The advantage from the start is so true… when I was starting out with no money. My friend wanted to go buy a new car… my friend’s parents were paying 50k for his. I kept my old car.
ОтветитьAll my neighbors have pools, remodel their houses, etc. Not sure if they're in massive debt or just loaded
ОтветитьAs the old saying goes; "They wear their wealth on their sleeve"!
Don't buy into it...They're all fake and broke! At one point all that credit card debt will come too a head!
Living simple today make for an easier life later when you have no debt and money to enjoy!
I always show my bf my friend's vacation instagram posts to pressure him to plan nicer things for us for our own vacations! Sometimes comparison is necessary.
ОтветитьBecause behind the facade most of them are drowning in debt.
ОтветитьI bought a house 3 years ago and plan on paying it off in 2 years, to avoid the huge jump in interest rates. I make 100K, save like crazy and invest. No CC debt, no car payment, sell stuff from the trash. I raise 2 kids alone since 2013 (no help from anyone) and spend on them, within limits. I live like a third world rat and don't give a rat's a** what people think, since most of them are broke and make themselves that way.
ОтветитьNo car no debt money magically appears in your pocket
ОтветитьI think it can be healthy to compare but the comparison should be balance sheet to balance sheet. When you compare based on appearances and home ownership etc., youre likely going to get depressed but when you take a look at the insane debt others are carrying compared to yourself, then all becomes clear
ОтветитьI just assume everyone is in massive debt. Ahh you have a brand new 100k truck, that sucks for you, my 8 year old truck I actually use was cash.🎉
ОтветитьIts easy, especially when you have friends where you know their situation well. When people who make less money than you have a way nicer car, way bigger house, and go out every night. They are in debt, using credit cards at clubs/restaurants, crazy mortgages, have a car payment instead of cash buying. Some people are willing to destroy their future to impress a couple randoms in the short term.
You should not compare yourself to others, but if you do, remeber having older and less impressive stuff means you have more money and less debt (in 95% of scenerios.) Lots of people make themsevles poor to have the appearance of money (humans are stupid and care about social perceptions above true security, that's just how it is.)
Money isn't everything. I'm fairly well off financially because i don't have kids to pay for, but i regard anyone who does have kids as richer than me.
ОтветитьI just realized that the person with the nice car has a 1000 dollar car note.
ОтветитьLiving a luxurious life on credit is not wealth.
ОтветитьHow is it unfair that someone if boten into a good situation? That just means someone in there family line wanted their future family to do well.
I’m not rich or wealthy by any means but I’m saving up for my daughter to be well in her future.
I don't feel this way I make my own future the way I plan and have no interest in showing off or one up on others.
ОтветитьComparison is the thief of joy
ОтветитьMe making 205k salary driving a 3k truck, saving 80-90% of my salary in investments and looking at people driving Luxury cars and thinking, you got to hold the line bud, it will pay off at the end.
ОтветитьWe are not comparing the finacial status, we are comparing status symbols.
I‘m good having a 2009 car, an old house without all the fancy gadgets.
Don’t spend your time keeping up,with the Jones’. My advice, invest your money and when you are in your 50’s the Jones’ will be keeping up with you…
ОтветитьI recall talking to a fork lift driver on a job I was in not too long ago. He had an $80,000 electric pickup truck. Before this job he had been working minimim wage jobs for years. I know he didn't pay cash. It boggles my mind the crazy things people do.
ОтветитьEveryone isnt doing better than you its that they're better at faking it
ОтветитьKeeping up with the Jones is no bueno. Social media doesn't help.
ОтветитьHow come not one person in the comments said. Man there is some people who have tons of Shizz. And can afford it and are happy
Why is there the negative notion of you have nice things you’re “piss poor internally”. .
I’m rich. I have tons of nice things. And I have zero debt and I have millions in the bank. Yes I know how to manage money and I wear expensive clothes. Drive expensive cars. Go to expensive restaurants. Go on expensive vacations. Some people have money….
Thanks God I compare not so much anymore but my wife. Then she asks me: why do you think they can afford this? My answer is often: they don't.
We earn the 2,5x of the average family income and with three kids and the age of 37 we have a net worth of over 700k. For sure don't look like what you might think.
Next door millionaire is a real thing. But it's hard to keep that mindset sometimes. Buy assets instead of fancy cars.
