:52

Just imagine liverpool have him salah firmino mane VVD and alli and Fabino and hendo matip trent and robo. U not stoping that team

@WikasAhyzina - 26.12.2024 02:33


@whitecross_fc - 29.12.2024 05:18

Its such a shame he left Liverpool, he was the captain and he could've still been playing for Liverpool if he stayed with 100+ goals and trophies
