The kayak capsized because it was spelled backwards
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ОтветитьYou forgot the boat from gorillaz music video on melancholy hill
ОтветитьI hope they win
ОтветитьElf 🤮🤮🤮
ОтветитьDid he just throw that boat into the toilet?
Ответить6:18 am i the only one who heard port-teen eghty five😅
ОтветитьIf you have a elf on the shelf play Roblox with him 🎉😂
ОтветитьThe Hogwarts Express is a train
Ответитьalso what happenn tho 22 vile
ОтветитьAircraft carrier
ОтветитьThird class passengers had to be tested for any sickness they might carry before they could travel abroad. The separation between classes was partly because of health and safety reasons. Partly because the more you pay, the nicer your accommodations will be. You get what you pay for. Third class accommodations were actually pretty banger. More than you might think. Titanic was the most luxurious of the luxurious even for third class
ОтветитьYou have any idea how much Titanic would list if she had all those lifeboats? Not to mention this was during the Industrial Revolution where everyone and their Guinea pig were building boats. It’s was literally a highway on the corse Titanic took with other boats that will always be nearby. So you don’t need a mass evacuation. You just need to transfer your passengers to another boat that 99% of the time will be close by
Honestly what really took Titanic down was cold water mirages. They’re the reason why they thought the ice berg was further than it actually was. Why the Lusitania couldn’t understand the flares and morse code Titanic was sending out. Titanic took almost 3 hours to sink. If it weren’t for the confusion from the cold water mirages, Titanic wouldn’t hit the ice berg in the first place. And even if she did, cold water mirages would have made it hard to get a flare or any single out. Or even be able to tell how far away Titanic was
Who’s watching this in 2025
ОтветитьThe red lion boat is from windwaker. Not twilight princess!
ОтветитьNow the Destiny's Bounty fly's
ОтветитьEd is snow protector from series 22
ОтветитьPeRrY tHe PlAtYpUs
Ответитьno ssan 😞
Ответитьthe ss American star
ОтветитьTo make a Lego boat float just make sure there's air trapped inside and that the boat has its center of gravity low and in the middle
ОтветитьCaptain Edward is the name of the captain of the titanic
Ответить@TheB3 We hit 100K, you know what that means.
ОтветитьI love Lego Titanic. If you buy another Lego Titanic set, can you please send me it?😊
Ответить5:??? Don’t play with my feelings like that 22 was amazing
ОтветитьYour favourite coordinates is B3
Ответитьnow he is hinning
ОтветитьIs that emmet?
ОтветитьI have the same mini thing!
ОтветитьThe name of the guy was same like edward smith💀
ОтветитьAlso got the piggy ship from Angry Birds
ОтветитьWhat about the Santa Maria
ОтветитьPut the ship into the void in subnautica
ОтветитьRip the pirates ship
ОтветитьCan you please stop talking why you’re so boring no debris, talking, talking, talking talking talking