“The things you own end up owning you.” —Tyler Durden
ОтветитьMy whole 20s I hit the grind, with no parents to help I constantly felt like doom was right behind me if I didn’t penny pinch and work obscene hours. Now in my 30s I’m making a quarter mil a year, have no debt, own my home and cars. All of this makes me want to celebrate hard earned success, but what I’m finding is my friends who were supportive when I was poor, now resent me lol.
ОтветитьIt is because you are “trying to keep up”.
Also, a lot of people live on borrowed money.
It is stupid to borrow money to buy a car. Buy perishable items only with your own money. Only something like a house, business or education is worth borrowing for.
Credit cards are evil.
As I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized that most of society is for show and rarely do people genuinely live within their means. I know for a fact that I am making either the most or tied for the most in my friend group, and yet I see them all traveling and buying nice homes / cars. It doesn’t bother me. I try by best to live simply and invest in myself an my business. I will send my college age sister $100 every time our school wins a football game so that her and her friends can go out and enjoy their time in college. That’s about my biggest discretionary expense lol.
I have clients who are making 300-500k and are saddled with debt. Sure they drive Mercedes and live in a posh neighborhood but they are my parents age and are still living off of inheritance from their parents. Seeing things like this really gives me an icky feeling and solidifies my thoughts on just living comfortably.
I’ve also deleted social media from my phone and will only check things maybe once a week from my desktop. I do this so that it’s an annoying chore rather than a time suck. It has been the best decision I’ve made as an adult. All that matters to me is myself and those who are close enough to talk regularly.
Whatever you do. Just don’t get paid flat rate.
ОтветитьThis is a self filtering video
ОтветитьThe only time I felt somewhat that way was in the 2005 to 2007 era, just before the bubble burst and so many CLOWNS re money got sent back toward zero.
ОтветитьI really appreciated the point about people being in different stages in life and how even a couple years can make a big difference. And also the point about needing to define what is enough for yourself and learning to be content with it. Great advice!
ОтветитьI look at it as some people have more debt than me.
ОтветитьI mean im sitting in my house with everything but my mortage paid off. I feel okay. I got a retirement and a work beater and a fun car. Vacations. Idk. I still feel like im falling behind. Lmao
ОтветитьI live in a reasonably affluent area. I would say it is true that most families i see in our social circles are doing better financially than us. I can already rule out that they are in massive debt. Why, because a lifestyle that involves massive debt is not sustainable and you would see visual signs of cracking so to speak. Instead their lifestyle continues to rise over time. I think the reasons are usuallty 1) breadwinner holds some kind of executive position or owns a successful business, 2) they are benefitting from a large inheritance, or 3) both spouses make an above average salary. The least likely reason is that they are living above their means
ОтветитьEveryone has a problem or two, or more.
Those folks that appear to live a "perfect" life typically have the worst skeletons in the closet.
I lasted 2 minutes
ОтветитьMy coworkers go on lavish tropical vacations, get their nails and hair done every other week, get tattoos, have luxury cars, but they know me and my 2010 Mercury Milan base model got more money than them, lol. I talked with one of them about it, and they said my net worth (70k) is near the amount of student loan debt they have. They say I should be having more fun with life, I let them know about 60k is "untouchable" money (emergency fund, retirement, savings for a house), 6k is in an account that I relegate to recurring payments (rent, utilities, gas, insurance, phone bill, groceries), and only 4k is in actual fun money.
ОтветитьI get being jealous of when people get help from their parents, however there are some people, especially fathers, that work hard just so they can take care of their family. Competition and empire building is just engrained into some people.
ОтветитьFake money, baby! C R E D I T . They spend money they do NOT have but they WILL HAVE to pay back. With huge Interest that's why Banks lend them Money, it is their business. Listen at Dave Ramsey shows: an endless strain of people crying and suffering because of DEBT. Eating out , going on vacation, buying EXPENSIVE cars. Which get repossessed.
ОтветитьVery well done.... we are glad we found your channel. Looking average and building wealth is really fun. We never look to "level up". We simply look to win the game when others are still playing.
ОтветитьIt’s called “Keeping Up With The Jone’s”. Been around forever
ОтветитьJust use your credit card people in order to be ahead or catch up
ОтветитьGotta be grateful for what you have.
ОтветитьThis video offers a great perspective! It’s a good reminder to stop comparing myself to others and focus on my own values and what “enough” means for me. Thank you!
ОтветитьI hate the way you speak. The vocal fry, the up talk 🤮
ОтветитьDoes it seem like everyone have more money than you? It definitely feels like it sometimes!